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Our Lady Does Not Act On Her Own
The Era of Revelation closed with the death of Saint John the Evangelist in the early part of the Second Century. All of Holy Mother Church's formal dogmatic pronouncements made under the direction and inspiration of the Third Person of the Blessed Trinity, God the Holy Ghost, since that time have been based on what had been revealed, both by means of Apostolic Tradition and Sacred Scripture, prior to the death of Saint John, who had laid his head on Our Blessed Lord and Saviour's breast at the Last Supper and who was the only Apostle at the foot of the Cross the next day, Good Friday. This does not mean, however, that private revelations given to various saints, although not, strictly speaking in the dogmatic sense, necessary for salvation, are to be dismissed or denigrated.
Each of the following Catholic practices or devotions is based on private revelations:
1. The Brown Scapular of Our Lady of Mount Carmel given by Our Lady to Saint Simon Stock.
2. The Holy Rosary given to Saint Dominic de Guzman by Our Lady.
3. Our Lady appeared to the Venerable Juan Diego in December of 1531, instructing him to tell Bishop [then Administrator Fray] Juan de Zumarraga to build a church in her honor, which request was honor when Juan Diego presented the Castilian roses that Bishop Zumarraga wanted as proof of the apparition, revealing also the miraculous image of Our Lady of Guadalupe on his tilma in the process.
3. Devotion to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, revealed by Our Lord to Saint Gertrude and Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque, who was given the message to institute the devotion of the Nine First Fridays.
4. The Miraculous Medal that Our Lady instructed Saint Catherine Laboure to have struck.
5. The Green Scapular that Our Lady revealed to Sister Justine Bisqueyburo, starting on September 8, 1840.
6. Promotion of devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, especially through the Five First Saturdays, requested by Our Lady in the Cova da Iria in Fatima, Portugal, in 1917. Pope Pius XII placed the feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary on the universal calendar of the Roman Rite of the Catholic Church in 1942 as a direct result of the Fatima apparitions.
There are some priests even in traditional circles, sadly, who dismiss Our Lady's Fatima Message as a private revelation that does not bind our consciences, that one can save his soul without believing in the Fatima Messages or without fulfilling them.
Although it is possible for one to save his soul without believing in Our Lady's Fatima Message or without fulfilling the requests she made in the Cova da Iria to Lucia dos Santos and Francisco and Jacinta Marto, it would be very foolish to reject the great Mercy of Our Lord Himself represented by His sending His own Most Blessed Mother to earth a number of times since the beginning of the Nineteenth Century (Saint Catherine Laboure, Sister Christine Bisqueyburo, Melanie Calvert and Maximim Giraud, Saint Bernadette Soubirous, at Pontmain, Pellevoisin, Knock, Fatima, Banneaux, Beauraing). To dismiss Our Lady's Fatima Message on the grounds that it is but a private revelation makes it incongruous for any priest to justify keeping devotions to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus on the First Friday of the month as these devotions are based entirely on the private revelations given by Our Lord to Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque. The Rosary itself is based on a private revelation.
Would one be justified in dismissing devotion to Our Lady's Most Holy Rosary by saying that it is based on a private revelation?
Our Lady does not act on her own. She only does the will of the Heavenly Father, to Whom she gave her perfect fiat through Saint Gabriel the Archangel at the Annunciation, permitting herself to be overshadowed by God the Holy Ghost to become the Mother of the Word, Who was made Flesh in her Virginal and Immaculate Womb by the power of that same Holy Ghost. It has been God's merciful will that Our Lady be sent to us erring sinners to help us get home to Heaven by stressing the necessity of prayer and penance to save us from the fires of Hell, making acts of reparation to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus through the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary. This is something that all Catholics should embrace with enthusiasm regardless as to their interpretation of the application of the Fatima Message as it pertains to the consecration of Russia to Our Lady's Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart.
I mean, the Miracle of the Sun did occur on October 13, 1917. Even a secular newspaper in Portugal documented the event. A secular journalist, Avelino de Almeida, who had written pieces that were scathing in their criticism of the children's claims to have seen Our Lady, wrote the following eye-witness report for his anti-clerical newspaper, O Seculo:
One could see the immense multitude turn towards the sun, which appeared free from clouds and at its zenith. It looked like a plaque of dull silver and it was possible to look at it without the least discomfort. It might have been an eclipse which was taking place. But at that moment a great shout went up and one could hear the spectators nearest at hand shouting: "A miracle! A miracle!" Before the astonished eyes of the crowd, whose aspect was Biblical as they stood bareheaded, eagerly searching the sky, the sun trembled, made sudden incredible movements outside all cosmic laws - the sun "danced" according to the typical expression of the people.
