February 16, 2016, Update on the Feast of Saint Peter Damian and the Commemoration of Tuesday of the Second Week in Lent
Well, work continues on part two of Jorge's Most Outrageous Interview to Date, part one, which is turning out to be a very long commentary. Work has been slowed somewhat by the fact that I inadvently forgot to turn off my satellite-based internet connection for a three-hour period on Saturday, resulting the loss of eleven gigabytes out of the monthly allotment of twenty gigabytes offered by our internet provider. This makes it necessary to drive to a public facility to download important documentation, something that is very time-consuming. There are also several other articles that await completion after part two of my commentary on Jorge Mario Bergoglio's interview and "Father" Federico Lombardi's shameless effort to spin in his behalf.
Even though I do not have a new article to offer today, there are five written back in November and December of 2010 when the then reigning universal public face of apostasy, Joseph Alois Ratzinger/Benedict XVI, gave an interview to German journalist Peter Seewald, who published it as a book under the title The Light of the World: the Pope, The Church and Signs of The Times. "Pope" Benedict XVI made a blunder just as significant as the one made by "Pope Francis" concerning the intention frustration of the first end of that which is proper marriage to "protect" those infected with a certain disease. Although Jorge is concerned with a different disease, the mysterious Zika virus that is being used as the latest pretext to prevent the conception of babies to kill them once conceived, the false principle at work in each instance is the same, and it is an inversion of Catholic truth: "Fear not him who can kill the soul, fear only that which can kill the body by taking whatever measures necessary to 'protect' oneself."
Thus, readers might like to review the dog-and-pony-show that took place back in 2010, which included "clarifications" and gymnastics of moral theology by Federico Lombardi and by Ratzinger/Benedict's protege, William "Cardinal" Levada, who was then the prefect of the conciliar sect's so-called Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith: If Them, Why Not Others?, Let the Olympic Games of Absurdity Begin!, Razing The Last Bastions, Nothing New Under Benedict's Sun,Words and Actions Without Consequences, Making a Mockery of Catholicism. There is really nothing new under the conciliar sun. Everything is pretty much a variation of what has gone before, admitting that the boundaries of licentiousness keep being expanded to the point where acts that are Mortal Sins in the objective order of things are considered to be "natural" and "necessary" while efforts to exhort sinners to change their lives are said to be "judgmental" and "merciless."
Part two of "Jorge's Most Outrageous Interview to Date," therefore, should be ready by tomorrow, Wednesday, February 24, 2016.
Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us.
Saint Peter Damian, pray for us.