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Ever Enabling Montezuma’s Army of Body Snatchers
Although I have been trying to complete an article commenting on Jorge Mario Bergoglio’s belief that what he thinks is the Catholic Church is “two hundred years out of date,” an assertion that has long been at the heart of the conciliar revolution and was, in essence, expressed by Giovanni Battista Enrico Antonio Maria Montini/Paul VI’s desire to “update” the Sacred Liturgy, a throbbing head has limited the amount of time that I can work at the computer. That particular article is nearing conclusion, which must await because of another needless medical tragedy about Montezuma’s Army of Body Snatchers demands some attention more immediately.
The current tragedy involves an infant, Tinslee Lewis, in Texas whose murder has been ordered by the Judge Sandee B. Marion of the Texas Fourth Court of Appeals, who agreed with a death panel’s determination that it is “compassionate” for Tinslee to die. Here is the news story, which will be punctuated by my own comments:
A judge has decided that a Texas children's hospital can remove an 11-month-old with a rare heart defect off life support despite her family's wishes.
For several months, the family of Tinslee Lewis has been fighting to continue her treatment at the Cook Children's Medical Center in Fort Worth, Texas after the facility planned to end care.
Tinslee was born with a rare heart defect called Ebstein's anomaly and suffers from chronic lung disease and severe chronic pulmonary hypertension. The hospital planned to remove her from life-support after her physicians said she is suffering and her condition is irreversible, Cook Children's Health Care System spokeswoman Winifred King had said in a statement. (Judge uphold Tinslee Lewis's death penalty.)
Comment Number One:
Readers may recall that the State of Texas, despite being freer than most states, especially with respect to home-schooling and with respect to freedom to do with use one’s property without much in the way of intrusive governmental regulations and oversight, has authorized hospital administrators to appoint a team of healthcare “professionals” to constitute what are, effectively, death panels to determine, regardless of a patient’s advance care directives and/or the express wishes of his relatives, to order the cessation of medical treatment and even the ordinary care given to a living human being. The authorizing statute (TEX HS. CODE ANN. § 166.046) was passed by the Texas State Legislature in 1999 and signed into law by the supposedly “pro-life” governor at the time, a chap who would later place American personnel needlessly into harm’s way in Iraq to overthrow one regime and destabilize that country to the extent that the Islamic Republic of Iran is now able to target the remaining Americans who should not have been put there to begin with, George Walker Bush, authorizing hospital administrators to override a patient’s directives to his physicians concerning healthcare decisions:
(a) If an attending physician refuses to honor a patient's advance directive or a health care or treatment decision made by or on behalf of a patient, the physician's refusal shall be reviewed by an ethics or medical committee. The attending physician may not be a member of that committee. The patient shall be given life-sustaining treatment during the review.
(b) The patient or the person responsible for the health care decisions of the individual who has made the decision regarding the directive or treatment decision:
(1) may be given a written description of the ethics or medical committee review process and any other policies and procedures related to this section adopted by the health care facility;
(2) shall be informed of the committee review process not less than 48 hours before the meeting called to discuss the patient's directive, unless the time period is waived by mutual agreement;
(3) at the time of being so informed, shall be provided:
(A) a copy of the appropriate statement set forth in Section 166.052; and
(B) a copy of the registry list of health care providers and referral groups that have volunteered their readiness to consider accepting transfer or to assist in locating a provider willing to accept transfer that is posted on the website maintained by the Texas Health Care Information Council under Section 166.053; and
(4) is entitled to:
(A) attend the meeting; and
(B) receive a written explanation of the decision reached during the review process.
(c) The written explanation required by Subsection (b)(2)(B) must be included in the patient's medical record.
(d) If the attending physician, the patient, or the person responsible for the health care decisions of the individual does not agree with the decision reached during the review process under Subsection (b), the physician shall make a reasonable effort to transfer the patient to a physician who is willing to comply with the directive. If the patient is a patient in a health care facility, the facility's personnel shall assist the physician in arranging the patient's transfer to:
(1) another physician;
(2) an alternative care setting within that facility; or
(3) another facility.
