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Jorge Mario Bergoglio Persists in His False Sacramental Theology Ad Nauseam, Ad Infinitum
There is so much happening in the world at this point—and I am focused on trying to complete several articles and book projects—that I did not even know that Jorge Mario Bergoglio, aka The Argentine Apostate, had visited Hungary and Slovakia until I saw a headline on my stupid phone, which is billed as a “smart phone” but is pretty “stupid” in a rural area, that he had given—yikes and eegads—another “inflight” or “onboard” press conference on his return to Rome from Slovkia on Wednesday, September 15, 2021, the Feast of the Seven Dolors of the Blessed Viergin Mary in September and the Commemoration of Saint Nicomedes. Although I once kept track of the number of interviews Senor Jorge had given, I lost count years ago and, having no desire any longer to comment on everything the incessantly compulsive motor mouth of a heretic has said or done, will offer commentary only when I find that there is a compelling reason to do so.
Thus, the impetus for this commentary of mine revolves around Bergoglio’s answer to a question from an American journalist, Gerald O’Connell of America magazine (the Jesuit publication of the United States of America), set up the great protector of pro-abortion and pro-perversity statists and globalists for another chance to proclaim how “inclusive” he is when distributing what he thinks is Holy Communion to the faithful. This, of course, gave “Pope Francis” the opportunity to squeeze those in the conciliar hierarchy within the United States of America who want to withhold “Holy Communion” from the daffy, doddering, drooling, coughing, wheezing, stammering moral reprobate, craven career politician, demagogue, serially criminally corrupt, appeaser and current enabler of totalitarianism, Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr., and those other Catholics in public life who support the chemical and surgical execution of innocent babies and who support special “rights” for those who identify themselves by their proclivity to commit perverse sins against nature:
O’Connell: You yourself have said that we are all sinners and that the Eucharist is not a prize for the perfect, but a medicine and nourishment for the weak. As you know, in the U.S. after the last elections, but also since 2004, there has been a discussion among bishops about giving Communion to politicians who have supported pro-abortion laws and a woman’s right to choose.
And as you know, there are bishops who want to deny Communion to the president and others, there are other bishops who are against it, there are some bishops who say that the Eucharist should not be used as a weapon. What do you think about this reality and what do you recommend to the bishops? And then as a second question, have you as a bishop in all these years publicly refused the Eucharist to anyone?
Pope Francis: I have never refused the Eucharist to anyone. No one. I do not know if anyone came [to me] who was in this situation, but I never refused the Eucharist. To this day as a priest never. But never have I been conscious of having a person in front of me as you describe. That is true.
Simply, the only time I had a funny thing happen was when I went to celebrate Mass in a nursing home. And we were in the living room and I said: “Whoever wants Communion, raise your hand.” And everybody, they were elderly, raised their hands. And I gave Communion to one lady, and [afterward] she took my hand and she said, “Thank you, Father, thank you, I’m Jewish.” She took my hand. Even this one I told you about was a Jewish woman and yet, onward. The only strange thing. But the lady told me afterward.
Communion is not a prize for the perfect, think of [...], Jansenism, the perfect are able to take Communion. Communion is a gift, a gift, the presence of Jesus in his Church. It is in the community. This is the theology. Then, those who are not in the community cannot take Communion -- like this Jewish lady, but the Lord wanted to reward her and without my knowledge. Why [can they not take Communion]? Because they are out of the community, excommunicated, they are “excommunicated” it is called. It’s a harsh term, but what it means is they are not in the community, either because they do not belong, or they are baptized but have drifted away from some of the things. (Bergoglio in-flight press conference from Slovakia.)
Interjection Number One:
Jorge Mario Bergoglio keeps repeating himself ad nauseam.
I, for one, have simply lost track of how many times this repulsive, venomous, vulgar peddler of every Modernist shibboleth imaginable has said that the “Eucharist is for sinners," a strawman shibboleth that I will deal with at some length in the final part of this commentary.
It was only three months, fourteen days ago that Bergoglo said more or less the same thing durin an Angelus address as he had said to Gerald O'Connell five days ago:
And there is another strength that stands out in the fragility of the Eucharist: the strength to love those who make mistakes. It is on the night he is betrayed that Jesus gives us the Bread of Life. He gives us the greatest gift while in his heart he feels the deepest abyss: the disciple who eats with Him, who dips the morsel in the same plate, is betraying Him. And betrayal is the worst suffering for one who loves. And what does Jesus do? He reacts to the evil with a greater good. He responds to Judas’ ‘no’ with the ‘yes’ of mercy. He does not punish the sinner, but rather gives His life for him; He pays for him. When we receive the Eucharist, Jesus does the same with us: he knows us; he knows we are sinners; he knows we make many mistakes, but he does not give up on joining his life to ours. He knows that we need it, because the Eucharist is not the reward of saints, but the Bread of sinners. This is why he exhorts us: “Do not be afraid! Take and eat”. (Angelus, 6 June 2021.)
Here is how I treated this blasphemous heresy at the time:
Liar, liar, pants on fire, Jorge.
Anathema to you, Jorge Mario Bergoglio.
Before dealing with the “bread of sinners” heresy, it is very important to discuss Bergoglio’s umpteenth betrayal of Judas Iscariot as a beneficiary of Our Lord’s mercy, starting with the words of Saint John Chrysostom that are contained in the readings for the Divine Office for Monday within the Octave of Corpus Christi:
Let us hear, all of us, both Priests and laymen, let us hear What Food it is whereof we are made worthy let us hear, I say, and let us quake. The Lord satisfieth us with His Own holy Flesh, setting Himself slain before us. What excuse therefore shall we have, if, being so fed as we are, we sin as we do If, eating of the Lamb, we are still wolves If, pastured as the sheep of the flock, we raven like lions This mysterious Sacrament forbiddeth unto us not outrage only, but any the least enmity it is the Mystery of peace. Upon the Jews God laid it to make year by year by solemn festivals a yearly commemoration of His mercies unto them, but upon thee to do this in remembrance of His love to thee, day by day. To this Table then let there draw nigh no Judas Iscariot, no Simon Magus. These men fell through covetousness let us fly that bottomless pit. (Saint John Chrysostom, as found in Matins, The Divine Office, Monday within the Octave of Corpus Christi.)
Jorge Mario Bergoglio says that the Judases are welcomed because they are “fragile.”
This is what Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ said of Judas after He had foretold of His betrayal at the Last Supper:
[21] And whilst they were eating, he said: Amen I say to you, that one of you is about to betray me. [22] And they being very much troubled, began every one to say: Is it I, Lord? [23] But he answering, said: He that dippeth his hand with me in the dish, he shall betray me. [24] The Son of man indeed goeth, as it is written of him: but woe to that man by whom the Son of man shall be betrayed: it were better for him, if that man had not been born. [25] And Judas that betrayed him, answering, said: Is it I, Rabbi? He saith to him: Thou hast said it. (Matthew 26: 21-25.)
This is an unambiguous declaration of the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity made Man that it would have been better for Judas had he never been born, meaning that the crime of betrayal and blasphemy was so enormous that a man of so little faith in Him would be led naturally to despair and suicide, whereupon he would spend the rest of eternity in the lowest depths of hell. (See Saint John Chrysostom Says to "Pope Francis": "To this Table then let there draw nigh no Judas Iscariot, no Simon Magus". It is hard to believe that this was over three months ago as it seems as though I just wrote the commentary.)
Thus, as is ever the case, there is nothing “new” in anything that Jorge Mario Bergoglio said in his inflight/onboard press conference when flying back to Rome from Slovakia.
For present purposes as I have dealt with Bergoglio’s indemnification of the likes of Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr., before (see Jorge Orders Protection for His Pro-Abortion, Pro-Perversity Statist Comrades), let me deal with his profligate distribution of what purports to be Holy Communion to the Jewish woman in Argentina by stating that the soul of one who is unbaptized is captive to the devil by means of Original Sin. One who receives Holy Communion in such a state makes an offering of the Host directly to the devil himself even if he is not aware of this fact, and the priest who does this knowingly is also culpable before Christ the King, His Divine Judge. A well-catechized Catholic know that this same truth applies to any baptized Catholic who is in State of Mortal Sin.
In this instance, obviously, we are not talking about a true priest and a truly consecrated host.
Nevertheless, however, Jorge Mario Bergoglio’s that the Most Holy Eucharist is the “bread of sinners” as he called it on June 6, 2021, is standard fare in many Jacobin/Bolshevik “ultra-progressive” conciliar circles.
Indeed, it while I was praying before what I thought was the Blessed Sacrament at Saint Mary’s Church in Manhasset, Long Island, New York, on Thursday evening November 30, 1980, that one of Jorge’s Jesuit comrades, a true priest who was based at the Jesuit retreat house in nearby Searington, New York, Inisfada, was taking an engaged couple and their wedding party through the steps of their wedding rehearsal. The priest, dressed in knit sweater and civilian clothes, told the wedding party and the guests who had gathered for the rehearsal that, "I invite everyone up to come to Communion. I don't care who you are. You are invited. I find, however, that some of our Jewish brothers are reluctant to come up. I still invite them."
