Venite Adoremus


Venite Adoremus!

Our Saviour has been born for us of the Blessed Virgin Mary at Midnight in piercing cold. Venite Adoremus!

Surrounded by the host of Heavenly angels, the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity Who was made Man in His Most Blessed Mother's Virginal and Immaculate Womb by the power of the Third Person of the Blessed Trinity, God the Holy Ghost, at the Annunciation nine months before is born for us this night. The long awaited Messiah comes as a helpless Infant, born in anonymity, poverty and humility. Bright radiant beams shine forth from His Holy Face, a Face that would be marred beyond all recognition by our sins as He walked on the Via Dolorosa on Good Friday to redeem us on the wood of the Holy Cross and thus make possible for us eternal life in Heaven in the glory of the Beatific Vision of God the Father, Himself, the God the Son, and God the Holy Ghost.

Those bright beams that shone forth from the Newborn Baby Jesus this morning are meant to shine forth from our own souls as we grow in the graces that He won for us on the wood of the Holy Cross and that flow into our hearts and souls through the loving hands of Our Lady, she who is the Mediatrix of All Graces. There is no Holy Mass, where Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ is born under the appearances of bread and wine every time a true bishop or a true priest utters the terrible words of Consecration, without this holy night. Just as Our Lord obeyed His Heavenly Father to become Man, so does He obey mere men when they, whose immortal souls have been conformed to His Priesthood and Victimhood, utter the words of Consecration over the mere elements of this earth, making Him Incarnate to feed our bodies and souls unto eternal life.

There is no regeneration of souls in the Baptismal font or in the Sacred Tribunal of Penance without this holy night.

There is no hope for mankind without this holy night.

There is, as the first Pope, Saint Peter, teaches us, no "salvation in any other. For there is no other name under heaven given to men, whereby we must be saved." (Acts 4: 12.) Only Christ the King is God. None other. Catholicism is the one and only foundation of personal and social order. None other.

We gather around Our Lady, out of whose Virginal and Immaculate Womb the Newborn Babe passed as light through crystal this morning, and her Most Chaste Spouse, Good Saint Joseph, to adore Our Saviour, the very Lamb of God Who takest away the sins of the world, including yours and, most especially, mine!

May the Joyful Mysteries we continue to pray during this Octave of Christmas help us to be ever thankful for the great, incomparable gift that Our Lady gave to us this night as she brought forth her Divine Son so that He, Who stretched out His holy arms in the Crib this night, could stretch out this holy arms on the wood of the Cross to embrace all men to lift them up to the Heavenly Father in Spirit and in Truth.

On behalf of my wife Sharon and our daughter Lucy, I wish each of you a most Blessed and Joyous Christmas. This greeting is extended to all who access this site. No matter the difficulties of the present moment as false ecclesiastical officials deny the Sacred Rights of the Social Reign of Christ the King and esteem the symbols of false religions that are hideous and loathsome in His sight, the peace of Christ the King that He has entrusted to the Immaculate Heart of His Most Blessed Mother is something that a believing Catholic must will for everyone, praying fervently for all whom God's Holy Providence has placed in his path over the years, including those, of course, from whom various events have estranged us.

May each of us, united to the Merciful Heart of the Divine Redeemer that was formed out of us and is united yet to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, help us to pray for each other as we pray for the day with all Catholics will speak with one voce (una voce) and will think with but one mind, that of the Catholic Church, she who teaches the unchanging truths of the Immutable Triune God.

In addition, to the new article for this day, Christmas Day 2015, the following articles are reflections that have been written over the years. "Born to Give Birth to Us All "is a variation of a "homily" I wrote for a conciliar "bishop" twenty-six years ago and has gone through various redactions in The Wanderer, the printed pages of Christ or Chaos and on this website. "The Christ and His Mass" was written nine years ago. This article was written originally 2007. Each of the reflections repeat similar themes, which is why I decided that any effort of mine to write a new article would produce something similar to these three. None of my own poor articles, however, compares to the work of gifted authors who probe the depths of the Sacred Mysteries. Even none of the work of such gifted authors, though, captures the inexpressible joy and peace and glory of his holy night and season. That can be done only in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.

I would be remiss if I closed this update without thanking the few good souls who sent us Christmas cards and non-tax-deductible financial gifts. Although the numbers of those who support the work of this site is smaller than it has ever been, we remain very grateful to all those who donated in the past and to those who continue to send us what their means permit when they are able to do so. We can only repay you with our poor prayers every day without fail.

Venite Adoremus!

A blessed Christmas to you.

Born to Give Birth to Us All

The conception and birth of a child changes the life of his parents forever. The death of a husband or a wife ends the sacramental bond of Holy Matrimony. Neither the death of a parent or his child ends the bonds between them that were forged at the moment of the child's conception. A parent has the solemn obligation to help his child get home to Heaven from the first moment he is aware of the child's existence in his mother's womb.

The Christ and His Mass

The commemoration of the Nativity of Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ as a helpless Babe in Bethlehem today, December 25, should fill each and every Catholic with inexpressible joy.

Make Haste, The Lord Is Nigh

As it was not possible to complete a brief article linking the barbarous merchants of evil in the world with Jorge Mario Bergoglio's recent address to the conciliar curia, an institution he despises and is seeking to "restructure" in such a way as to devolve as many of its functions as possible to the "episcopal" revolutionaries at the archdiocesan and diocesan levels, I am offering a republished article on the coming Feast of the Nativity of Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. The original article will appear on Friday, December 26, 2014, the Feast of Saint Stephen the Protomartyr within the Octave of Christmas.

Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ is nigh today. He comes to us in Midnight in piercing cold in Bethlehem. Have we prepared to "make haste," that is, to flee from the world and its false attractions and promises and "saviours" to welcome Him in our hearts and souls by means of Holy Communion? Have we asked His Most Blessed Mother, Who brought Him forth miraculously in the cave when there was no room for Him in the inn, to help us to make room for Him in the "inns" of our hearts and souls. Have we asked the Patron of the Universal Church and the Protector of the Faithful, Good Saint Joseph, to protect and to guide us as we seek out His Divine foster-Son as He is born for us on Altars of Sacrifice in the Catholic catacombs? Are we prepared to make this day, Christmas Eve, the Vigil of Christmas, one final day of penance as we abstain from the eating of meat and as we have but one full meal? Are we prepared to celebrate this Christmas with joy and with thanksgiving as the Word Who was made Flesh in Our Lady's Virginal and Immaculate Womb by the power of God the Holy Ghost beckons us to adore Him in His Real Presence day in and day out?

Make haste, the Lord is night. Midnight is coming. Are we ready? Make haste. Prepare well. Our Saviour is to be born for us!

Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us.

Saint Joseph, pray for us.

Dominus Deus et Deus Meus

Today is the Transferred Feast of Saint Thomas the Apostle. Saint Thomas did not believe that Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ had risen from the dead on Easter Sunday. Our Lord told the doubting Apostle to press his finger into His nail marks and to press his hand into His wounded side. Saint Thomas believed. Along with the other Apostles, including the one who replaced Judas Iscariot, Saint Matthias, Saint Thomas became a bold proclaimer of the Catholic Faith, going to India, where he sacrificed his life for the Holy Faith.

Saint Thomas the Apostle touched the flesh of the Risen Saviour with his own hands. He then went on to touch the Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of that same Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ with his own priestly hands as he uttered the words at Holy Mass that made the Messias incarnate under the appearances of bread and wine. The very words Saint Thomas uttered after he had touched Our Lord on Low Sunday, Dominus meus et Deus meus, are what we pray every time a true priest utters these words at Holy Mass: "Hoc Est Enim Corpus Meum."

As we prepare the celebration of Christmas Day two days from now, we should ask Saint Thomas to help us reverence Our Lord in His Real Presence with greater fervor as we grow stronger in the Faith with every passing day, consecrated as we are to Our Lord through the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary. Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us.

Saint Thomas the Apostle, pray for us.

Saint Frances Xavier Cabrini, pray for us.

Mother Cabrini, Don't Be A Meanie

Although today is the transferred Feast of Saint Thomas the Apostle in most fully Catholic venues, I am republishing a brief reflection on the saintly missionary work of Saint Frances Xavier Cabrini, who, being a naturalized citizen of the United States of America, is the only citizen of this country to be canonized by a true pope far. It was not possible to re-format this reflection in time for publication yesterday, the Feast of Saint Frances Xavier Cabrini, given the demands of duties of state and efforts to finalize my forthcoming and sure-to-be blockbuster selling book.

A reflection on the life of Saint Thomas the Apostle, whose transferred feast is observed today in those traditional venues that celebrated the feast of Mother Cabrini yesterday, will be republished shortly. There should be a new article or two posted by tomorrow morning, the Vigil of Christmas.

Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us.

Saint Frances Xavier Cabrini, pray for us.

Saint Thomas the Apostle, pray for us.

Jorge the Juvenile Delinquent

Perhaps an important key to understanding the increasingly bizarre, out-of-control behavior being exhibited by Jorge Mario Bergoglio as he turned seventy-eight years of age on Wednesday, December 17, 2014, Ember Wednesday in Advent, is that he, despite being two years shy of his eightieth birthday, is simply a juvenile delinquent whose charade as "Pope Francis" has permitted him to be unfettered from the constraints that had been imposed upon by various superiors prior to his election on We

Giving Aid and Comfort to Murderers, part two

This article, which was posted well after Midnight this morning, has been revised and expanded in two places.

The Catholic Church teaches us that Communism, although it is the most overtly violent, vicious result of the overthrow of the Social Reign of Christ the King by the Protestant Revolution that was institutionalized subsequent by the collective forces of naturalism that can be termed as Judeo-Masonry, is an evil that must be opposed and that, as noted in part one of this two-part commentary, no one can aid in any way whatsoever. It is impossible to produce "peace" by coming to the rescue of murderous regimes based on Marxism-Leninism just as it is impossible for there to be true peace and social order in nations that celebrate licentiousness in the name of "freedom" and "human rights" while imposing a "soft totalitarianism" that institutes more subtle and/or invisible forms of violence and state control.

Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us.

Giving Aid and Comfort to Murderers, part one

Obama/Soetoro decides to restore full diplomatic relations with the Communist murderers of Cuba.

Guess who played an important role in effecting this "reconciliation"?

That's right, Jorge Mario Bergoglio, a murderer of souls.

Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us.

From Luther to Sanger to Ferguson

This is one of those "root causes" commentaries that is not for those who are looking for sound bites as the roots of what caused the rioting in Ferugson, Missouri, three weeks ago now can be traced back to Father Martin Luther, O.S.A., and from down to the days of Margaret Sanger, who sought to eliminate and then control the population of black Americans by means of "birth control." Revolutions against the Divine Positive Law and the Natural Law wind up pitting men against each other after they have been enabled to make more war upon God than would otherwise have been the case by means of their fallen human nature.

It's back to Jorge tomorrow, Ember Wednesday, and that is a penance in and of itself.

Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us.

Saint Joseph, pray for us.

Saint Eusebius, pray for us.


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