(e) If the patient or the person responsible for the health care decisions of the patient is requesting life-sustaining treatment that the attending physician has decided and the review process has affirmed is inappropriate treatment, the patient shall be given available life-sustaining treatment pending transfer under Subsection (d). The patient is responsible for any costs incurred in transferring the patient to another facility. The physician and the health care facility are not obligated to provide life-sustaining treatment after the 10th day after the written decision required under Subsection (b) is provided to the patient or the person responsible for the health care decisions of the patient unless ordered to do so under Subsection (g).
(e-1) If during a previous admission to a facility a patient's attending physician and the review process under Subsection (b) have determined that life-sustaining treatment is inappropriate, and the patient is readmitted to the same facility within six months from the date of the decision reached during the review process conducted upon the previous admission, Subsections (b) through (e) need not be followed if the patient's attending physician and a consulting physician who is a member of the ethics or medical committee of the facility document on the patient's readmission that the patient's condition either has not improved or has deteriorated since the review process was conducted.
(f) Life-sustaining treatment under this section may not be entered in the patient's medical record as medically unnecessary treatment until the time period provided under Subsection (e) has expired.
(g) At the request of the patient or the person responsible for the health care decisions of the patient, the appropriate district or county court shall extend the time period provided under Subsection (e) only if the court finds, by a preponderance of the evidence, that there is a reasonable expectation that a physician or health care facility that will honor the patient's directive will be found if the time extension is granted.
(h) This section may not be construed to impose an obligation on a facility or a home and community support services agency licensed under Chapter 142 or similar organization that is beyond the scope of the services or resources of the facility or agency. This section does not apply to hospice services provided by a home and community support services agency licensed under Chapter 142. (As found at Advanced Directives Act.)
In other words, you see, it is up to a patient or his surrogate to find another facility that is willing to following his directives within ten days of a review board’s decision to uphold his physician’s refusal to honor those directives. A sick or injured human being then must play a contemporary version of Beat the Clock to save his life. A world governed by Catholic principles would feature physicians who strove to heal their patients. Our own Protestant and Judeo-Masonic world features devils masquerading as physicians who strive to find every pretext imaginable to avoid giving ordinary care to patients they deem worthy of death.
Scores of human beings are being consigned to liquidation by death panels without family members uttering a word of protest. After all, most Americans have been taught that the “doctor is always right,” serving as bobble-head dolls to the high priests and priestesses of medicine and Big Pharma. It is only when a patient and/or his family objects to decisions made by Modernity’s body-snatchers that a particular case makes headlines. Very few patients or their families actually do object, which is why cases such as Tinslee Lewis’s make the news.
Back to the Clinton News Network’s report:
On Thursday, Judge Sandee B. Marion of the Texas Fourth Court of Appeals denied a temporary injunction filed by Tinslee's family in an effort to keep her on life support for several weeks.
Kim Brown, a hospital spokeswoman, told CNN the hospital won't take any action for up to seven days to give the family time to decide on whether to appeal the judge's ruling.
"Today's decision from Chief Justice Sandee B. Marion restores the ability of the Cook Children's medical staff to make the most compassionate and medically appropriate decisions for Tinslee as she struggles in pain to survive each day," the hospital said in a statement on Thursday. "This is an emotional and difficult situation for everyone involved, especially for this family who had high hopes that Tinslee would get better." (Judge uphold Tinslee Lewis's death penalty.)
Comment Number Two:
The same medical “professionals” who believe that it is “compassionate” to “terminate” an “unwanted pregnancy” or a preborn child who, they claim, suffer from some chronic disease or condition resort to the use of the emotionally-laden term “compassionate” to justify decisions that human beings simply are not free to make, including dispatching terminally or chronically ill patients off to “palliative care” to be killed according to a “plan” devised by the healthcare “team” (see Chronicling the Adversary's Global Takeover of the Healthcare Industry). The modern Aztecs and ghouls who believe themselves empowered to play God as they dispense with human life as they see fit have no concept of redemptive suffering and of a true love that seeks to will the eternal and temporal good of all others. Contemporary medical care is a perversion of the authentic compassion given by Saints John of God, Camillus de Lellis, Aloysius Gonzaga, Francis Xavier Cabrini, among so many others.