(I was praying before I attended an Opus Dei “evening of recollection. I was so outraged at what I had just heard that I blurted out the scandalous “invitation” to a group of men waiting for the church to be cleared. The Opus Dei priest remonstrated with me for relating the event as he was concerned the pastor would not him back again. Undeterred, though, I telephoned the pastor, Monsignor John Wiest, long since deceased but who as old-fashioned man’s man diocesan priest, who was just as incensed as I was. He said, “Thanks for telling me. I will put a stop to this at once. No one is going to do this in in my parish.” For the rest of my commentary about the supposed “work of God,” please see Not The Work of God from eleven and one-half years ago.)
Bergoglio’s answer to Gerald O’Connell moved on from his “inclusive” experience with the Jewish woman, whom he thinks benefitted from the reception of what he believed to be Holy Communion, included his trying to make it clear that he opposes abortion even though, as noted a few weeks ago on Novus Ordo Watch, he is really trying to subtly find some “wiggle room” about the absolute inviolability of all innocent human life from the moment of conception until death:
Second, the problem of abortion. Abortion is more than an issue. Abortion is murder. Abortion, without hinting: whoever performs an abortion kills. You take any embryology textbook of those students that study in medical school. At the third week of conception, at the third, many times before the mother notices, all the organs are already there. All of them. Even the DNA. [...]
It’s a human life, period. This human life must be respected. This principle is so clear. And to those who can’t understand it I would ask two questions: Is it right, is it fair, to kill a human life to solve a problem? Scientifically it is a human life. Second question: Is it right to hire a hitman to solve a problem? I said this publicly [...] when I did, I said it to COPE, I have wanted to repeat it. And period. Don’t continue with strange discussions: Scientifically it’s a human life. The textbooks teach us that. But is it right to take it out to solve a problem? This is why the Church is so strict on this issue because accepting this is kind of like accepting daily murder.
A head of state was telling me that the decline in population started with the age of abortion. Because in those years there was such a strong abortion law that six million abortions were performed and this left a very large decline in the society of that country. (Bergoglio in-flight press conference from Slovakia.)
Interjection Number Two:
First, you mean to tell me that Jorge Mario Bergoglio had to have a head of state tell him that the decline in population started with the “age of abortion?” He hadn’t thought about this before all on his own? Moreover, neither the unnamed head of state nor “Pope Francis” seem to realize that the depopulation of the so-called “civilized West” began with the Sangerite agenda of over a century ago, especially after that agenda was embraced by the heretical and schismatic Anglican sect ninety-one years ago and then endorsed by the Federated Council of Churches in the United States of America a year later, an endorsement that was denounced in the following prophetic words published in, of all, places, The Washington Post:
The Federal Council of Churches in America some time ago appointed a committee on "marriage and the home," which has now submitted a report favoring a "careful and restrained" use of contraceptive devices to regulate the size of families. The committee seems to have a serious struggle with itself in adhering to Christian doctrine while at the same time indulging in amateurish excursions in the field of economics, legislation, medicine, and sociology. The resulting report is a mixture of religious obscurantism and modernistic materialism which departs from the ancient standards of religion and yet fails to blaze a path toward something better.
The mischief that would result from an an attempt to place the stamp of church approval upon any scheme for "regulating the size of families" is evidently quite beyond the comprehension of this pseudo-scientific committee. It is impossible to reconcile the doctrine of the divine institution of marriage with any modernistic plan for the mechanical regulation of human birth. The church must either reject the plain teachings of the Bible or reject schemes for the “scientific” production of human souls. Carried to its logical conclusion, the committee’s report if carried into effect would lead to the death-knell of marriage as a holy institution, by establishing degrading practices which would encourage indiscriminate immorality. The suggestion that the use of legalized contraceptives would be “careful and restrained” is preposterous. If the churches are to become organizations for political and 'scientific' propaganda they should be honest and reject the Bible, scoff at Christ as an obsolete and unscientific teacher, and strike out boldly as champions of politics and science as substitutes for the old-time religion. ("Forgetting Religion," Editorial, The Washington Post, March 22, 1931.)
Jorge is just now getting this kind of news?
Even Karol Josef Wojtyla spoke about the effects of contraception during his 9,666-day reign as the fourth in the current line of antipopes.
Moreover, “Pope Francis’s” rhetorical opposition to the surgical execution of the innocent preborn is vitiated by the warmth with which he has praised the likes of Emma Bongino, an actual baby butcher who is called the “Margaret Sanger of Italy, and the warmth with which he has greeted every single pro-abortion head of state and other pro-abortion politicians and “experts” with whom he has met with smiles and affectionate embraces (e.g., Barack Hussein Obama/Barry Soetoro, Emmanuel Macron, Angelo Merkle, Dilma Rousseff, Francois Hollande, Jose Alberto Mujica Cordano, Andrew Mark Cuomo, Edmund Gerald Brown, Jr.), to say nothing of the pro-aborts he has appointed to the “pontifical” academies. On the other hand, of course, Senor Smiles was Senor “Faccia” as he looked stern and dour when photographed with then President Donald John Trump when the two met in 2017.
In this regard also, of course, one can never forget that Modernists are double-minded and can move from a rhetorical reiteration of Catholic truth in one instant to acting or speaking in a different manner in the same book or sermon:
18. This will appear more clearly to anybody who studies the conduct of Modernists, which is in perfect harmony with their teachings. In their writings and addresses they seem not unfrequently to advocate doctrines which are contrary one to the other, so that one would be disposed to regard their attitude as double and doubtful. But this is done deliberately and advisedly, and the reason of it is to be found in their opinion as to the mutual separation of science and faith. Thus in their books one finds some things which might well be approved by a Catholic, but on turning over the page one is confronted by other things which might well have been dictated by a rationalist. When they write history they make no mention of the divinity of Christ, but when they are in the pulpit they profess it clearly; again, when they are dealing with history they take no account of the Fathers and the Councils, but when they catechize the people, they cite them respectfully. In the same way they draw their distinctions between exegesis which is theological and pastoral and exegesis which is scientific and historical. So, too, when they treat of philosophy, history, and criticism, acting on the principle that science in no way depends upon faith, they feel no especial horror in treading in the footsteps of Luther and are wont to display a manifold contempt for Catholic doctrines, for the Holy Fathers, for the Ecumenical Councils, for the ecclesiastical magisterium; and should they be taken to task for this, they complain that they are being deprived of their liberty. Lastly, maintaining the theory that faith must be subject to science, they continuously and openly rebuke the Church on the ground that she resolutely refuses to submit and accommodate her dogmas to the opinions of philosophy; while they, on their side, having for this purpose blotted out the old theology, endeavor to introduce a new theology which shall support the aberrations of philosophers. (Pope Saint Pius X, Pascendi Dominci Gregis, September 8, 1907.)
This must be kept in mind as Jorge Mario Bergoglio pivoted from his restatement of Catholic opposition to abortion back to his defense of giving pro-abortion Catholic politicians what purports to be Holy Communion in his answer to Gerald O’Connell of America magazine:
Now let’s return to the person who is not in the community and is not able to take Communion because he is outside of the community. This is not a penalty: you are outside. Communion is to unite the community.
But the issue is not a theological problem, which is simple. The problem is a pastoral problem: how we bishops manage this principle pastorally. If we look at the history of the Church, we will see that every time the bishops have not managed a problem as pastors, they have taken sides about political life, about the political problem. For not managing a problem well they have taken sides on the political front.
Let’s think about the night of St. Bartholomew: Heretics, yes, heresy is very serious [...] everyone, it’s a political fact. Let’s think about Joan of Arc, with this mission. Let’s think about witch-hunts. Always we think of Campo de’ Fiori, Savonarola, all these kinds. When the Church, in order to defend a principle, does not do it pastorally, it takes sides politically. And this has always been the case. Just look at history.
Interjection Number Three:
First, it is very telling that Jorge Mario Bergoglio refers to one being “outside the community,” not “outside of the Church,” when referring to his “encounter” with the Jewish woman at that nursing home in Argentina.
Second, while Holy Communion does build up the Church Militant on earth and unites us with the Church Triumphant in Heaven and Church Suffering in Purgatory, the principal purpose of the reception of the Most Holy Eucharist is to unite the individual more closely with Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ by means of an increasing of Sanctifying Grace in his immortal soul. We pray every day before Holy Mass to receive not only the Sacrament of the Eucharist Itself but also the grace and power contained within It that is meant to transform our souls more fully into the likeness of Christ Himself:
Almighty and everlasting God, behold I come to the Sacrament of Thine only-begotten Son, our Lord Jesus Christ: I come as one infirm to the physician of life, as one unclean to the fountain of mercy, as one blind to the light of everlasting brightness, as one poor and needy to the Lord of heaven and earth. Therefore I implore the abundance of Thy measureless bounty that Thou wouldst vouchsafe to heal my infirmity, wash my uncleanness, enlighten my blindness, enrich my poverty and clothe my nakedness, that I may receive the Bread of Angels, the King of kings, the Lord of lords, with such reverence and humility, with such sorrow and devotion, with such purity and faith, with such purpose and intention as may be profitable to my soul’s salvation. Grant unto me, I pray, the grace of receiving not only the Sacrament of our Lord’s Body and Blood, but also the grace and power of the Sacrament. O most gracious God, grant me so to receive the Body of Thine only-begotten Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, which He took from the Virgin Mary, as to merit to be incorporated into His mystical Body, and to be numbered amongst His members. O most loving Father, give me grace to behold forever Thy beloved Son with His face at last unveiled, whom I now purpose to receive under the sacramental veil here below. (The Raccolta: A Manual of Indulgences, Prayers and Devotions Enriched with Indulgences, approved by Pope Pius XII, May 30, 1951, and published in English by Benziger Brothers, New York, 1957, Number 158, p. 89.)
