Offended Only By Catholic Truth

This is a follow-up to "Words Fail," which was published five days ago now. This is a short commentary,

My revised reflection on my own Confirmation patron saint, Saint Henry the Emperor, will appear later today. It is just too late/early to reformat and revise it at this hour.

Thank you.

Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us.

Saint Henry the Emperor, pray for us.

July 14, 2015, Update: Feast of Saint Bonaventure

Yesterday, Monday, July 13, 2015, the Feast of Pope Saint Anacletus and the ninety-eighth anniversary of Our Lady's third apparition to Jacinta and Francisco Marto and Lucia dos Santos in the Cova da Iria near Fatima, Portugal, was supposed to be dedicated to the writing of a follow-up to Friday's commentary about the blasphemous Marxist crucifix that the self-professed socialist, President Evo Morales of Brazil, presented to Jorge Mario Bergoglio, who said on his return flight to Rome from Paraguay, where fourteen pilgrims were bitten by snakes during Jorge's staging of the Protestant and Judeo-Masonic Novus Ordo liturgical service, did not offend him at all. Well, it offended God, not Jorge.  Novus Ordo Watch Wire has a very good commentary on Bergoglio's "hermeneuetic" by which he accepted the blasphemous crucifix of the late Father Luis Epsinal as "protest art."

Christ the King, however, does not accept "protest art" that depicts him as being crucified on the very instrument of the murder of hundreds of millions of human beings up to and including this very day. Jorge's "hermeneutic" is just another Modernist device by which something objectively evil can become subjectively "understandable," if not "good."

There is a bit more to say about this whole tragic episode that demonstrates just how removed from the true Faith conciliarism has been from its inception. Bergoglio is simply a manifestation of the perfection of conciliarism's inherent degeneracy.

It was within the Providence of God, however, that I spent a good part of yesterday stranded along a interstate highway with an overheated vehicle, which started to overheat without much warning. The water pump is gone as a matter of certainty. I am praying that a head gasket was not blown or, worse yet, that an engine head has not cracked. I had that happen driving back to New York from Toledo, Ohio, on Saturday, March 11, 1995. It cost nearly $4000 to replace an engine head on a ten year-old Honda Civic hatchback. I shudder to think what the cost of such a repair on a 2008 vehicle might be today.

Look for the next commentary, therefore, tomorrow, July 15, 2015, the Feast of Saint Henry the Emperor, who is one of my own patron saints, although circumstances have required me to arise just hours after this update was posted, meaning that there is a slight possibility of a completed article later this evening.

I am sorry for the delay.

Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us.

Saint Bonaventure, pray for us.

Words Fail

Words fail at the image below:


Jorge Plays Strictly by the Montini Playbook

This article was published around 3:00 a.m. this morning. Several paragraphs, however, were "left behind," so to speak. These have been reinserted in their proper place at the end of the commentary.

Well, I won't have to worry too much longer about computer glitches as I know that sites such as this one are on "borrowed time" now.

With apologies for the omission, I hereby paste the deleted paragraphs:

What Jorge said in Quito, Ecuador, two days ago now will be repeated throughout his current journey, and it will be repeated when he preaches in front of the families assembled in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, two months from now. He has taken page after page from the Montinian playbook in order to break down the sensus Catholicus of ordinary Catholics in order to instill in them the same kind of perverse love that he has for “novelty” and “surprises.”

Well, the hour is incredibly late or remarkably early for one who has been up for about twenty hours.

Although I will write a commentary or two more on Begoglio’s trip to Ecuador, Boliva, and Paraguay as times permits this week, this one has been prepared in order to illustrate the fact that Jorge’s methodology is the same one that was used by “Blessed Paul the Sick fifty years ago this year. The results this time will be just as diabolically inspired and as deadly to souls as were Montini’s six hundred six months ago now.

Pray Rosary after Rosary to console the good God as we seek to make reparation for our own sins and those of the whole world.

The way out of this mess runs through the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary, and we must pray that a true pope is restored to the Throne of Saint Peter miraculously, and that that true pope will fulfill Our Lady’s Fatima Message without delay.

Arguing About Who Decides That Which Is Beyond Humans To Decide, part four

This is the conclusion of my four part series on Obergefell v. Fell and its aftermath. The concluding part of this series focuses on the political aftermath of the decision, including the influence that the conciliar Vatican’s Green Hornet, who is now in Ecuador (commentaries will be written as time and physical strength permit), is having on the political landscape here in the United States of America.

Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us.

Saints Peter and Paul, pray for us.

Arguing About Who Decides That Which Is Beyond Humans To Decide, part three

Part four of this series should appear on the Sixth Sunday after Advent within the Octave of the Feast of Saints Peter and Paul.

For the moment, though, I have part three to offer you today, Friday, July 3, 2015, the Feast of Pope Saint Leo II within the Octave of the Feast of Saints Peter and Paul.

This is, of course, the First Friday of the month of July, the Month of the Most Precious Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ.

Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us.

Pope Saint Leo II, pray for us.


Today is the magnificent feast of the Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary to her cousin, Saint Elizabeth, and her preborn Divine Son’s preborn Precursor, Saint John the Baptist.

This date, July 2, marks the end of the period of Our Lady’s Visitation, which began on April 2, lasting until the day after the octave day of the Nativity of Saint John the Baptist. Our Lady’s perfect Charity for her cousin and her Divine Son’s Precursor should prompt us to perform the Spiritual and Corporal Works of Mercy at all times, making sure as well to proclaim the Holy Name of Mary, she whom all generations are duty bound to call blessed, as the Mother of God who made possible our salvation by her perfect fiat to the will of God the Father at the Annunciation and who is the Queen of Heaven and on earth, the very Immaculate Conception who prays for us now and at the hour of our deaths.