While some might say that it is immoral to continue to protect and preserve life, it is gratuitous for medical “professionals” to contend that it is better to kill a person, no matter his age, because he is said to be suffering. It must be noted that it is the case in many, although far from all instances, that sedatives and other drugs administered to patients are themselves the source of much suffering and medical complications. As Dr. Paul Byrne noted recently:
Doctors and nurses must protect and preserve life. In so doing, it might seem that life is prolonged. But I doubt it.
Life can be shortened by man, but life on earth cannot continue beyond what God gives.
Ebstein’s Anomaly is quite often not fatal in and of itself, and it can be treated. The foot soldiers in Montezuma’s Army of Body Snatchers, however, make decisions on the basis of their own subjective conclusions about a patient’s “quality of life,” and not even the desire of a child’s parents to provide the care and love that he needs is enough to override the arrogant “professionals” who do not realize that they, like their perverse caricature of a predecessor, Jack Kevorkian (see Meeting God In The Face After Playing Him In Life) will meet God when they die after playing Him in life. Ebstein’s Anomaly may require several surgeries to correct it. There is no sense among today’s body snatching ghouls that a living human being must be treated. It is exactly such cases as Tinslee Lewis that prompted Dr. Paul A. Byrne to pioneer the field of neonatology surgery in 1963.
As Dr. Byrne explained to me, a baby in Tinslee Lewis’s condition must have a tracheostomy. The “professionals” at Cook Children’s Hospital in Fort Worth, Texas, don’t even want to consider doing this procedure as they have determined that Tinslee Lewis would be better off dead than to undergo the surgeries that could help Baby Tinslee to live. It is not “burdensome” to anyone to do so unless one is trained to “terminate” life in the name of “compassion” rather than to treat human beings with the true compassion that they deserve.
Let’s be blunt: This is all about bean-counting, that is, utilitarian cost-effectiveness.
Well, back to the CNN news story:
Trinity Lewis, Tinslee's mother, issued a statement through Texas Right to Life, an anti-abortion group, in response to the judge's ruling.
"I am heartbroken over today's decision because the judge basically said Tinslee's life is NOT worth living. I feel frustrated because anyone in that courtroom would want more time just like I do if Tinslee were their baby. I hope that we can keep fighting through an appeal to protect Tinslee. She deserves the right to live. Please keep praying for Tinslee and thank you for supporting us during this difficult time."
Texas Governor Greg Abbott and Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton said they will continue supporting the family as they exhaust "all legal options to ensure that Tinslee is given every chance at life."
"The Attorney General's office will be supporting an appeal of this case to the Second Court of Appeals. The State of Texas is fully prepared to continue its support of Ms. Lewis in the Supreme Court if necessary. We are working diligently to do all we can to ensure that Tinslee and her family are provided the care and support that they seek," Abbott and Paxton said in a joint statement.
Judge Marion previously granted Tinslee's family a temporary restraining order against the hospital in November and extended the order last month. (Judge uphold Tinslee Lewis's death penalty.)
Comment Number Three:
This is very important as Governor Gregory Wayne Abbott, who is Catholic, and Texas Attorney General Warren Kenneth Paxton, are seeking to defend Tinslee Lewis while the so-called Texas “Catholic” “bishops’” conference has been on the side of the “compassionate” administrators at Cook Children’s Hospital in Fort Worth, Texas:
December 13, 2018 (LifeSiteNews) – The Texas Catholic Conference of Bishops and a pair of state “pro-life” groups have filed an amicus brief against a Texas family’s effort to save their baby girl from being taken off life support.
Tinslee Lewis was born prematurely and has spent her entire life so far at Cook Children’s Medical Center in Fort Worth, where she has undergone various intensive surgeries for a heart defect, lung disease, and severe chronic pulmonary hypertension. Doctors concluded in October that the ten-month-old was beyond saving, and declared their intentions to take her off life support.
With the help of Texas Right to Life, Tinslee’s parents obtained and renewed a restraining order against the move. Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton has also filed a brief to help save the little girl.
But the Texas bishops have joined Texas Alliance for Life and Texans for Life Coalition with an amicus brief taking the hospital’s side, Church Militant reports.