People then began to ask each other what they had seen. The great majority admitted to having seen the trembling and dancing of the sun; others affirmed that they saw the face of the Blessed Virgin; others, again, swore that the sun whirled on itself like a giant Catherine wheel and that it lowered itself to the earth as if to burn it with its rays. Some said they saw it change colors successively.The Miracle of the Sun
The Fatima Message is one that Our Lord Himself has desired His Most Blessed Mother to communicate to us so that we can save our immortal souls. To ignore this great Mercy of the Divine Redeemer, Who wants His Blessed Mother's Immaculate Heart, which has been so grieved by our own many sins, honored by men and their nations, is simply wrong. One might as well ignore the Rosary itself if one wants to contend that Fatima can be ignored as a result of its being a private revelation.
There are, however, great differences among believing Catholics even in sedevacantist circles about the consecration of Russia to Our Lady's Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart by a pope with all of the world's bishops as many of us, myself included, believe is necessary. It is without any degree of disrespect for true bishops and priests who take a different view of the consecration of Russia that I believe a few important points need to be made now that ninety years have passed since the Miracle of the Sun, keeping in mind the fact that the observations that follow are speculative and non-infallible, although I believe them to be an accurate assessment of the situation.
There are some, including those who no longer speak to each other, who believe that the proper consecration of Russia was done by Pope Pius XII on July 7, 1952, stating their belief that the Sister Lucia's call for the collegial consecration of Russia by a pope with all of the world's bishops was not binding as it was based upon a private revelation that took place after the Fatima apparitions themselves. The Church, those of this view contend, only approved the Fatima apparitions in 1917 as worthy of belief and not contrary to Faith and morals, never passing on the legitimacy of the apparitions that were given to the Jacinta and Francisco Marto before their respective deaths in 1919 and 1920 or the apparitions given to Sister Lucia in 1925 and 1929.
Although this is true as far as it goes, those who reject the necessity of the collegial consecration of Russia by a pope with all of the world's bishops overlook the fact that the specific request for the Five First Saturdays devotion was made to Sister Lucia on December 10, 1925, at a convent in Pontvedra, Spain, thereby elaborating upon her request for Communions of reparation on the First Saturdays of each month that was made on July 13, 1917.
This is not unusual. Our Lady explained more and more about the Miraculous Medal to Sister Catherine Laboure over the course of her apparitions in the convent on the Rue du Bac. Our Lady did the same with Sister Justine Bisqueyburo and the Green Scapular. She taught things to the children at Fatima gradually over the course of her apparitions in the Cova da Iria. It is not unusual for Our Lady to teach her chosen souls in this way.
The Five First Saturdays of reparation were requested on December 10, 1925, in the following manner:
Have compassion on the heart of your most holy Mother, covered with thorns with which ungrateful men pierce it at every moment, and there is no one to make an act of reparation. Look, my daughter, at my heart, surrounded with thorns with which ungrateful men pierce it at every moment by their blasphemies and ingratitude. You at least try to console me and say that I promise to assist at the hour of death, with the graces necessary for salvation, all those who, on the first Saturday of five consecutive months, shall confess, receive Holy Communion, recite five decades of the Rosary, and keep me company for fifteen minutes while meditating on fifteen mysteries of the Rosary, with the intention of making reparation to me."
There are five specific offenses against the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary for which the Five First Saturdays devotion was instituted, explained by Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ Himself to Sister Lucia on Ascension Thursday, May 29, 1930:
Attacks upon Mary's Immaculate Conception.
Attacks against her Perpetual Virginity.
Attacks upon her Divine Maternity and the refusal to accept her as the Mother of all mankind.
For those who try to publicly implant in children's hearts indifference, contempt and even hatred of this Immaculate Mother.
For those who insult her directly in her sacred images.
Some of these, obviously, apply to how the counterfeit church of conciliarism has permitted, if not actually endorsed, as in the case of The Nativity Story last year, actual attacks upon the Mother of God, something that will be explored later in this commentary.