The principal purpose of the Most Blessed Sacrament is to provide us with the fortification to sanctify and thus save our souls as it is both the summit and the source of true Charity. We receive the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Our Lord Himself under the appearance of bread, which is Transubstantiated by the words of Consecration uttered by a true priest in a true offering of Holy Mass, which the Protestant and Judeo-Masonic Novus Ordo liturgical service is not nor can ever be.
Second, ever the demagogue, Bergoglio likened the denial of what purports to be Holy Communion Catholics in public life who support abortion and sodomy to “witch hunts,” thereby demonizing “conservative” American “bishops” as being morally equivalent to the Catholics who engaged in the Saint Bartholomew’s Day Massacre of Huguenots on August 24, 1572, which was committed without the knowledge the papal nuncio to France, Antonmaria Cardinal Salviata, or of Pope Gregory XIII, who, though informed at first of the suppression of a political revolt by the Huguenots against King Charles IX and thus participated in a solemn Te Deum after the news was reported to him, recoiled in horror upon learning the facts of the massacre. Bergoglio is a true leftist who must manufacture strawmen aplenty to justify his heresies, blasphemies, and sacrileges, and it is truly beneath contempt even given his own commitment to deliver low blows and base insults to compare the likes of the doddering, demagogic, pandering, swearing and mean-spirited scold named Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr., to Saint Joan of Arc.
For Bergoglio, you see, being “pastoral” is never exercising any of the Spiritual Works of Mercy at any time for any reason. As will be explained below, a true pastor of souls is one who, in imitation of the Good Shepherd Himself, Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, is willing to issue stern warnings and even to use the medicine of excommunication as a last remedy once those warnings have fallen upon deaf ears, and there are none quite as deaf as Biden, Nancy Patricia D’Alesandro Pelosi, Gavin Newsom, Richard Durbin, Philip Murphy, Kirsten Gillibrand, Kathleen Hochul, Patricia Murray, Susan Collins, Edward Markey, Lawrence Hogan, et al., who persist in their wanton support for the chemical and surgical execution of the innocent preborn.
It is time now to return to the rest of Jorge Mario Bergoglio’s answer to Gerald O’Connell:
What should the pastor do? Be a shepherd, do not go around condemning, not condemning, but be a pastor. But is he also a pastor of the excommunicated? Yes, he is the pastor and he has to shepherd them, and he must be a shepherd with God’s style. And God’s style is closeness, compassion, and tenderness. The whole Bible says that. Closeness. Already in Deuteronomy, He says to Israel: What people have gods as close as you have me? Closeness. Compassion: the Lord has compassion on us. We read Ezekiel, we read Hosea, right from the beginning. And tenderness -- just look at the Gospel and the works of Jesus.
A pastor who does not know how to manage with God’s style slips and he adds many things which are not pastoral. For me, I do not want to particularize [...] the United States because I do not know the details well, I give the principle.
You can tell me: but if you are close, and tender, and compassionate with a person, you have to give Communion -- but that’s a hypothetical. Be a pastor and the pastor knows what he has to do at all times, but as a shepherd. But if he stops this shepherding of the Church, immediately he becomes a politician. And you will see this in all the denunciations, in all the non-pastoral condemnations that the Church makes. With this principle, I believe a pastor can act well. The principles are from theology, the pastoral care is theology and the Holy Spirit, who leads you to do it with the style of God. I would venture to say up to this far. (Bergoglio in-flight press conference from Slovakia.)
Interjection Number Four:
What a liar.
Bergoglio does not know the details of what is going on in the United States of America?
Then why did he authorize the prefect of his so-called Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Luis Ladaria, to send a letter to “Archbishop” Jose Gomez, the conciliar archbishop of Los Angeles, California, to warn him about imposing penalties on Catholics in public life who support the chemical and surgical execution of babies?
What a liar.
As I have noted so many times in the past, we are nearing fifty full years the American conciliar hierarchy’s “patience,” “compassion,” and “dialogue” with pro-abortion, pro-sodomite Catholics in public life. Five decades. Sixty-three million babies killed by surgical means alone.
What an infernal hypocrite.
Jorge Mario Bergoglio hurls insults and invectives at believing Catholics at every opportunity and he has been downright nasty and heartless to those within the structures of the counterfeit church of conciliarism who think that they have had some kind of "access" to the modernized Traditional Mass that has been, at least for the most part, staged by invalidly ordained men. Bergoglio has gone to great lengths to criticize, insult and penalize these people while he lets wanton sinners live their lives of unrepentant indecency and perversity to the day they die.
Jorge Mario Bergoglio’s definition of being “pastoral,” which extends also, obviously to those Catholics who are divorced and remarried without even a worthless and relatively easy-to-obtain decree of martial nullity from a conciliar marriage tribunal to those engaged in fornication and to various unnatural acts of perversity in violation of the Sixth and Ninth Commandments that were addressed by him in “pastoral terms” in Amoris Laetitia, March 19, 2016.
Indeed, Senor Jorge is proud of the heresy, excuse me, “pastoral theology” expressed in Amoris Laetitia, something that he noted as a codicil in his reply to Gerald O’Connell of America magazine and then in reply to another another journalist immediately thereafter:
Bruni: Thank you, Holy Father.
Pope Francis: If you say to me: but can you give or cannot give [Communion]? It is casuistry, as the theologians say. Do you remember the storm that was stirred by Amoris laetitia when that chapter on accompanying separated, divorced couples came out: “Heresy, heresy!” Thank God there was Cardinal Schönborn, a great theologian who clarified things.
But always condemnation, condemnation, enough with excommunication. Please let us not place any more excommunications. Poor people. They are children of God. They are outside temporarily, but they are children of God and they want, and need, our pastoral closeness. Then the pastors work things out by the Spirit of God.
Paci: The question is about the family: You spoke about it with the Hungarian authorities, you spoke about it yesterday in the meeting with young people, and yesterday arrived news of a resolution in the European Parliament which invites the member states to recognize same-sex marriages and related parenting relationships. Holy Father, what are your thoughts on this?
Pope Francis: I have spoken clearly about this: marriage is a sacrament, marriage is a sacrament. And the Church does not have the power to change the sacraments. They are thus, as the Lord has instituted [for] us. These are laws that try to help the situation of many people of different sexual orientations. And this is important, to help these people, but without imposing things that by their nature do not enter in the Church. But if they want to support a homosexual couple in life together, states have the possibility of civilly supporting them, of giving security through inheritance, health [insurance]. But the French have a law on this not only for homosexuals, but for all people who want to associate with each other [in a legally recognized relationship].
But marriage is marriage. This is not to condemn people who are like that, no, please, they are our brothers and sisters and we must accompany them. But marriage as a sacrament is clear, it is clear. That there are civil laws that provide if they want to associate, a law to have the health service, to have [...] among them, these things are done. The French PACS, this law [...] has nothing to do with homosexual couples -- homosexual people can use it, they cannot use it, but marriage as a sacrament is man and woman. Sometimes what I have said is confusing. All the same, respect everyone. The good Lord will save everyone -- do not say this aloud [laughs] -- but the Lord wants to save everyone. Please do not make the Church deny her truth. Many, many people of homosexual orientation approach the Sacrament of Penance, they approach to ask priests for advice, the Church helps them to move forward in their lives. But the sacrament of marriage is [...]. (Bergoglio in-flight press conference from Slovakia.)
Interjection Number Five:
All right, it is time to unload on this bum, who even had the temerity to slightly obliquely rebuke the over 200,000 people who turned out for what they thought in all sincerity and good faith to be a Eucharistic Process near Budapest prior to his arrival there by starting the following near the end of his “homily” at the “Eucharistic Congress’s” closing liturgy on
He is not satisfied with declarations of faith, but asks us to purify our religiosity before his cross, before the Eucharist. We do well to spend time in adoration before the Eucharist in order to contemplate God’s weakness. Let us make time for adoration, a way of praying too frequently forgotten. Let us make time for adoration. Let us allow Jesus the Living Bread to heal us of our self-absorption, open our hearts to self-giving, liberate us from our rigidity and self-concern, free us from the paralyzing slavery of defending our image, and inspire us to follow him wherever he would lead us, not where I want. And so, we come to the third step. (Novus Ordo service at Holy Mass at Heroes' Square in Budapest, Sunday, September 12, 2021.)