The Dec. 11 friend-of-the-court brief stated to the court that the groups involved are "dedicated to a variety of goals, including preserving the integrity of the medical profession, ensuring high-quality medical care, promoting medical liability reform, protecting life, assuring dignity at the end of life, and protecting Texans with disabilities."
"These diverse groups are united in the view that the Texas Advance Directives Act, TEX. HEALTH & SAFETY CODE ch. 166, helps achieve their essential objectives," the introduction to the brief stated.
At no point was it stated that the groups who filed the brief were interested in safeguarding parental rights from being usurped by a heavy-handed state/medical authority.
In their own brief, the Texas Catholic Conference of Bishops (TCCB) stated: "TCCB has sought reforms in advance directives to highlight—as a matter of policy—the dignity inherent in a natural death."
The bishops then quoted a portion of their document on Medical Advance Directives: "Human intervention that would deliberately cause, hasten, or unnecessarily prolong the patient’s death violates the dignity of the human person." The italicization of "unnecessarily prolong" was not in the bishop's original document but was formatted by them this way for the amicus brief.
Concluded the bishops: "While the TCCB supports continued legislative improvements to the act, the TCCB generally supports the framework of §166.046 as a balanced dispute resolution process that respects patient dignity and healthcare provider conscience."
The core issue that Tinslee’s case revolves around is the 1999 Texas Advance Directives Act (TADA), which lays out a process for resolving disputes between doctors and patients (or patients’ representatives) regarding whether to continue or withhold life-sustaining treatment. The law was enacted as a middle ground on end-of-life issues, but pro-life critics argue that its “balance” is overwhelmingly in hospitals’ favor, with ethics panels having little transparency and no appeal process, and patients subject to their judgment even when not terminally ill. (Texas "bishops" join effort to take Tinslee Lewis off life support.)
An Interjection:
The section I highlighted in bold above indicate that conciliar “bishops” of the State of Texas accept the existence of death panels as created by Texas statute §166.046 because they, following the lead of Josef Karol Wojytla/John Paul II, Joseph Alois Ratzinger/Benedict XVI and Jorge Mario Bergoglio, support the medical industry’s manufactured, profit-making myth of “brain death.” Indeed, many conciliar “bishops” have encouraged Catholics attached to the conciliar structures to sign up to be complicit in their own vivisection in order to “give the gift of life.”
Bergoglio and his conciliar “bishops” support the George Soros and Robert Wood Johnson imposition of “palliative care” as the foundation of the training of physicians, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, nurses, medical technicians, hospital administrators, emergency medical personnel, and everyone else employed in the medical industry. Bergoglio and his so-called “Pontifical Academy for Life” have done the bidding of globalists, whose anti-family, anti-life, anti-purity and anti-Christian agenda has been incorporated into the very fabric of the counterfeit church of conciliarism. The alliance between Soros and Bergoglio was the subject of
Moreover, the statement of the Texas conference of conciliar “bishops” included the false concept of “unnecessarily prolonging” a “patient’s death.” The purpose of medicine is to treat patients who are sick and to help healthy human beings stay that way. As was noted earlier in this commentary, Ebstein’s Anomaly is not always fatal, and there are hospitals have had success treating it. See, for example, Ebstein's Anomaly. The alliance between the conciliar reovlutionaries and the modern Aztecs was discussed in A Mutual Alliance in Behalf of Spiritual and Physical Death: Jorge Mario Bergoglio and George Soros and Jorge Mario Bergoglio Sings Hosannas to the Soros Generation in March of 2018. Perhaps the conciliar “bishops” in Texas ought to consider the fact that eating and breathing prolong the deaths of us all. Should we become like the Albigensians and just stop eating and breathing?
Prolonging death?
Says who?
Monsters, that’s who.
The conclusion of the CNN story about Judge Sandee Marion’s decision authorizing the execution of Tinslee Lewis demonstrates just how entrenched the utilitarian mindset is within the annals of American jurisprudence and medical practice:
Marion found that there was a reasonable expectation that the family could find a physician to take over her treatment and extended the temporary restraining order that would continue her care at the hospital, CNN affiliate KTVT reported.
Cook Children's has reached out to nearly 20 facilities from Los Angeles to Philadelphia to see if another hospital would take over the infant's care. But they all agreed with Cook Children's assessment of her condition and said there was nothing more they could do, said King, the hospital spokeswoman.
