[Update on the Feast of Saint Albert the Great, November 15, 2024: I was working on yet another commentary about harmful effects of the coronasam "vaccines" when the news that former and future president Donald John Trump had nominated Robert Francis Kennedy, Jr., to be the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services. This news has delighted many opponents of the coronascam jabs.
[As prophetically correct and as a courageous as Robert Francis Kennedy, Jr., has been about vaccines in general and the coronascam poisoned shots in particular, he is unqualified to serve in the position for which he has been nominated as the Department of Health and Human Services as he has stated that he supports the chemical and surgical execution of children up to and including the day of birth. Oh, yes, there have been times when he has been forced to back away from supporting baby-slaughtering up to the day of birth, but one who is generally supportive of baby-killing and utterly confused about the binding precepts of the Divine and Natural Laws is unfit to head a massive, sprawling Federal department that issues regulations and directives concerning both contraception and the surgical killing of children. Kennedy has even said that he supports full access to the human pesticide, the abortion pill, which received approval from a subsidiary of the Department of Health and Human Services. the United States Food and Drug Administration on September 14, 2000, and was not reversed by either George Walker Bush nor by Donald John Trump.
[As important as the issues of vaccines, food safety, and taming the behemoth known as Big Pharma are, the inviolability of innocent human life trumps them all.
[While I thought that Robert Francis Kennedy, Jr., might be appointed to a role that supervises the specific issues with which he has been involved. his nomination to Secretary of Health and Services shows yet again that President-elect Trump does not consider support for the nonexistent right to "choose" to kill a baby as anything other than a political issue to be "finessed," not as the overriding moral issue of our day.
[Although I will deal with this all more fully in the commentary upon which I have been working, readers who are interested might want to read the following article from sixteen months ago: Remember, Robert Francis Kennedy, Jr., That You Have A Soul.
A reader was kind enough to alert me to a recent address given by the conciliar “archbishop” of Sydney, Australia. “Archbishop” Anthony Fisher used his address to term the immutable Catholic doctrine that the Mosaic Covenant was superseded by the New and Eternal Covenant that Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ instituted at the Last Supper and ratified by the shedding of every single drop of His Most Precious Blood during His Passion and Death on Good Friday as the “supersessionist heresy.” There is nothing new in this statement as it has become pretty standard conciliar orthodoxy.
It appears to be that Fisher himself is wearing the same heretical shoes as Jorge Mario Bergoglio.
The next original commentary should appear tomorrow or on Saturday.
Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us.
Saint Josaphat Kuncewicz, pray for us.