Behold the Universal Wreckage of the Conciliar Revolution

Although today's article was going to discuss the naming of a piazza in Rome after Martin Luther, time necessitated that the material written on that subject thus far be placed into the next original article on this site. The current article, though days in development is thus far shorter than was to have been the case. Then again, how many times is it necessary to document the fact that Jorge Mario Bergoglio and his spiritual, doctrinal, liturgical, moral and pastoral wrecking crew are agents of the adversary?

Behold! We are eyewitnesses to the Great Apostasy. We need to keep very close to Our Lady, especially by means of her Most Holy Rosary.

A revised reflection on the life of Saint Rose of Lima, a Third Order Dominican, will be published later today, Sunday, August 30, 2015, the Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost and the Commemorations of Saint Rose of Lima and of Saints Felix and Adauctus.

Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us.

Saint Rose of Lima, pray for us.

Oh, yes, as this page was created on Friday evening, August 28, 2015, the Feast of Saint Augustine of Hippo and the Commemoration of Saint Hermes, I forgot that it would be published below yesterday's revised article for the Feast of the Beheading of Saint John the Baptist. It is thus being posted under a slightly different title in order to place it on top of this home page, which is just how the Drupal software program works even though I have no comprehension as to why this is the case.

Revised: Dancing to the Tune of Herod and Herodias

With various computer glitches leading the way, the revisions to this article made it impossible for the next original article to be completed for posting today. I do hope to complete it by late today. Events, including more car breakdowns, keep getting in the way as the news items keep piling up!

A blessed Feast of the Beheading of Saint John the Baptist to you all.

Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us.

Saint John the Baptist, pray for us.

Saint Sabina, pray for us.

Behold the Sprawling Wreckage of The Conciliar Revolution

Although today's article was going to discuss the naming of a piazza in Rome after Martin Luther, time necessitated that the material written on that subject thus far be placed into the next original article on this site. The current article, though days in development is thus far shorter than was to have been the case. Then again, how many times is it necessary to document the fact that Jorge Mario Bergoglio and his spiritual, doctrinal, liturgical, moral and pastoral wrecking crew are agents of the adversary?

Behold! We are eyewitnesses to the Great Apostasy. We need to keep very close to Our Lady, especially by means of her Most Holy Rosary.

A revised reflection on the life of Saint Rose of Lima, a Third Order Dominican, will be published later today, Sunday, August 30, 2015, the Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost and the Commemorations of Saint Rose of Lima and of Saints Felix and Adauctus.

Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us.

Saint Rose of Lima, pray for us.

Saints Felix and Adauctus, pray for us.

The 1990s Show That Won't End

The date and the time on this home page reflects only the moment at which a new page was created and “saved” for editing, not the time of its publication.

This article, which is published at around 2:00 a.m. on Wednesday, August 26, 2015, the Feast of Pope Saint Zephrinus, focuses on one Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton. To say that she has a problem with truth is sort of like saying that Jorge Mario Bergoglio has a problem with the defined teaching of the Catholic Church.

The next article on this site will be yet another defense of Our Lady. The two articles thereafter will deal, respectively, with Jorge and a man from whom he draws such inspiration, Martin Luther. The naturalists from the organized crime family of the false opposite of the “right” will come in for some attention early next week regarding the comments some of them of made about baby-killing and Planned Barrenhood.

Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us.

Pope Saint Zephrinus, pray for us.

Revised: From His Mother's Knee

Today is the Feast of Saint Louis IX, King of France, that great exemplar of the Social Reign of Christ the King. Saint Louis was taught by his holy mother, Blessed Blanche of Castile, to prefer death rather to commit a deliberate Mortal Sin. He heard two Masses a day and was a member of the Third Order of Saint Francis, whose patron saint he remains to this day. Saint Louis strove to rule according to the Mind of Christ the King as He had deposited It exclusively in the Catholic Church, recognizing that he, Louis IX, would have to answer to Christ the King at the moment of his own Particular Judgment for how he ruled his subjects. His letter to his son Philip is a succinct summary of the principles of Catholic Social Teaching. It is a model for how everyone in public life should conduct himself in order to please Christ the King as the devoted client of Mary our Immaculate Queen. Vivat Christus Rex! Immaculate Heart of Mary, triumph soon.

Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us.

Saint Louis IX, pray for us.

The next original article should appear on this site later today, probably in the latter part of the afternoon. As a good deal of yesterday afternoon was spent in a car that had ceased to function yet again, although the man at whose shop the car was repaired five weeks ago now drove forty miles with one of his employees to take it back with him for further inspection, promising to stand behind his work. I was astounded at the honesty. Then again, the man is a Catholic who prays his Rosary every day.

Giving New Meaning to the So-Called New Evangelization

An agency that has ties to the conciliar "episcopal" conference in Switzerland is proselytizing in behalf of perversity in Africa. This gives entirely new meaning to the so-called "new evangelization" that is being practiced by the counterfeit church of conciliarism.

Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us.

Saint Bartholomew, pray for us.

Revised: Two Last Remdies

Today is the Feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, that heart that was pierced with Seven Swords of Sorrow during the Life of her Divine Son, Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. The Most Sacred Heart of Jesus was formed out of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. These twin hearts of matchless love suffered as one and they beat as one while on earth and they have beat as one in Heaven since Our Lady was Assumed there body and soul after her death.