“Rigidity” is conciliarspeak for believing in the immutable truths of the Catholic Faith and of being liberated from a “piety” that is said to “paralyze” our “openness” to the voice of the “spirit,” meaning “openness” to the ever-evolving conciliar revolution.
Well, returning to the interview, Jorge intentionally revealed his belief in universal salvation when he said “Our Lord will save everyone before mockingly correcting himself, by saying that Our does want to save everyone. Of course, He does.
However, not everyone will be saved as Our Lord given man a free will to follow Him as He has revealed Himself to us through His true Church or to follow the adversary to hell. Our Lord so loves our free will that He will not impose himself upon us in death if we have chosen for Him in life by living as Catholics who persist in a state of Sanctifying Grace until the moment they die.
Once again, let us turn to Saint Jude Thaddeus for some instruction on the matter:
[1] Jude, the servant of Jesus Christ, and brother of James: to them that are beloved in God the Father, and preserved in Jesus Christ, and called. [2] Mercy unto you, and peace, and charity be fulfilled. [3] Dearly beloved, taking all care to write unto you concerning your common salvation, I was under a necessity to write unto you: to beseech you to contend earnestly for the faith once delivered to the saints. [4] For certain men are secretly entered in, (who were written of long ago unto this judgment,) ungodly men, turning the grace of our Lord God into riotousness, and denying the only sovereign Ruler, and our Lord Jesus Christ. [5] I will therefore admonish you, though ye once knew all things, that Jesus, having saved the people out of the land of Egypt, did afterwards destroy them that believed not:
[6] And the angels who kept not their principality, but forsook their own habitation, he hath reserved under darkness in everlasting chains, unto the judgment of the great day. [7] As Sodom and Gomorrha, and the neighbouring cities, in like manner, having given themselves to fornication, and going after other flesh, were made an example, suffering the punishment of eternal fire. [8] In like manner these men also defile the flesh, and despise dominion, and blaspheme majesty. [9] When Michael the archangel, disputing with the devil, contended about the body of Moses, he durst not bring against him the judgment of railing speech, but said: The Lord command thee. [10] But these men blaspheme whatever things they know not: and what things soever they naturally know, like dumb beasts, in these they are corrupted.
[11] Woe unto them, for they have gone in the way of Cain: and after the error of Balaam they have for reward poured out themselves, and have perished in the contradiction of Core. [12] These are spots in their banquets, feasting together without fear, feeding themselves, clouds without water, which are carried about by winds, trees of the autumn, unfruitful, twice dead, plucked up by the roots, [13] Raging waves of the sea, foaming out their own confusion; wandering stars, to whom the storm of darkness is reserved for ever. [14] Now of these Enoch also, the seventh from Adam, prophesied, saying: Behold, the Lord cometh with thousands of his saints, [15] To execute judgment upon all, and to reprove all the ungodly for all the works of their ungodliness, whereby they have done ungodly, and of all the hard things which ungodly sinners have spoken against God.
[16] These are murmurers, full of complaints, walking according to their own desires, and their mouth speaketh proud things, admiring persons for gain' s sake. [17] But you, my dearly beloved, be mindful of the words which have been spoken before by the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ, [18] Who told you, that in the last time there should come mockers, walking according to their own desires in ungodlinesses. [19] These are they, who separate themselves, sensual men, having not the Spirit. [20] But you, my beloved, building yourselves upon your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Ghost,
[21] Keep yourselves in the love of God, waiting for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ, unto life everlasting. [22] And some indeed reprove, being judged:[23] But others save, pulling them out of the fire. And on others have mercy, in fear, hating also the spotted garment which is carnal. [24] Now to him who is able to preserve you without sin, and to present you spotless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy, in the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ,[25] To the only God our Saviour through Jesus Christ our Lord, be glory and magnificence, empire and power, before all ages, and now, and for all ages of ages. Amen. (Jude 1-25.)
Yes, there is quite a contrast between Saint Jude and the conciliar authorities who believe that the spotted garment is no impediment to salvation.
Now, while Bergoglio is indeed correct when stating that there are times he says that are confusing as confusion is a methodology used by Modernists to keep the gullible believing that they hold the Catholic Faith when their goal is to engaged in what can be called “transformative theology” to clothe themselves in the mantle of Catholicism while professing a new religion in heretical, condemned theological terms that are evangelized by means of a new liturgy and reaffirmed with new “pastoral theologies” and a supposedly “new” moral theology that is no more new than the tempter’s lie to Eve that convinced her to speak to Adam on his behalf.
For Jorge Mario Bergoglio’s “pastoral approach” to be correct, you see, then the examples provided by three saints who worked in his own Latin America—Saints Peter Claver, S.J., Saint Francis Solano, O.F.M., and Saint Anthony Mary Claret, S.J.—that were in large part the very basis of their canonizations must have been erroneous, which means that Holy Mother Church’s decisions to raise them to her altars as saints worthy of emulation were erroneous, something that is impossible.
Saint Anthony Mary Claret, the Apostle to Cuba, did not accept sophistries used to disguise moral relativism. Quite unlike Jorge Mario Bergoglio, Saint Anthony Mary Claret preached Catholic doctrinal truth to the people of Cobre, Cuba, knowing that this truth possesses the inherent power to attract and to covert an unprejudiced soul who is willing to cooperate with the graces sent to them by Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ through the loving hands of Our Lady, she who is the Mediatrix of All Graces:
Here he was met by disturbing news. In this town of pilgrimage [Cobre] where the island's most famous shrine was located, his missionaries had found hardly a dozen legitimately married couples! He praised their diligence in having substantially raised this figure prior to his arrival but--even so! This shocking situation required a strong hand--the hand of a patient but uncompromising prelate. The unhappy fact was that the Spanish-descended Cubans rarely condescended to marry their Negro and mulatto concubines, even when their half-caste progeny might number as many as nine or ten. Rightly suspecting that this intolerable state of affairs might prove typical, he attacked the problem vigorously. A committee was appointed to study each case individually. On its recommendations, he let it be known, all such unions must be regularized or, where impediments existed, dissolved!
It was a most trying undertaking, fraught with complications, both tragic and absurd. Persons who expressed their willingness, even eagerness, to legalize their unions were frequently not free to receive the Sacrament of marriage. Others, without the excuse of impediments under Church law were sometimes overcome with indignation to hear that they were expected to make wives of their colored concubines. There were emphatic affirmations that Spain prohibited mixed marriages, a fallacy the archbishop had no need to consider. In all her colonial history Spain had never forced any such regulation. However, for any who persisted in this persuasion in spite of Padre Claret's assurances, his command was clear. They must immediately terminate their illicit unions. It would be a painful problem--the provision for their innocent children--but it would have to be faced. Although he praised God that many of these easy-going folk accepted their prelate's reprimands contritely and docilely obeyed his injunctions to amend their lives, Cobre had certainly given him a first-hand acquaintance with the repugnant moral deterioration that had engulfed a traditionally Christian nation. (Fanchon Royer, The Life of St. Anthony Mary Claret, published originally by Farrar, Straus and Cudahy in 1957 and republished in 1985 by TAN Books and Publishers, pp. 130-131.)
Another Spaniard, Saint Francis Solano, for example, preached a sermon in the public square in Lima, Peru, in 1610 during which he prophesied of the great earthquake that God would visit upon Lima to chastise the people there for their ingratitude and immorality:
By the time Francis had reached the market, the theme of his sermon was clear. God was love, yet man was constantly thwarting that love. Many times this was because of thoughtlessness, but there were also countless times when it was because of sheer selfishness, and even malice. Well, atonement for sin must be made by means of penance.
"Unless you do penance, you shall likewise," Our Lord had said to his disciples.
"I will say these words, too," Francis thought. "Oh, Heavenly Father, may they help some souls tonight to turn away from sin!"
Naturally many at the market were astonished when they saw the Father Guardian of Saint Mary of the Angels making his way through their midst. Since his return from Trujillo he had appeared in the streets only rarely, and certainly never in the evenings. Then in a little while there was even more astonishment. Father Francis had come not to buy for his friars, or even to beg. He had come to preach!
At first, however, since business was brisk, not much heed was paid to his words. Merchants vied with one another in calling out the merits of their wares while customers argued noisily for a lower price. Beggars whined for alms. Babies cried. Dogs barked. Donkeys brayed. Older children ran in and out of the crowd intent upon their games. Music was everywhere--weird tunes played by Indian musicians on their wooden flutes, gay Spanish rhythms played on guitar and tambourine. At the various food students succulent rounds of meat sizzled and sputtered as they turned over slow fires. Then suddenly a thunderous voice rang about above the noisy and carefree scene:
"For all that is in the world is the concupiscence of the flesh, and the concupiscence of the eyes, and the pride of life, which is not of the Father but is in the world."