The Church has given, at least in a de facto sense, recognition to this private apparition made in 1925, making it plausible, at the very least, that the 1929 apparition of Our Lady to Sister Lucia in the convent at Tuy, Spain, in which Our Lady called for the collegial consecration of Russia by a pope with all of the world's bishops to be an elaboration on that same July 13, 1917, message in the Cova da Iria in which she first called for the Communions of reparation on the First Saturdays and called for the consecration of Russia to her Immaculate Heart by the pope. Although even some who accept the legitimacy of the 1929 apparition contend that the time for such a collegial consecration has passed, noting correctly that World War II could have been prevented by such a collegial consecration, Sister Lucia continued to insist that the collegial consecration needed to be done.
Are visionaries infallible?
No, they are not.
Taking at face value the words attributed to Sister Lucia before the false pontificate of Karol Wojtyla and disregarding for present purposes the controversy as to whether there were two Sister Lucias, which appears probable from the forensic evidence showing distinct difference in facial appearance, there was a consistency in her insistence that the collegial consecration of Russia to the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary with all of the world's bishops needed to be accomplished. It does not matter that the woman claiming to Sister Lucia was giving advice to various people in the 1970s and 1980s that they should attend the Protestant and Judeo-Masonic Novus Ordo liturgical service. Sister Lucia was not given a mission by Our Lady to speak about the Novus Ordo with Divine authority. She was given a mission by Our Lady to stay on earth to spread devotion to her Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart, which was the way in which her Divine Son had chosen to treat us erring sinners with great compassion in these our days. There is no inconsistency in Sister Lucia's insistence on the collegial consecration of Russia to the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary from 1929 until the representations attributed to her or the woman claiming to her during the "pontificate" of Karol Wojtyla/"Saint John Paul II."
As noted before, many good and learned souls disagree about this matter.
All well and good.
The point that I am making here is that it is not implausible for Our Lady's call in 1929 for the collegial consecration of Russia to her own Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart to be taken with the same degree of seriousness as her 1925 call for the Five First Saturdays devotions.
Let me try to put it to you this way: if the collegial consecration of Russia to the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary is indeed necessary, which I truly believe it is, then what greater triumph, albeit temporary, could there be for the adversary than to raise up antipopes who do not take this Heavenly Message seriously, engaging in a fierce campaign of deconstruction against the Fatima Message, especially regarding the Third Secret, and looking the other way as the Chapel of the Apparitions was desecrated by demonic Hindu "worship" a decade ago now?
There can be no consecration if there is no pope.
What is worse is that a false pope has claimed that he had fulfilled the Fatima Message while his "successor" participated in the deconstruction of the Fatima Message to such an extent that he, Joseph Ratzinger, said of devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary that it meant achieving an "immaculate heart of one's own" by means of "interior unity" with God. Oh, I forgot. Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI was the "pope of tradition" in contrast to the current "pope of the council," Jorge Mario Bergoglio/Francis. How silly of me.
Come on, ladies and gentlemen, no one who loves the Mother of God speaks about the Immaculate Heart of Mary in a such a blasphemous, profane and sacrilegious manner. No one.
The facts about the conciliar warfare against the Fatima Message have been documented very thoroughly in The Devil's Final Battle, which I have referred to a number of times on this site. Although the authors of The Devil's Final Battle are committed anti-sedevacantists, the facts, the indisputable facts, about the counterfeit church of conciliarism's warfare against the Fatima Message speak for themselves. Why have the conciliar revolutionaries gone to such great lengths to make as much warfare against the Fatima Message, especially the Third Secret and the collegial consecration of Russia to Our Lady's Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart, as the Mayor of Ourem, Artur de Oliveira Santos, and his Masonic and Communist allied waged in 1917 and in the years thereafter? Could it be because both were inspired directly by the adversary to do so? Who else could inspire the conciliar revolutionaries to design a new "shrine" in Fatima so as to discourage traditional devotions and to serve as a mecca, word carefully chosen, thank you, of the conciliarism's false ecumenism but the devil himself?
Some who disparage the Fatima Message argue that it is not necessary for Russia to be converted to the Catholic Faith or that the errors of Russia have little to do with what is going on in the world and in the counterfeit church of conciliarism at present. Meaning absolutely no disrespect to anyone who holds these views, I must point out that there is no other conversion than to the Catholic Faith and that the errors of Russia are far more than the errors of Marxism-Leninism, that they stem from the errors of Orthodox itself, which helped to pave the way for the Protestant Revolt and the rise of the modern, Judeo-Masonic, anti-Incarnational civil state that was prompted by overthrow of the Social Reign of Christ the King.