Work continues on part three of my current series. Check back early this evening, July 2, 2015. Thank you.

A blessed Feast of the Visitation of the Most Blessed Virgin Mary to you all.

Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us.

Saints Processus and Martinian, pray for us.

The Laver of Redemption

This is a revised reflection that is offered to the readers of this site today, the Feast of the Most Precious Blood Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. The Most Precious Blood of Jesus is our laver of redemption, as our own sins, each and every single one of them, caused It to be shed during the events of Holy Thursday and Good Friday.

It was the thought of coming into contact with the horror of our sins, the very antithesis of His Sacred Divinity, that caused Our Lord to sweat droplets of His Most Precious Blood in His Agony in the Garden of Gethsemane.

It was our sins that caused the Most Precious Blood of Jesus to be shed so terribly during His cruel scourging at the Pillar.

It was our sins that caused the Most Precious Blood of Jesus to be shed as He was crowned with thorns to mock His Sacred Kingship over men and their nations.

It was our sins that caused the Most Precious Blood of Jesus to continue to be shed from the scourging and the crowning as He walked up the steps to be judged by the Roman procurator, Pontius Pilate. Droplets of the Most Precious Blood of Jesus are still venerated by pilgrims as proceed on their knees up the Sancta Scala in Rome right across from the Basilica di San Giovanni Laterano.

It was our sins that caused the Most Precious Blood to be shed as Our Lord’s hands and knees were crucified.

It was our sins that caused the Most Precious Blood of Jesus to be shed unto Its last drop as He hung on the gibbet of the Holy Holy Cross for three hours, flowing in a torrent as Our Lord’s wounded side was pierced with the lance of Saint Longinus.

What is It that is poured out onto our souls when they are Absolved by a true priest in the Sacred Tribunal of Penance? The Most Precious Blood of Jesus.

The Most Precious Blood of Jesus strengthens us when we receive It worthily in Holy Communion.

It was the shedding of the Most Precious Blood of Jesus on the wood of the Holy Cross that ratified the New and Eternal Covenant He inaugurated at the Last Supper, thereby obliterating forever the old sacrifices of the blood of bulls and goats and lambs in Temple worship, thus superseding he Old Covenant of the Jews.

We must celebrate this great Feast of the Most Precious Blood of Jesus, which was pumped through Our Divine Redeemer’s Sacred Body by His Most Sacred Heart, the very font of Mercy, with gratitude that we, sinners who caused It to be shed in torrents under the most unspeakably cruel conditions, are bathed unto our redemption by Its merits. May we never take the Most Precious Blood of Jesus for granted.

Part three in my current series is still being written. There are as of yet about three hours of work to do on the article before it can be posted. As work is somewhat impeded now by a flareup of lower back problems attendant with the arthritis that has established itself there some forty-seven plus years after spinal surgery, sitting down poses a bit of a problem now, and it is necessary to sit down in order to type. God willing and Our Lady interceding, I should be done, however, by this time tomorrow night/morning, the Feast of the Visitation of the Most Blessed Virgin Mary and the Commemoration of Saints Processus and Martinian.

A blessed Feast of the Most Precious Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ to you all!

Our Lady or the Rosary, pray for us.

Saints Peter and Paul, pray for us.

Saint John the Baptist, pray for us.

Arguing About Who Decides That Which Is Beyond Humans To Decide, part two

What started out as a three-part series has become a four-part series.

Today’s installment about the decision of the Supreme Court of the United States of America in the case of Obergefell v. Hodges, June 26, 2015, focuses on Jorge Mario Bergoglio’s reaction to it. His reaction is very telling, and it should be instructive to those as yet unconvinced that the upcoming “synod on the family” in October of this year will make its final “peace” with “marriage” on a number of levels, including that of the lavender collective.

Tomorrow’s installment will provide a dissection of some of the key passages in Associate Justice Anthony McLeod Kennedy’s majority opinion. The final installment will deal with the political consequences of the decision in the case of Obergefell v. Hodges. As two former friends of mine are wont to say, “It’s over.” Indeed.

Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us

Saints Peter and Paul, pray for us.

Saint John the Baptist, pray for us.

Aruging About Who Decides That Which Is Beyond Humans To Decide

This is part one of a three-part series on the decision of the Supreme Court of the United States of America in the case of Obergefell v. Hodges, June 26, 2015.

Part one is an overview of the problems that arise when competing sets of legal positivists argue in naturalistic terms by showing complete jurisprudential indifference to the binding precepts of the Divine Positive Law and the Natural Law.

Part two will provide a detailed dissection of various excerpts from Associate Justice Anthony McLeod Kennedy’s majority opinion in the case of Obergefell v. Hodges from a constitutional perspective.

Part three will discuss the political ramifications, although these are touched upon at the end of today’s initial installment.

I thank you for your patience. I will return to Laudato Si and to the matter of the “working document” for Jorge’s upcoming “synod of bishops” in due course. There is much, however, that Jorge’s work has in common with the decision rendered by Anthony McLeod Kennedy, a consistent supporter of the chemical and surgical execution of the innocent preborn in their mother’s womb as each is a product of revolutionary ideologies that make “man” the master of all things.

Our Lady of Perpetual Help, pray for us.

Saint John the Baptist, pray for us.

Saints Peter and Paul, pray for us.

Saint Irenaeus, pray for us.


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