"Tinslee is suffering and she is in pain every single day. We know that this is very difficult for this family who had high hopes that she would get better. But the truth is that she is not going to get better," King told reporters on Thursday. (Judge uphold Tinslee Lewis's death penalty.)
This whole tragedy is not about Tinslee Lewis having a condition that is not in se fatal; it is about the subjective determination by merchants of death that she would not have a good “quality of life” even if the surgeries that could be performed to help her were successful.
Consider what Judge Marion wrote in echoing the death panel’s death sentence that it rendered upon Tinslee Lewis:
The baby girl consistently takes painkillers and sedatives, and she is paralyzed at all times. The hospital had said doctors had to sedate and paralyze the infant to keep her from pulling at the lines connected to her ventilator.
She is suffering from severe sepsis and appears that she's in pain when nurses change her diapers and turn her over to avoid bed sores, King said.
"All the things we have to do to keep her alive and keep her well is causing her pain and causing her suffering and we don't want to do that any longer. We want to ease her pain. We believe that we can do that if we allow her to naturally and peacefully transition," King said. (Judge uphold Tinslee Lewis's death penalty.)
Peacefully transition?
The world has become so monstrous that the killing of an innocent human being must be anesthetized by the truly Orwellian euphemism as “natural and peaceful transition.”
The assertions made by Cook Children’s Hospital are nothing other than gratuitous misrepresentations that are designed to play upon emotions without any foundation in moral or medical truth, and these misrepresentations are made every day to patients and their families in the United States of America and elsewhere throughout the world. The “quality of life” question gets asked of patients, especially those of us over sixty-five years of age, in every single medical facility at which one seeks treatment, and the medical screeners who do the pre-interviewing, sometimes very robotically, of patients before they are permitted to see a physician for thirty seconds or so are ever on the lookout for signs of “mental instability” or “abnormal” behaviors (refusing to get vaccinated for the flu, shingles, pneumonia, etc.) that pigeonhole a living human being onto the fast track of “palliative care” without his even being aware of this fact.
As was noted in the Lifesite News article on December 13, 2019, the Feast of Saint Lucy:
Church Militant notes that in Tinslee’s case, the withdrawal decision was made not due to a fatal condition, but because the Cook Children’s ethics panel concluded her “quality of life” was not worth continuing – a judgment her mother strenuously disputes.
Consider how Tinslee’s mother, Trinity Lewis, describes her baby during her hospitalization:
The Daily Mail reports that her mother Trinity Lewis testified that despite living on a ventilator, Tinslee is a “sassy” girl capable of enjoying cartoons and toys, and conveying her likes and dislikes, including which nurses are her favorite. (Texas "bishops" join effort to take Tinslee Lewis off life support.)
This whole tragedy is not about Tinslee Lewis having a condition that is not in se fatal; it is about the subjective determination by merchants of death that she would not have a good “quality of life” even if the surgeries that could be performed to help her were successful. We need to pray that Texas Governor Gregory Wayne Abbott and Texas Attorney General Warren Kenneth Paxton will be successful in their efforts to find a legal report to support her mother, Trinity Lewis, as she seeks to secure for her daughter medical treatment from those who see in her not an utilitarian object to be discarded but a living human being made in the image and likeness of God who is deserve of love and care.
The foot soldiers in Montezuma’s Army of Body Snatchers cannot fathom that a mother would want to give self-sacrificing love to a child who has a condition that could be corrected. Trinity Lewis is willing to willing to make the sacrifices necessary to support her daughter, and it is one of the great tragedies of conciliarism that its officials, who are merchants of spiritual death, enable the merchants of physical death time and time again.
The world is awash with the blood of the innocent, including the preborn and those at any point after birth whose lives are judged by the omniscient medical “professionals” as lacking a sufficient “quality of life” to justify sustained treatment. Such people must be “eased out” by means of “palliative care,” whether at a hospice or at home as those who work in the Soros-created cottage industry of “home health care” provide patients and/or their relatives with the very potions and pills that are designed to help them to “naturally and peacefully transition” to the grave.