It was as though a bombshell had fallen. At once the hubbub died away, and hundreds of Lima's startled citizens turned to where a grey-clad friar, cross in hand, had mounted an elevation in the center of the marketplace and now stood gazing down upon them with eyes of burning coals. But before anyone could wonder about the text from Saint John's first epistle, Francis began to explain the meaning of concupiscence: that, because of Original Sin, it is the tendency within each person to do evil instead of good; that this hidden warfare will end only when we have drawn our last breath.
"If we were to die tonight, would good or evil be the victor within our hearts" he cried. "Oh, my friends! Think about this question. Think hard!
Within just a few minutes Lima's marketplace was as hushed and solemn as a cathedral. All eyes were riveted upon the Father Guardian and all ears were filled with his words as he described God's destruction of the ancient cities of Sodom and Gomorrha because of the sins committed within them.
"Who is to say that here in Lima we do not deserve a like fate?" he demanded in ringing tones. "Look into your hearts now, my children. Are they clean? Are they pure? Are they filled with love of God?"
As the minutes passed and twilight deepened into darkness, the giant torches of the marketplace cast their flickering radiance over a moving scene. As usual, crowds of people were on hand, but now no one was interested in buying or selling. Instead, faces were bewildered, agonized and fearful. Tears were streaming from many eyes as Francis' words continued to pour out in torrents, urging repentance while there was still time.
"Can we say that we shall ever see tomorrow?" he cried, fervently brandishing his missionary cross. "Can we say that this night is not the last we shall have in which to return to God's friendship?"
As these and still more terrifying thoughts struck home one after another, the speaker stretched out both arms, bowed his head, and in heartrending tones began the Fifth Psalm. At once the crowd was filled with fresh sorrow and made the contrite phrases their own:
"Have mercy on me, O God, according to Thy great mercy.
"And according to the multitude of Thy tender mercies, blot out my iniquity.
"Wash me yet more from my iniquity, and cleanse me from my sin.
"For I know my iniquity, and my sins is always before me.
"To Thee only have I sinned, and have done evil before Thee: that Thou mayest be justified in Thy words, and mayest overcome when Thou art judged . . ."
Soon wave upon wave of sound was filling the torch lit marketplace as priest and people prayed together. Then Francis preached again, doing his est to implant a greater sorrow for sin and an even firmer purpose of amendment in the hearts of his hearers. Finally, looking neither to right nor left, he prepared to depart for Saint Mary of the Angels. But on all sides men and women pressed about him, sobbing and begging for his blessing.
"Father, please pray for me!" cried one young girl. "I've deserved to go to Hell a thousand times!"
"Last year, I robbed a poor widow of ten pounds of gold!" declared a swarthy-faced Spaniard. "May God forgive me!"
"'I'm worse than anyone," moaned a wild-eyed black man. "Tonight, I was going to kill a man . . . and for money!"
So it was that first one, then another, cried out his fault and expressed a desire to go to Confession at once. But Francis had to refuse all such requests. Yes, he was a priest. It was his privilege and duty to administer the Sacraments. But he was also a religious, and bound by rule to various observances. One of them was that he must be in his cell at Saint Mary of the Angels by a certain hour each night.
"There are other priests in the city who can help you, though," he said kindly. "Go them now, my children. And may the Holy Virgin bring you back to her Son without delay." (Mary Fabyan Windeatt, Saint Francis of Solano: Wonderworker of the New World and Apostle of Argentina and Peru, published originally by Sheed and Ward in 1946 and republished by TAN Books and Publishers in 1994, pp. 167-172.)
Yet another Spanish missionary to Latin America, Saint Peter Claver, S.J., a true Jesuit and a true priest, labored long and hard to save the souls of the Negro slaves who were brought to Cathagena, Columbia, was charitable in his dealings with sinners, heretics, and infidels, including Mohammedans in the pattern of Our Lord Himself. Saint Peter Claver, however, possessed true charity, which sought to remove hardened sinners from their sins as soon possible, and urged sinners to accept the sufferings that God sent them to remove from them the near occasions of sin and as the means to pay back the temporal debt of what they owed for their sins. Quite in contrast to the spirit of false ecumenism, he also sought—and won—the conversion of Protestants and Mohammedans.
Here is an example of how Saint Peter Claver worked with one hardened sinner in the hospital in Carthagena:
His Labors in the Hospitals
Occupied as the holy missionary was in the conversion, sanctification, and consolation of the Negroes, yet the ardor of his zeal led him also amongst heretics, Mahomedans, and Catholics who were a disgrace to their religion. To succeed in his generous designs, he had many obstacles to surmount, persecutions to suffer, and even injuries and calumnies to endure. His charity and courage, however, were more powerful than the efforts of men and devils; and God, by the miraculous success with which He crowned his combats, knew how to indemnify him for all he undertook for the promotion of His glory.
There were two remarkable hospitals in Carthagena: --St. Sebastian's, served by the religious of St. John of God; and St. Lazarus', for lepers and such as suffered from the complaint called St. Anthony's fire. After his devotedness to his Negroes – the principal objects of his care – these were the two principal theatres of his charity.
The hospital of St. Sebastian, though without any fixed revenues, was crowded, especially in war time, with such a prodigious multitude of sick, that the religious had great difficulty in procurring necessary alms and remedies for their subsistence. Father Claver, delighted with their charity, undertook to assist them, and wherever he met them offered his services with a humility and zeal which they could not fail to admire. When not engaged in his missions in the country, he went thither at least once a meek, and on reaching the hospital, he visited all the sick in succession, presenting them with his crucifix, and exhorting them to prepare for the sacrament of penance. When any of them wished to confess, he always arranged the place conveniently for them, and the reverse for himself. He particularly devoted himself to the most miserable, for whom he performed the most painful and lowly offices with incredible ardor. In time of war, when the number was greatly augmented, he did not limit himself to an ordinary care of them, but spent the entire day in the hospital, said mass, and applied himself to all that his charity could suggest, without care, for a moment, for his own bodily needs. His prodigious abstemiousness, under such fatigues and in such excessive heats, so astonished the good religious of the hospital, that they publicly declared the life of this indefatigable workman could only be sustained by miracle. He was ready for everything, swept the rooms, made the beds, changed the clothes of the sick, served the broth, prepared the meat, washed the plates, and yet did nothing but by direction either of the prior or infirmarian. When thus occupied, if he was called to console or assist the sick, he humbly asked permission, and as soon as he had discharged his ministry he resumed his interrupted work. Never had such fervor, zeal, and courage been seen there, and it was fearlessly said that he alone was worth more than forty workmen. His absence from the hospital was a cause of general desolation; but on his return, the sick knew not how to manifest their joy.
After what we have seen him do for the Negroes, we shall not be surprises to find that here the most disgusting and repulsive offices constituted his greatest delight. A hundred times he renewed the heroic acts so familiar to him in the huts of the slaves. Amongst the sick there was one so disfigured, putrid, and infectious, that the others were unable to endure the sight or smell of him, and the religious had caused him to be removed to a separate lodging. Father Claver sought him out; and after saluting him with great tenderness, seated himself in such a position that his face nearly touched the sick man's arm, from which a virulent matter was oozing. When begged to change his place, he replied that he suffered no inconvenience, and after devoutly kissing the wounds he spent two hours with him, consoling him, and inspiring him with Christian sentiments. He continued visiting him, and inspiring him daily for a long time; and on taking leave he always begged the poor man to remember him when he should be with god. One day when the invalid thought himself dying, he offered some money to the father, to have a mass said for him. Father Claver, however, desired him to keep his money, and not be uneasy, for he himself would offer the holy sacrifice for his intention. After saying mass the next day, he returned, and said, as he entered, “Be composed, brother; God loves you, and I hope we shall again see you in full health in Carthagena. But never be unmindful of Him, from whom you receive this favor, and above all, sin no more. For the rest, He will have the goodness to withdraw from you the occasion of offending Him, because He loves you.” From that moment the man's health improved; but in proportion as his wounds healed his sight failed, and he ultimately became blind. Whenever the father met him afterward in the town, he begged he would pray for him when in Heaven, and from thence-forward the man's life was a holy as it had formerly been irregular.
Such is the fruit of the calamities sent by God to His elect. In His hands, the loss of health, abused for criminal indulgence; of beauty, employed to ensnare modesty; of money, used as an instrument of guilt, are precious and profitable favors. A father truly loves his son when he deprives him of the sword with which he would commit self-destruction. It was with this solid reflection, that the holy man consoled his invalid; and, for his own consolation Almighty God seems often to have sent these trials to sinners under his care. In the same hospital, there was a blind man who suffered from a violent head-ache. Hearing Father Claver pass along the room, he eagerly called to him, and complained of his double infirmity. “Bear your blindness patiently,” answered the father, “as a grace to which your salvation is attached; and for the rest, confide in God.” At the same time he put his cloak over the man's head, and gave him the kiss of peace: his pain was instantly removed, but he always remained blind.