To the matter of the conversion of Russia first.
Russia has been converted to nothing. The Russian Federated Republic, the successor of the Union of the Soviet Socialist Republics, is still a land of Communist oppression that threatens the world with its nuclear weapons and oppresses its people. Oh, the gradations of each may have changed a little bit since December 25, 1991, when the flag of the hammer and the sickle came down atop Red Square in the Kremlin and was replaced the tricolor flag of the Russian Federated Republic.
What has Russia been converted to?
Come on.
There is no such thing as any kind of genuine peace that is not the peace of Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
There is no kind of genuine peace in a land that kills over three million innocent preborn babies in their mothers' wombs every year by surgical means alone, not even counting the millions more that die as a result of abortifacient contraceptives.
Organized crime and pornography and the degradation of Western culture have invaded Russia, corrupting more and more souls in the process.
How can anyone talk of a conversion of Russia that exists under such circumstances?
Freedom for the Catholic Church in Russia?
That's right, nyet.
There's been a bit more freedom for the counterfeit church of conciliarism to send conciliar revolutionaries into Russia so as to "update" the "liturgy" and the "theology" of the people, supplanting the true Mass and the true doctrine of the Catholic Church with the Protestant and Judeo-Masonic Novus Ordo liturgical service, at least in those areas in Russia that use the the Roman Rite of the Catholic Church, and to discourage "proselytism" of the Orthodox by Catholics in Russia.
This is freedom for the Catholic Church?
I don't think so.
Yes, true bishops who make no concessions to conciliarism or to the nonexistent legitimacy of its false shepherds can travel to Russia more freely now. What is perceived to be, albeit falsely, the Catholic Church in Russia has been "liberated" to be "updated" according to the norms of the "Second" Vatican Council, which means that all talk of "freedom" for the Catholic Church is delusional.
The events of 1989-1991 have represented the enslavement of the Catholic Church in Russia (and in other countries where the schismatic and heretical Orthodox churches are prevalent) to the false precepts of false ecumenism, as signified so very clearly by the Balamand Statement, issued by representatives of Orthodox churches and the counterfeit church of conciliarism, claiming to speak for the Catholic Church, on June 24, 1993. The following sections of the Balamand Statement demonstrate most conclusively that there is no "freedom" for Catholics in Russia to be faithful to the mission given her by her Divine Founder and Bridegroom, Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, to seek the unconditional conversion of all men to the true Faith:
22) Pastoral activity in the Catholic Church, Latin as well as Eastern, no longer aims at having the faithful of one Church pass over to the other; that is to say, it no longer aims at proselytizing among the Orthodox. It aims at answering the spiritual needs of its own faithful and it has no desire for expansion at the expense of the Orthodox Church. Within these perspectives, so that there will no longer be room for mistrust and suspicion, it is necessary that there be reciprocal exchanges of information about various pastoral projects and that thus cooperation between bishops and all those with responsibilities in our Churches can be set in motion and develop.
23) The history of the relations between the Orthodox Church and the Eastern Catholic Churches has been marked by persecutions and sufferings. Whatever may have been these sufferings and their causes, they do not justify any triumphalism; no one can glory in them or draw an argument from them to accuse or disparage the other Church. God alone knows His own witnesses. Whatever the past may have been, it must be left to the mercy of God, and all the energies of the Churches should be directed so that the present and the future conform better to the will of Christ for His own.
24) It will also be necessary—on the part of both Churches— that the bishops and all those with pastoral responsibilities in the Churches scrupulously respect the religious liberty of the faithful. In turn, the faithful must be able to express themselves for this purpose. In fact, particularly in situations of conflict, religious liberty requires that the faithful should be able to express their opinion and to decide without pressure from outside if they wish to be in communion either with the Orthodox Church or with the Catholic Church. Religious freedom would be violated when, under the cover of financial assistance, the faithful of one Church would be attracted to the other, by promises, for example, of education and material benefits that may be lacking in their own Church. In this context, it will be necessary that social assistance, as well as every form of philanthropic activity, be organized with common agreement so as to avoid creating new suspicions.