Our Lady's Immaculate Heart was unstained by Original Sin or Actual Sins. The Immaculate Heart of the Mother of God, therefore, was capable of a purity of love of God and of her fellow men that is almost indescribable. Our Lady's Most Pure, Most Holy Heart despises the sins that caused her Divine Son to suffer in His Sacred Humanity during His Passion and Death but at the same time is full of a perfect and completely pure maternal compassion for erring sinners such as you and me.

Our Lord, showing us His infinite compassion for us erring sinners, has sent us His Most Blessed Mother to provide us with her maternal assistance to get home to Heaven as members of His true Church founded upon the Rock of Peter, the Pope. We have been given the Rosary, the Brown Scapular of Mount Carmel, the Miraculous Medal, and the Green Scapular through her loving hands, through which flow the graces won for us by the shedding of Our Lord's Most Precious Blood on the wood of the Holy Cross. Her apparition to Juan Diego and the miraculous image of herself she left on his tilma helped to convert millions of Indians to the true Faith in the Americas. Our Lady ratified Pope Pius IX's solemn proclamation of her Immaculate Conception by proclaiming herself to Saint Bernadette Soubirous to be the Immaculate Conception on March 25, 1858. And Our Lady's appearance in the Cova da Iria from May 13, 1917, to October 13, 1917, gave us Heaven's Peace Plan, one that runs through her Immaculate Heart.

We must endeavor at all times to fulfill, as far as we are able in this time of apostasy and betrayal, Our Lady's Fatima Message in our own lives, especially by praying as many Rosaries each day as our states-in-life permit and by living penitentially as the consecrated slaves of her Divine Son through her own Immaculate Heart.

The era of apostasy and betrayal will end when the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary is made manifest.

We can play our roles, small though they may be, in helping to bring about this triumph.

What are we waiting for?

Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us now, and at the hour of our death.

Willing Servants of Antichrist, part three

A late/early hour, one necessitated by continuing automotive penances yesterday that require more time away from the computer today.

This is the conclusion of the current three-part series. This installment focuses on the efforts of Bergoglio and some of his "bishops" to reaffirm those who engage in sins of perversity while making their "peace" with unjust civil laws that accord such people a nonexistent "right to marry." Those concerned about the reaffirmation of hardened sinners who have intention of quitting their sins are the very fulfillment of verse thirty-two of chapter one of Saint Paul the Apostle's Epistle to the Romans.

Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us.

Saint Bernard of Clairvaux, pray for us.

Compare and Contrast, 2015

Today is the Feast of Feast of Saint Hyacinth, O.P., the great Apostle of the Northland and one of the first members of the Order of Preachers founded by Saint Dominic de Guzman. (Today is also the third day within the Octave of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the Octave Day of Saint Lawrence the Deacon.) Saint Hyacinth's great zeal for souls and his desire to convert pagans out of their diabolical superstitions into the true Faith, outside of which there is no salvation and without which there can be no true social order.

Saint Hyacinth, who had such a great and abiding love for Our Lady, who favored him with apparitions, stands in quite a contrast with Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI and his successor, Jorge Mario Bergoglio/Francis. Both of these heretics have praised the very false religions that Saint Hyacinth--and every other Catholic missionary--sought to eradicate from the face of the earth by seeking the unconditional conversion of their adherents to the false religion. The difference between Saint Hyacinth's fidelity and apostasy of the conciliar "popes" stark. It is right there in black and white for all who have the grace to see. See for yourself.

As considerable time was spent adding links, including a complete library of articles that have appeared about Bergoglio on this site in the past twenty-nine months, four days, to the preface of this vastly revised article that that provides a useful and handy resource for those who are new to this site and want to review past articles on Ratzinger and Bergoglio, it has been impossible to add more recent examples of the endless reaffirmations that the Argentine Apostate has given to those who adhere to false religions, including Talmudism, from which he derives much of his "intellectual" and "spiritual" sustenance. In other words, "Pope Francis" is a willing servant of Antichrist.

Speaking of "Willing Servants of Antichrist," part two of the current series was published a little before Midnight this morning, August 17, 2015.

Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us.

Saint Hyacinth, O.P., pray for us.

Willing Servants of Antichrist, part two

At long last, although not necessarily by popular demand, to be sure, part two of my current series is now posted. Part three of this series is already being written. It will not take as long to complete the concluding part of this series as it has for me to finalize part two, which deals with the continued silence from the Casa Santa Marta about Planned Barrenhood. Then again, Jorge and his fellow willing servants of Antichrist are far too busy proselytizing in behalf of their prefabricated and entirely staged “synod of bishops” in two months, which will wind up reaffirming unrepentant sinners in their lives of vice in the name of a false concept of “mercy” that is truly diabolically-inspired and driven.

A revised version of my reflection on Saint Hyacinth should be posted later today, Monday, August 17, 2015, the Feast of Saint Hyacinth, O.P., within the Octave of the Assumption and with a Commemoration of the Octave Day of Saint Lawrence the Deacon.

Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us.

Saint Hyacinth, pray for us.

Saint Lawrence the Deacon, pray for us.


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