His principal object amongst the poor and infirm was the cure of their souls, often much more in need of pity than their bodies; and he neglected no means whereby he might succeed. He sought out those whose shameful irregularities had obliged them to take dangerous and violent remedies. He began by procuring them a thousand little comforters, and by paying them particular attention, and when at length he found them disposes to listen to him, he powerfully depicted how wretched was the shameful satisfaction of a pleasure which was followed by such cruel evils. “If,” added he, “the remedies are so painful, what will be the chastisements prepared for such sins? The pleasure soon passes, but the pain of the body, and even of the soul, only finish with this life to commence far more terribly in eternity. It is true,” continued he, “it costs something to abstain from vices which gratify for the moment, but at least the difficulties attached to virtue are noble in the cause which produces them, sweet by the consolation which accompany them, precious by the recompenses which follow them; whereas the enjoyments of crime leave nothing but bitterness and shame.” His words animated with zeal and unction made so deep an impression, that many of these unfortunate sinners determined to embrace the religious state, and to suffer for the salvation of their souls, at least as much as they had suffered for the cure of their bodies. (John R. Slattery, The Life of St. Peter Claver, S.J.: The Apostle of the Negroes, published originally by H. L. Kilner & Co., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 1893, and republished by Forgotten Books in 2015, pp. 98-102.)
Saint Peter Claver knew that it took stern measures and great bodily chastisements, including severe physical suffering, to root out one’s attachment to his sins. “Pope Francis” extols the great need reaching out to those in “irregular” situations in order to “understand” the supposed “complexity” of their lives. This is nothing other than moral relativism/situation ethics that is in direct violation to Supernatural Works of Mercy that must be rendered to habitual sinners.
Those Who Receive Our Lord Unworthily Will Be Excluded from the Heavenly Marriage Feast
It is most appropriate at this juncture to return the false “pontiff’s” contention that the Most Holy Eucharist is the “bread of sinners” and/or is for the “sick.”
The Gospel passage that was read at Holy Mass on the Feast of Saint Joseph Cupertino, Saturday, September 18, 2021 (which was also the Commemoration of Ember Saturday in September), was the Parable of the Marriage Feast that will be read again this year on Sunday, October 3, 2021, the Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost (and the Commemoration of Saint Therese of the Child Jesus and of the Holy Face, our Little Flower, Saint Therese of Lisieux):
At that time, Jesus spoke to the chief priests and the Pharisees in parables, saying, The kingdom of heaven is like a king who made a marriage feast for his son. And he sent his servants to call in those invited to the marriage feast, but they would not come. Again he sent out other servants, saying, ‘Tell those who are invited, behold, I have prepared my dinner; my oxen and fatlings are killed, and everything is ready; come to the marriage feast.’ But they made light of it, and went off, one to his farm, and another to his business; and the rest laid hold of his servants, treated them shamefully, and killed them. But when the king heard of it, he was angry; and he sent his armies, destroyed those murderers, and burnt their city. Then he said to his servants, ‘The marriage feast indeed is ready, but those who were invited were not worthy; go therefore to the crossroads, and invite to the marriage feast whomever you shall find.’ And his servants went out into the roads, and gathered all whom they found, both good and bad; and the marriage feast was filled with guests. Now the king went in to see the guests, and he saw there a man who had not on a wedding garment. And he said to him, ‘Friend, how did you come in here without a wedding garment?’ But he was speechless. Then the king said to the attendants, ‘Bind his hands and feet and cast him forth into the darkness outside, where there will be the weeping and the gnashing of teeth.’ For many are called, but few are chosen. (Matthew 22: 1-14.)
The wedding garment, of course, is that of our Baptism, and the purity with which a Catholic, having confessed his sins in the Sacred Tribunal of Penance and praying to Our Lady at all times to have perfect contrition for his sins, must approach Holy Communion. The Parable of the Marriage Feast, therefore, is a direct and through rebuke to Jorge Mario Bergoglio’s “inclusive” theology of who should receive what purports to be Holy Communion at the Protestant and Judeo-Masonic Novus Ordo liturgical service:
Writing in The Light of the World, Father Benedict Baur, O.S.B., explained that a Catholic needs to be in a state of Sanctifying Grace to receive Holy Communion and he needs to accept the totality of Catholic doctrine to be a member of the Catholic Church and thus be able to sanctify and to save his immortal soul. Please consider the reflections offered below, especially those parts highlighted in bold, as they serve as a masterful rebuke to what the conciliar revolutionaries believe and how they reaffirm unrepentant sinners in lives that lead to eternal damnation:
1. “Give peace, O lord, to them that patiently wait for Thee,” we prayed last Sunday (Introit). Today we receive the answer of the Lord: “I am the salvation of the people” (Introit). Then before our eyes the gates of heaven are opened, and we see the immense throngs which move forward in an unbroken procession toward heaven. To all these who are called He will bring salvation.
2. The hall of the marriage feast is open, the banquet is ready. For us this means the sacrifice which is prepared at this hour at the celebration of the Mass. The banquet hall is the Christian Church. At Mass, the Lord (Christ) enters the hall and goes about to welcome His guests, to espouse their souls as His bride in an intimate union of prayer and sacrifice. But in order to take part in the banquet it is not enough that one merely enter the hall, that one is baptized; it is essential that one possess also the wedding garment, “the new man who according to God is created in justice and holiness of truth” (Epistle)—freedom from sin and a disposition to obey the commandments of God (Communion). This parable issues a serious warning to all of us who wish to offer the Mass with the priest.
But the banquet of the Mass is not the final meal; it is the introduction to the banquet of eternal communion; that is, of our eternal union with God. We have received the grace of baptism; we are called to His banquet and are granted admission to the hall of the Church. Through our participation in the Eucharist banquet we prepare the way for the true, heavenly banquet. But there is a condition: “Attend, My people, to My law, incline your ears to the words of My mouth” (Introit). At Holy Communion we must be able to say: “Thou hast commanded Thy Commandments to be kept most diligently. Oh that my ways may be directed to keep Thy justifications.”
It must be our serious endeavor to be “prepared in soul and body . . . [to] perform the works that are Thine” (Collect). Therefore the Epistle admonishes us: “Be ye renewed in the spirit of your mind and put on the new man who according to God is created in justice and holiness of truth. Wherefore, putting away lying, speak ye the truth every man with his neighbor, for we are members of one another. . . . Let not the sun go down upon your anger.” Such is the wedding garment, the new man. He who does not wear this garment, cannot take part in the banquet of heaven. He may have a found a place on earth in the hall of the Church, but when the King comes (for judgment at the last day) He will ask: “Friend, how camest thou in hither, not having on a wedding garment?” And then He will command His waiters” “Bind his hands and feet, and cast him into the exterior darkness” (Gospel). The return of Christ at the end of the world will bring the separation of the cockle and the wheat.
3. “I am the salvation of the people,” the salvation of all those who perform their duties faithfully, as they promised to do at their baptism, and who daily “put on the new man.” While celebrating Mass they bury the old man, the man of sin, the man of passion, the man of evil habits; and they devote themselves to Christ, to God, to God’s will and commandments. They live according to the will of God and for His honor. Thus they daily put on the new man through celebration of the Mass. They enrich their wedding garment always more and more, and they make themselves ready to partake of the Holy Sacrifice. Here the words of the Offertory are fulfilled, “Thou wilt quicken me, O Lord; . . . and Thy right hand shall save me.”
1. The liturgy today leads us into the brilliantly lit and festively decorated banquet hall, which is thronged with guests dressed in resplendent wedding garments, awaiting the arrival of the King. The hall is the Church; we, the baptized, are the guests. The wedding garment is the garment of sanctifying grace. We are all waiting for the arrival of the Lord, the King.
2. “Be ye renewed in the spirit of your mind and put on the new man, who according to God is created in justice and holiness in truth” (Epistle). The nearer the day of the return of the Lord approaches, the more insistent become the admonitions of the Church: “You know not the day nor the hour” (Matt. 25:13). “As in the days of Noe, so shall also the coming of the Son of Man be. For as in the days before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, even till that day in which Noe entered into the ark, and they knew not till the flood came and took them all away; so also shall the coming of the Son of Man be. . . . Watch ye, therefore, because ye know not at what hour your Lord will come” (Matt. 24: 34 ff.). The Church wishes that we that we be ready when the Lord comes at the hour of our death. We shall be ready if we wear the wedding garment of sanctifying grace. We shall be ready if we renew our inner disposition, if at each Mass, at each Holy Communion, at each sincere prayer, at each stimulation of grace, we put on the new man in our thoughts, our judgment, our will, and our actions.
In the Christian life there is only one direction, forward and upward. If we fail to progress, if we cease to exert ourselves every day and every moment, we shall lose ground, we shall revert to the old man, to separation from god. We shall be ready to meet the King if we strive incessantly and do not weaken. That is what the Epistle means when it admonishes: “Be ye renewed.” The Church fears that we might become weak, that we might neglect grace and thus lose our wedding garment of sanctifying grace. She fears that, like the foolish virgins, we may go to meet the Lord without the necessary oil in our lamps. She fears lest, when the bridegroom comes, we shall not be ready and we shall be excluded. “I know you not.”