25) Furthermore, the necessary respect for Christian freedom— one of the most precious gifts received from Christ—should not become an occasion for undertaking a pastoral project which may also involve the faithful of other Churches, without previous consultation with the pastors of these Churches. Not only should every form of pressure, of any kind whatsoever, be excluded, but respect for consciences, motivated by an authentic exigency of faith, is one of the principles guiding the pastoral concern of those responsible in the two Churches and should be the object of their common reflection (cf. Galatians 5:13). Balamand Statement
Treating the heretical and schismatic Russian Orthodox Church on a level of equality with the Catholic Church?
Confining the work of what purports to be the Catholic Church (Uniat rite bishops consecrated in their own rites by validly consecrated bishops are indeed true bishops, most unlike that Roman Rite counterparts) to simply ministering to the spiritual needs of its own members is not an example of the "freedom of the Church in Russia." There has been no conversion of Russia to anything. There is no true freedom for the Catholic Church in Russia to fulfill the Divine Mission that was given to her by her Founder and Bridegroom as He Ascended to the Father's right hand in glory on Ascension Thursday.
The errors of Russia?
Well, I have written about these before. The errors of Russia, as noted above, antedate Marxism-Leninism. Indeed, Marxism-Leninism, the most aggressive, atheistic form of socialism, was but a logical successor of nearly one thousand years of errors in Russia that made it possible for Talmudic financiers to build on the overthrow of the the Social Reign of Christ the King wrought by Orthodoxy by instituting the overtly anti-Theistic rule of the politburo. Just take a look at three of the pre-Communist errors of Russia, which remains, I believe, an instrument by which a chastisement will be visited upon the West for its infidelity to Christ the King and to Mary our Immaculate Queen:
1. Denial of Papal Primacy, presaging the errors of Martin Luther and John Calvin and Thomas Cranmer, et al.
2. Denial of the Magisterial Authority of the Catholic Church, leaving doctrinal decisions in the hands of committees of bishops.
3. The subordination of the Orthodox Church to the civil state, presaging the overthrow of the Social Reign of Christ the King and the separation of Church and State wrought by Martin Luther and cemented by the rise of Judeo-Masonry and other, inter-related forces of naturalism.
Obviously, the errors of Russian Orthodoxy helped to shape the nature of Russian government over the centuries, something that Greek Orthodoxy, finding itself immersed in the heart of Mohammedanism, could not do. Thus it is that Russian Orthodoxy helped to pave the way over the centuries for Protestantism and Freemasonry by means of its rejection of the Social Reign of Christ King as it must be exercised by the Catholic Church.
The principle error of Modernity, the rejection of the Incarnation as an absolute necessity in the right ordering of men and their nations, had its antecedent roots in Russia. The errors of Russia influenced, albeit indirectly at times and through many filters, the ideas of the so-called Enlightenment in the West. And the failure of those anti-Incarnational and, at times, anti-Theistic ideas to resolve social problems, which have their remote cause in Original Sin and their proximate causes in the Actual Sins of men, made possible the rise of all manner of utopian theories.
After all, if "heaven" is to be here on earth and men cannot resolve their problems by means of mere structural reform sanctioned by a majority of "reasonable men" (see Locke, John, Second Treatise on Civil Government), then men who do not realize that the state of nations depends upon the right ordering of souls according to the tenets contained in the Deposit of Faith entrusted exclusively to the Catholic Church and in cooperation with the graces won for men by the shedding of every single drop of the Most Precious Blood of the Divine Redeemer, Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, on the wood of the Holy Cross, will gravitate all too naturally to increasingly more utopian schemes of naturalism, including Bolshevism. The failure of Western liberalism, which had been influenced in many ways by the errors of Russia, to "improve" the lot of man helped to create a fertile seed ground for Bolshevism.
The spread of the errors of Orthodoxy, especially as regards the rejection of Papal primacy and thus the Social Reign Christ the King, came back to bite the Russian czars themselves a well-armed, well-financed and well-organized minority of Bolshevik cadres took advantage of the weakness caused by Imperial Russia's involvement in World War I to begin the process in 1917 of exacting total control over an empire that had expanded greatly in the Nineteenth Century, although it took a three year civil war between the Red Russians (the Bolsheviks) and the White Russians to solidify that power. One solidified, however, Bolshevism began to spread a whole litany of errors, many of which have been adapted in the "democratic" West. Consider once again, if you will, some of the ways in which these errors have been spread into the midst of our own lands:
1) Although private ownership has been retained in the West, nationalization of major industries began common after World War II in the United Kingdom, France, the countries of Scandinavia and elsewhere. True, national socialism, practiced in Italy and Germany and Japan before World War II (and Argentina after World War II) also featured nationalization of some industries. However, the practitioners of national socialism also permitted a degree of private ownership of major industries as long as those industries manufactured what the state dictated and sold their products according to the prices it, the state, established. Those Western countries, such as the United States, that did not nationalize major industries in peacetime began, however, even before World War II to confiscate private property, namely, the "wealth" of its citizens, by means of confiscatory taxation policies, most of which are absolutely unconstitutional under the terms of the Constitution of the United States of America, in order to redistribute income by means of government programs of social engineering. This confiscation of income, although not a strict abolition of private property as such, nevertheless limited the legitimate freedom of citizens and made their dependent upon the "largesse" of the civil state, making it more difficult for them to meet their own daily needs and, in man instances, forcing wives and mothers who wanted to stay at home with their children to go into the workplace simply to make income to pay these confiscatory taxes. This is even more the case now under the presidency, such as it is, of the Marxist-trained Barack Hussein Obama/Barry Soetoro and his ObamaCare.
2) Private property in the West has also become heavily regulated since the dawn of Bolshevism in order to realize whatever goals the social engineers believed were necessary to pursue at any given moment, whether it be the displacement of citizens to facilitate "economic development" favorable to corporations whose executives donate heavily to candidates of both major political parties or to realize the goals of "environmentalists" and "animals rights" activists to limit the just use of one's own property in the defense of his family (from, say, bears and other predatory animals). One is a prisoner on his own property to the dictates of various statists, whose whims change from moment to moment.
3) Political power has been concentrated increasingly in the past ninety years or so in a duopoly called the "Republicrats," shall we say, career politicians who seek more and more to increase the size of the Federal budget and to make ever more future generations of Americans indentured servants of the government as these same career politicians enable the robber barons of the credit industry to charge usurious rates of interest to finance loans for automobiles and homes, thereby keeping large segments of the population even more indentured at almost every turn of their lives. This duopoly of power justifies almost every effort to increase surveillance of ordinary citizens, using the old shibboleth of "national security" to cower people in a "republican" system of government to surrender voluntarily what the Bolsheviks had to take from the Russians by armed force.
4) "Information" is manufactured by the government and disseminated for popular consumption and acceptance. Obviously, "Russia" did not invent this. However, Russian Orthodoxy's rejection of the Social Reign of Christ the King and its subordination of the schismatic and heretical Orthodox "church" paved the way Protestantism's and Freemasonry's embrace and promotion of this same error, thereby making the state to be a "demigod" beyond criticism and whose "information" must be accepted in the name of "patriotism." Thus it is, for example, that events such as the attacks on September 11, 2001, which even some former officials of the George W. Bush administration testified before the "9/11 Commission" have not been explained adequately (such as how steel columnized towers could collapse merely because they had been hit by airplanes and why the government of the State of Israel had ordered all of their personnel out of the twin towers of the World Trade Center that day and why an Israeli film crew was positioned in New Jersey, directly across from the twin towers, at the exact moments that the planes hit each building) were used as a pretext for launching the "global war on terror" and for attacking Iraq, which had no role to play in those attacks whatsoever. It was only when the body count of our citizens serving in Iraq began to rise that the mask of this pretext was stripped away somewhat. Bush the Younger managed disinformation while he faced a mainslime media opposed to him. Obama/Soetoro is able to do so with the full approval and support of almost everyone in the mainslime media.
5) Any country that rejects the Social Reign of Christ the King, the linchpin of both Orthodoxy and Protestantism and all subsequent social revolutions, as it must be exercised by the Catholic Church must attack the rights of the family, seeking to destabilize the family so as to make more and more citizens dependent upon the state and its "experts" as to how to conduct their lives. Freemasonry's spirited push for the "liberalization" of existing divorce laws in the United States of America at the end of the Nineteenth Century, especially in North Dakota after it was granted statehood in 1889, was the logical consequence of Orthodoxy's and Protestantism's acceptance of divorce and remarriage. The later acceptance of contraception by Orthodoxy and by most, although not all, Protestant sects would further destabilize the family, mirroring Bolshevism's complete arrogation of the the rights of the family unto the civil state, which could accuse parents of "abuse" if their children were subjected to "counter-revolutionary" ideas. Something quite similar has been occurring in the United States and elsewhere in the West as home-schooling parents are carefully monitored for any signs of "bigotry" or "intolerance" that might "deform" their children, thus necessitating the intervention of the civil state to "rescue" the children from these "backward" parents. The state must thus carefully construct and enforce curricula of study, imposing said curricula with "religious: zeal.