“The kingdom of heaven is likened to a king who made a marriage for his son. . . . And the marriage was filled with guests. And the king went into see the guests, and He saw there a man who had not a wedding garment, and he saith to him: Friend how camest though in hither, not having on a wedding garment? But he was silent” (Gospel). It is not sufficient that we have come to the banquet hall of the Church; a wedding garment is also required. It is not enough that we have received baptism and have accepted the Christian faith; we must live according to the gospel; we must live a life of justice and holiness; we must possess sanctifying grace and Christian virtues. “Wherefore, putting away lying, speak ye the truth every man with his neighbor, for we are members one of another. Be angry and sin not. Let not the sun go down on your anger. Give not place to the devil. He that stole, let him steal no more, but rather let him labor, working with his hands the thing which is good, that he may have something to give to him that suffereth need. Let no evil speech proceed from your mouth, but that which is good, to the edification of faith, that it may administer grace to the hearers. . . . Let all bitterness, and anger, and indignation, and clamor, and blasphemy be put away from you, with all malice. And be ye kind one to another, merciful, forgiving one another, even as God hath forgiven you in Christ. . . . But fornication and all uncleanness or covetousness, let it not so much as be named among you, as becometh saints (Eph. 4:25-29; 5:3).
3. The wedding banquet to which we are invited is Holy Communion. But the Apostle gives us a grave warning: “Therefore whosoever shall eat this bread or drink the chalice of the Lord unworthily, shall be guilty of the body and of the blood of the Lord. But let a man prove himself, and so let him eat of that bread and drink of the chalice. For he that eateth and drinketh unworthily, eateth and drinketh judgment to himself, not discerning the body of Lord (I. Cor. 11:27-29).
The wedding to which we are invited is the blessed possession of God. “That My joy ay be in you and your joy may be filled” (John 15:11). We will be granted admission to the eternal banquet only if we are clothed in the wedding garment of sanctifying grace and have overcome every fault of our former lives, having done full penance for our sins, either in this life or in purgatory. With the liturgy during these weeks we long for the wedding banquet of eternal life. We put on the new man; we strive for perfect for perfect charity in all our acts.
Almighty and merciful God, in Thy loving kindness shield us from all adversity, that being prepared in soul and boy, we may we free minds perform the words that are Thine. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
[Reflection for Monday after the Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost]
1. The Church now looks forward to the end of time. In those days “shall many be scandalized and shall betray one another and shall hate one another. And many false prophets shall rise and shall seduce many. And because iniquity hath abounded, the charity of many shall grow cold” (Matt. 24:10-12). The Church will be ridiculed, derided, and persecuted. She will await in her white garments the coming of the Lord. She looks up to Him, and He reassures her: “I am the salvation of the people, saith the Lord; in whatever tribulations they shall cry to Me, shall I hear them; and I will be their Lord forever”. . . .
3. As long as we hold fast to Christ, our salvation is assured. Separation from Christ means the loss of our salvation. If we refuse to accept His doctrine, if we refuse to obey His commandments, if we refuse to follow His counsels, if we fail to cooperate with the operation of His grace in us, we shall not be saved. Only when we give ourselves to Him completely will He work in us the fullness of our salvation, the fullness of His grace and blessing. Christ desires our entire being.
“I am the salvation of the people.” We place our complete trust in the salvific will of the Savior for all sinners, for He will give us salvation. In this we place our confidence in spite of our many infidelities, in spite of our half-heartedness in spite of our frequent misuse and neglect of grace. Great as is our sinfulness and our need, greater still is His mercy, His love, and His will to save. For this reason we approach the Holy Sacrifice with great courage and confidence. “If I shall walk in the midst of tribulation, Thou wilt quicken me, O Lord; and Thou wilt stretch out Thy hand against the wrath of my enemies; and Thy right hand shall save me” (Offertory).
May the healing power of Thy grace, O lord, mercifully rid us of all perverseness of heart and make us ever cleave to Thy commandments. Through Christ our Lord. Amen. (Father Benedict Baur, O.S.B., The Light of the World, Volume II, B. Herder Book Company, Saint Louis Missouri, 1954, pp. 318-321; 322.)
Profound truths, simply put by Father Benedict Baur, O.S.B., that condemn Jorge Mario Bergoglio and his men of sin who give “due respect” to those who sin wantonly and seek the approval of what they think, erroneously, is the Catholic Church for their “courage” to follow the path of Father Martin Luther, O.S.A., to “sin, and to sin boldly.” Bergoglio's answers to Gerald O'Connell of five days ago thus stand condemned as having nothing to do with Catholicism and everything to do with Modernism.
This is a time for us to make reparation to Our Lord as His consecrated slaves through the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary, especially by praying as many Rosaries each day as our state-in-life permits during this month of Our Lady’s Most Holy Rosary.
Each of us has much for which to make reparation. I know that I do! We must be earnest about making reparation for our own sins and those of the whole world as we make the prayer that Father Baur offered as our own:
May the healing power of Thy grace, O lord, mercifully rid us of all perverseness of heart and make us ever cleave to Thy commandments. Through Christ our Lord. Amen. (Father Benedict Baur, O.S.B., The Light of the World, Volume II, B. Herder Book Company, Saint Louis Missouri, 1954, p. 322.)
Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us.
A Few Words about Saint Eustace and His Family
Today, Monday, September 19, 2021, is the Feast of Saint Eustace and his Companions (his wife and two sons) and the Commemoration of the Vigil of Saint Matthew the Apostle.
Saint Eustace, also known as Saint Eustachius and Saint Placidus, is someone to whom those of us who are estranged from family members and former friends and associates because of the wreckage wrought by the conciliar revolutionaries such as Jorge Mario Bergoglio/Francis and/or by the mere state of the barbarous world in which we live that has descended rapidly into barbarism as a result of the loss of Sanctifying and Actual Graces that had once flowed so readily from Altars of Sacrifice in every Catholic Church in the world should be very devoted. Consider, yes, once again, the remarkable story of a Roman commander who was separated from his wife and two sons for many years, not being reunited with them until shortly before they were martyred together for the Holy Faith because they refused to offer any kind of recognition to the false idols of Rome, quite a contrast to conciliarism:
It was one evening during these celebrations, that word was brought to the city that the army of Placidus had arrived, and was already on the Appian Way. A new impulse was given to the rejoicings, and a new triumph and procession were prepared for the victorious army. There is nothing so calculated to excite a people's enthusiasm as the return of its armies from a triumphant campaign. Those who remember the day on which the heroes of the Crimea landed on the shores of England can well picture the veteran armies of Rome entering the capital in triumph. According to custom the Emperor went out to meet the general, and embraced him. As the evening was far advanced, and the sun was already sinking beneath the blue Mediterranean, the Emperor gave orders that the army should encamp outside the walls for the night, in order to enter the city in triumph next morning. Placidus and his family returned with the Emperor to the Palatine, and were entertained at a sumptuous banquet. He gave the Emperor the history of his campaign, and spoke until a late hour of his battles, his conquests, the bravery of his two sons, and the extraordinary discover of his wife and family.
Loud, shrill and cheerful were the trumpet blasts that roused the sleeping army on the following morning. The cup of joy for these poor creatures was full to the brim. They knew of no greater reward for years of hardship and trial, for the scars and wounds which disabled them for life, than the shouts of a brutal and barbarous mob, who hailed them along the road of triumph.
As they poured in through the gates, each of them received a laurel crown, whose freshness and beauty contrasted deeply with the sunburnt features and tattered garments of the veterans. Round their necks and about their persons they carried a profusion of tinsel trinkets, which they took from the conquered people as ornaments for their wives and children. These were waggons drawn by oxen laded with spoils, that made the massive pavements of the Appian Way creak; armour, gold and brass ornaments, wild animals in cages, and everything that could show the habits and manners of the conquered people. The general, together with his wife and two sons, was in a gilt chariot, drawn by four white horses, in the rear of his army. None of the pride and flush of drunken joy that characterised the pagan conqueror was to be seen in the meek countenance of Placidus. All this rejoicing and gorgeous display was to him and his Christian family the funeral pomp that led them to their tomb. The king who, on this death-bed, had himself invested with his crown and royal robes to meet death as a monarch, was a picture of Placidus led in triumph to martyrdom--a tale of emptiness and instability of human greatness, often told in the vicissitudes of history! He was silent and collected; not even the deafening peals of applause from crowds of idle spectators, who made his name ring through the palaces and tombs that bend over the streets from the Capena gate to the Forum, induced him to look up with the smile of joyful approbation. He was well aware that in a few moments his belief in Christianity would be declared, for he could not sacrifice to the gods.
Whilst the procession was moving along, a murmur passed through the crowd. They asked one another where were the victims?--where the captive chiefs?--where the salves usually dragged at the chariot wheels of the conqueror?--where the wailing matrons and daughters of the conquered race to sound the mournful music of triumph? Arrived at the Forum, the procession halted as usual, and the executioners and keepers of the Mamertine prison looked in vain for their victims; it was the first time in the annals of triumph that axes had not bee steeped in the blood of heroes, whose only crime was that they fought bravely for their homes and their countries. They knew nothing of the sublime morality that can forgive an enemy. Placidus pardoned the moment he had conquered, and instead of dragging helpless victims from their country and family, to be immolated to the demons of Rome, he left his name in the traces of his march in love and benediction.
But now the process arrived at the entrance to the Temple of Jupiter. The priests were waiting in their robes, and snow-white oxen, with gilded horns and crowns of flowers, were held by the altar. Immense faggots were blazing in the heart of the temple to consume the victims, and fragrant incense was burning in golden vessels. Placidus and his family descended from their chariot and stepped on one side; they refused to enter; they would not sacrifice.
If an earthquake had shaken the temple to its foundations, or a sudden eclipse had darkened the sun, there could not have been given a greater shock or surprise to the assembled thousands. The news ran like fire in a train of powder through the vast crowd. A deep heavy murmur, like the swell of the troubled deep breaking on its boundaries, rose from the multitudes in the Forum. Indignation and fury were the passions that swayed the mob. The demon of paganism reigned in their hearts; pity, justice and liberty were virtues unknown. From shouts of applause with which they hailed Placidus as the conqueror, the glory of the Empire, and the beloved of the martial god, they know hooted him with groans and hisses; and loudly from the gilded temples of the Capitol were echoed the terrible cries of "Death to the Christians!"--"Away with the Christians!" But the hour of another and grander triumph had come for our hero. Let us hurry through the dark picture of cruelty and ingratitude that closed his career on this side of the grave, to usher in the triumph that was to last for ever.
The noble general and his family were brought before the Emperor. Was Adrian glad to have Placidus brought before him as a criminal? Doubtless he looked with a jealous eye on the glory, popularity and real triumph of one who, a few months before, was his equal as a commander of the army, and his acknowledged superior in skill and attainments, whilst his own triumph was but a mockery--the borrowed plumes of a deceased hero, whose panegyric he reluctantly preached from the chariot of triumph. Moreover, weak-minded and servile, he must have rejoiced in an opportunity of pandering to the depraved taste of a cruel and brutal mob, who were accustomed to look on all authority as usurpation and oppression, and who hated Christianity with satanic virulence. Like Trajan, he determined to prove his piety towards the gods by the public execution of the greatest man in the Empire. He received the old chief in the Temple of Apollo, and in a prepared speech, pretended what he never felt--sympathy for his folly. When asked by the haughty Adrian why he would not sacrifice to the gods, Placidus answered, bravely and fearlessly, "I am a Christian, and adore only the true God."
"Whence comes this infatuation?" asked the Emperor, quickly. "Why lose all the glory of the triumph, and bring the grey hairs to shame? Dost thou not know that I have the power to put thee to a miserable death?"
Placidus meekly replied: "My body is in your power, but my soul belongs to Him who created it. Never shall I forget the mercy He has down me in calling me to the knowledge of Himself, and I rejoice to be able to suffer for Him. You may command me to lead your legions against the enemies of the Empire, but never will I offer sacrifice to any other god than the One great and powerful God who created all thins, stretched out the heavens in their glory, decked the earth in its beauty, and created man to serve Him; He alone is worthy of sacrifice; all other gods are but demons who deceive men."
So also answered his wife and two sons. They bantered the Emperor himself for his folly in worshipping senseless pieces of marble and wood. In vain did Adrian try promises and threats, and all the silly arguments which were used in the defense of paganism. The faithful family were inflexible; the eloquence of Placidus was simple, but powerful and earnest; and the palpable defeat of Adrian in his attempt to reason with one gifted with the eloquence promised to those dragged before earthly tribunals, roused his pride and his cruelty, and the desire of revenge. the Coliseum stood but a few paces from them; the games were going on; the criminals and slaves of the Empire were the daily victims of its amusements. The condemnation of Placidus would be a stroke of policy to enhance the prosperity of his reign; it was the fullest gratification of the cruel passions of jealousy and revenge which the demon had stirred up in his heart; he ordered the Christian general and his family to be exposed to the wild beasts in the amphitheatre. [Father A. J. O'Reilly, The Martyrs of the Coliseum, pp. 105-109.]
"Death to the Christians!"--"Away with the Christians!" Chants and shouts of this kind will echo out anew in our own day, and much sooner than we think, as a new era of overt persecution, which will be the fruit of the convergence of the dark forces of Modernity in the world and Modernism in the counterfeit church of conciliarism, will be received with joy by those who have "miseducated" in Chrisotphobic propaganda and ideology that characterize state-sponsored indoctrination institutions (public and most private schools, colleges, universities) today.
"...But never will I offer sacrifice to any other god than the One great and powerful God who created all thins, stretched out the heavens in their glory, decked the earth in its beauty, and created man to serve Him; He alone is worthy of sacrifice; all other gods are but demons who deceive men."
We must never offer any sacrifice to any "god" than the One great and powerful God Who is to be worshiped according to the rites He prescribed by the Catholic Church in the Immemorial Mass of Tradition, refusing to participate in the great deception that is the evil of the Protestant and Judeo-Masonic Novus Ordo liturgical abomination that enshrines a false religion, one of convenience, a quasi-Catholicism without the Cross and, all too frequently, that is perfectly comfortable with “papal” approbations of perverse sinful tendencies as pleasing in the sight of God (see Lifesite News and Novus Ordo Watch). We must remain as faithful to the true Faith as Saint Eustace and his family at the point of their martyrdom, which Father A. J. O’Reilly described as follows:
No nation could be sunk more deeply in idolatry, sensuality and vices than the great Empire whose capital has been considered the Babylon of impiety spoken of in The Apocalypse. "Our wrestling," says St. Paul, "is not against flesh and blood, but against principalities and powers, against the rulers of the world of this darkness, against the spirits of wickedness in the high places" (Eph. vi. 12). It was not in an amphitheatre stained with the blood of wild beasts and gladiators, and filled with an exited and unfeeling crowd, that the voice of pity or reason could be heard; the impatient clamours of the multitude denounced the Christians as the enemies of the gods and men, and the public condemnation of the Christian general had already rung loudly and repeatedly through the benches of the Coliseum. The coming of the Emperor was announced, the buzz of conversation was hushed, and all eyes were turned towards the entrance on the side of the Esquiline, which was specially reserved for the royal cortege. As soon as he entered the amphitheatre, all rose; the lictors lowered their fasces, and the senators and vestals bowed profoundly. Shouts of "great," "immortal, "divine," resounded from every seat. The crowd of spectators was nothing more than an assembly of miscreant slaves, who trembled at the beck of their rulers. Although the spectators of the Coliseum frequently hated the Emperor as an oppressor and a tyrant, yet, in the wild frenzy of fear, they cried out with lying tongues that he alone was great and powerful. He carried a sceptre of ivory, surrounded with a golden eagle, and a slave followed, bearing over his head a crown of solid gold and precious stones. As soon as he was seated, the shrill blast of a trumpet called for silence and the commencement of the games. After the process of the unfortunate wretches who were to take part in the cruel sport of that day's programme and the sham fight of the gladiators, it was usual to commence with sports of agility and skill, but on this day the order was changed. The crowd called for the condemnation of the Christians, and the Emperor gave the order that Placidus and his family be exposed to the wild beasts. [Father A. J. O'Reilly, The Martyrs of the Coliseum, p. 111.]
Dom Prosper Gueranger. O.S.B., inspired by the martyrdom of Saint Eustace and his family, offered a prayer to our saints in The Liturgical Year:
Our trials are light compared with yours, O blessed martyrs! Obtain for us the grace not to betray the confidence of our Lord when he calls us to suffer for him in this world. It is thus we must win the glory of heaven. How can we triumph with the God of armies unless we have marched under his standard? Now, that standard is the Cross. The Church knows it, and therefore she is not troubled even by the greatest calamities. She knows, too, that her Spouse is watching over her, even when he seems to sleep; and she looks to the protection of such of her sons as are already glorified. And yet, O martyrs, for how many years has the sorrowful shadow of a sacrilegious invasion hung over the day of your triumph! Rome honored you with so much love! Take vengeance on the audacity of hell, and deliver the holy city! (Dom Prosper Gueranger, O.S.B., The Liturgical Year.)
We should not fear anything in this world, not from the civil state and not from the counterfeit church of conciliarism, and not from our family members and'/or former friends and associates as we pray for happy reconciliation with them if not in this life then in eternity before the glory of the Beatific Vision of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Ghost.
We must be prepared for martyrdom, both figuratively and literally, in order to remain steadfast apostles of Christ the King and Mary our Immaculate Queen, trusting that our few acts of reparation, offered in love to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus through the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary, will help to plant a few seeds for the end of this era of chastisement and the resurrection of the Church Militant on earth.
There is great peace to be had when one recognizes that the Catholic Church is responsible for nothing of the outrages committed by its counterfeit ape, conciliarism. The jaws of Hell have not prevailed against the Church. We must simply do our part as the consecrated slaves of Our Lord through Our Lady's Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart to practice True Devotion to Mary as we endeavor to fulfill as best we can Our Lady's Fatima Message in our daily lives, especially by praying as many Rosaries each day as our state-in-life permits.
Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us.
Saint Eustace and Companions, pray for us.