6) Constant warfare must be waged against the true Church, the Catholic Church, founded by Our Lord upon the Rock of Saint Peter, the Pope, and brought to birth this very day, Pentecost Sunday, as the Third Person of the Blessed Trinity descended in tongues of flame upon the Apostles and our dear Mother, the Blessed Virgin Mary, in the same Upper Room in Jerusalem where Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ had institute the priesthood and the Eucharist some fifty-two days before. Some civil states in the West, most notably Canada, have imitated Bolshevism quite directly by waging relentless campaigns to silence Catholics about the truths of the Faith, especially as it relates to opposing baby-killing under cover of law and opposing the social promotion of perversion. More commonly, however, the civil state in the West, aping Bolshevism, permits the most aggressive and vile attacks upon Our Lord and Our Lady and the true Church in the nooks and crannies of popular culture, all in the name of a "false" civil freedom, the likes of which were condemned by Pope Gregory XVI in the passage from Mirari Vos cited at the beginning of this article. The constant warfare against the true Faith unites the naturalism of Bolshevism with the naturalism of the Western liberalism and pluralism and religious indifferentism that made possible its ascendancy in the first place.
The errors of Russia helped to merge with so many other errors to produce the ethos of conciliarism itself, resulting in utter silence about Communism at the "Second" Vatican Council, the fruit of the "Metz Accord" (which guaranteed silence at the "council" about Communism in exchange for the presence of "observers" from the Russian Orthodox Church) and the betrayal of the late Joseph Cardinal Mindszenty, to say nothing of Joseph Ratzinger's recent sell-out of the underground Catholics in Red China.
Is it so unreasonable to think that Our Lord Himself has given us a simple way out of these problems by simply fulfilling Our Lady's Fatima Message?
The Fatima Message is no more "our religion" than Our Lady's Most Holy Rosary is "our religion."
The Fatima Message, which stresses the simple Catholic teaching about the necessity of doing penance for one's sins while instituting in a specific way devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, especially by means of praying the Rosary daily and keeping the Five First Saturday devotions, is simply a means by which we can better live the Catholic Faith in our own personal lives and the means by which the Immaculate Heart of Mary can triumph over the adversary and his minions at this time in the Mystical Death and Burial of her Divine Son, Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
One of the essences of God is simplicity. His commands are simple. He tells us to do good and to do avoid evil by obeying His Ten Commandments as we seek to cooperate on a daily basis with the graces He won for us by the shedding of His Most Precious Blood on the wood of the Holy Cross and that flow into our hearts and souls though the loving hands of Our Lady, the Mediatrix of All Graces. Our human intellects, darkened by the vestigial after-effects of Original Sin and by our own Actual Sins, seek to make complex that which is simple. Consider the case of the Naaman as recounted in the Fourth Book of Kings:
So Naaman came with his horses and chariots, and stood at the door of the house of Eliseus: And Eliseus sent a messenger to him, saying: "Go, and wash seven times in the Jordan, thy flesh shall recover health, and thou shalt be clean."
Naaman was angry and went away, saying: "I thought he would have come out to me, and standing would have invoked the name of the Lord his God, and touched with his hand the place of my leprosy, and healed me. Are not the Abana, and the Pharphar, rivers of Damascus, better than all the waters of Israel, that I may wash in them, and be made clean?" So, as he turned, and was going away with indignation, his servants came to him and said to him: "Father, if the prophet had bid thee do some great thing, surely thou shouldst have done it: how much rather what he now hath said to thee: 'Wash, and thou shalt be clean'?"
Then he went down, and washed in the Jordan seven times: according to the word of the man of God, and his flesh was restored like he flesh of a little child, and he was made clean. (4 Kings 5: 9-14.)
What if the matter of resolving our ecclesiastical and civil problems is as simple as simply obeying Our Lady's Fatima Message?
The conciliarists have made war against this message, have they not?
There must be good reason for their doing so. And while it is certainly true that the Fatima Message concerning the collegial consecration of Russia with by a pope with all of the world's bishops to the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary cannot be fulfilled until there is a true pope on the Throne of Saint Peter once again, which will occur when and in a manner willed by God Himself, possibly coming after a chastisement of epic proportions and the details of which we entrust to His own Providence, there is no harm praying for this fulfillment as we keep about the business of fulfilling our our daily duties and as we strive to keep the Fatima Message in our own personal lives, especially in our homes by means of the praying of the family Rosary on a daily basis.
The cost of infidelity to Heavenly messages, although constituting private revelation, can be deadly. Our Lord Himself mentioned this to Sister Lucia in 1931:
Make it known to My ministers that since they follow the example of the King of France in delaying the execution of My request, that they will follow him into misfortune.
Remember, my friends, Our Lord specifically requested through Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque the consecration of the entirety of France to His Most Sacred Heart. King Louis XIV and the bishops of France refused, consenting only to consecrated Paris to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus. The year? 1689? The results? 1789 and the "principles" with which the counterfeit church of conciliarism has made, according to none other than Joseph Ratzinger himself, a "reconciliation."
Sister Catherine Laboure was being rebuffed repeatedly by her spiritual director and confessor, Jean-Marie Aladel, when she told him of Our Lady's apparitions to her and what she had requested. (Similarly, Father Aladel did not act at first on the messages about the Green Scapular being given to Sister Justine Bisqueyburo, also a Sister of Charity.) This is what Our Lady told Saint Catherine Laboure about Father Aladel's diffidence:
"Never mind," the voice replied, "he is my servant, and would fear to displease me."
We should always fear to displease Our Lady, who was sent to earth ninety years ago to implore us to turn away from our sins and to make reparation for them. Private revelations nourish and augment the Holy Faith without supplanting It. Who but a fire-breathing Protestant (or perhaps a conciliarist) would say that it would be wise and efficacious for our salvation to do without the Holy Rosary and without the Brown Scapular and without the Miraculous Medal as great aids to help us get home to Heaven? Living now in these terrible times the effects of the overthrow of the Social Reign of Christ the King became more and more manifest in the midst of each nation on the face of this earth, who would want to take the risk of ignoring or denigrating Our Lady's Fatima Message that was authorized by none other than her Divine Son Himself, Who was pleased to appear with her just ninety years ago this past Saturday?
Saint Catherine Laboure, like so many other true mystics and chosen souls, had many visions. This one should give us pause for reflection as we plant the seeds for Christ the King, who will be restored to His rightful place in the hearts of men and on the flags of all nations once the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary is made manifest:
On Trinity Sunday, June 6, 1830, Sister Laboure was given a special vision of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, or more specifically as Christ the Kin. This time she is precise as to the moment of the vision. Our Lord appeared to her, robed as a king, with a cross at His breast, during the Gospel of the Mass. Suddenly, all His kingly ornaments fell from Him to the ground--even the cross, which tumbled beneath His feet. Immediately her thoughts and her heart fell, too, and were plunged into that chasm of glom that she had known before, gloom that portended a change in government. This time, however, she understood clearly that the change in government involved the person of the King, and that, just as Christ was divested of His royal trappings before her, so would Charles X be divested of his throne.
We must help to plant the seeds to restore Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ to His rightful place as the King of all men and nations, doing so as we consecrate ourselves totally to His Most Sacred Heart through the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary, praying as many Rosaries each day as our states-in-life permit. Our Lord has so arranged things in these latter times as to place the cause of world peace not in the hands of maniacal war mongers or delusional statists/globalists such as Caesar Barackus Obamus Ignoramus but where it belongs: in the Immaculate Heart of His own Most Blessed Mother. To take seriously her Fatima Message is to honor her Divine Son, Who is giving us this great act of His ineffable Mercy to quit our lives of sin and to live penitentially before it is too late for us.
Isn't it time to pray a Rosary now?
Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us now and the hour of our deaths. Amen.
All to thee, Blessed Mother. All to thy Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart. Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, we love you. Save souls!
Viva Cristo Rey! Vivat Christus Rex!
Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us.
Saint Joseph, pray for us.
Saints Peter and Paul, pray for us.
Saint John the Baptist, pray for us.
Saint Michael the Archangel, pray for us.
Saint Gabriel the Archangel, pray for us.
Saint Raphael the Archangel, pray for us.
Saints Joachim and Anne, pray for us.
Saints Caspar, Melchior, and Balthasar, pray for us.
Saint Edward the Confessor, pray for us.
Pope Saint Callistus I, pray for us.
Saint Teresa of Avila, pray for us.
Saint Hedwig, pray for us.
Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque, pray for us.
Saint Luke the Evangelist, pray for us.