Indeed, the medical industry’s utilitarian view of the treatment of human beings and its reliance upon its own created myth of “brain death” to harvest the bodily organs of those who are vivisected to death in the furtherance of their “peaceful transition” is accepted universally by almost everyone in public life no matter which of the two major organized crime families of naturalism to which they adhere.
Consider, for example, the plea made by South Carolina state senator, Bakari Sellers, a Democrat, whose daughter had waited a long time for a liver transplant, which can made the “organ donation” [organ harvesting] system more “efficient” as he bemoaned the fact that most people die without “giving back” their bodily organs, meaning that our bodies belong to the civil state to be vivisected at the pleasure of Montezuma’s Army of Body Snatchers:
Deceased organ transplants are made possible through the generous decision of organ donors and their families, however, the process relies heavily on an organ procurement organization (OPO) -- a government-sanctioned contractor tasked with coordinating donations. This is where the system falls apart.
OPOs as a group are vastly underperforming. There are roughly 2.8 million American deaths every year. Independent research from the University of Pennsylvania -- using data from 2012 -2014 -- estimates that roughly 24,000 people who die each year are clinically eligible to donate organs. But OPOs have been recovering less than half of potential donations, according to the report.
Some OPOs are higher performing but others, such as in my home state of South Carolina rank poorly. The OPO only recovered, according to the University Pennsylvania research, 24% of potential organ donors from 2012-2014 -- meaning that 76% of potential donors' organs went unrecovered. If OPOs were more efficient, with 100% donation recovery rates, we could have nearly 8,000 more liver transplants every year — as well as 20,000 other organ transplants. (The South Carolina OPO says its numbers have improved, with more lives being saved in recent years.) (htSouth Carolina state senator wants a more "efficient" body harvesting system.)
State Senator Bakari Sellers does not realize—and he may not even care—that a human being had to be killed to secure a liver for his daughter (Someone Was Killed To Keep "J.R." Alive). A liver from a cadaver is not transplantable, which is why there is such as rush to kill off children such as Tinslee Lewis as they have a few “usable” bodily organs that can be shipped off by means of the government’s “organ procurement system.” There is also an inordinate rush to declare accident victims “dead” or to perform unnecessary measures, such as the apnea test, which can cause the sort of complications that can be then used as the “determination” that a patient who is very much alive and can indeed recover if given proper treatment is “brain dead” and thus can be carved up at will. (An article written by Dr. Paul Byrne, whose work has been cited endless numbers of times on this site, in 1988 explained that the vivisection of accident and other trauma victims had been institutionalized by the late-1980s. See Understanding "brain death" criteria, Dr. Bryne’s Dr. Paul Byrne on the life and Mrs. Randy Engel’s The myth of "brain death".)
Although Mr. Sellers is wrong to support the medical industry’s manufactured, money-making myth of “brain death” and the harvesting of human bodily organs, he is correct on one point: there is wide “bipartisan” support for the body harvesting industry. Killing of innocent human beings is what unites the bickering partisans of the false opposites of the naturalist “left” and the naturalist “right.”
Do not be deceived.
Do not anyone—whether he be a bishop or a priest or a consecrated religious—convince you that “brain death” is real and that “organ donation is giving the gift of life.” These are lies concocted by the medical industry that supports the daily slaughter of the preborn and which prescribes and distributes chemical abortifacients. The truth of “brain death” is that it was created to provide a medical and supposedly moral rationale to kill living human beings for bodily organs, especially vital organs such as the heart and liver.
One lie begets other lies. “Brain death is a utilitarian lie from beginning to end based on the principle that the ends justify the means.
The lie of the Protestant Revolution has resulted in the proliferation of Protestant sects numbering as many as fifty thousand, producing irreligion in its work as a logical consequence.
The lie of “civil liberty” without the Social Reign of Christ the King as It must be exercised by His true Church, the Catholic Church, has resulted in the lie of the monster civil state of Modernity that is now being used by God as a chastisement upon us for refusing to take seriously Holy Mother Church's Social Teaching.
The lie of “religious liberty” has led people to believe that the path to social order and personal salvation can be found in any religion or in no religion at all.
The lie of “public education” has led to a taxpayer-subsidized machine to program their captives to be steeped in one ideologically-laden slogan after another to make them willing servants of the monster civil state and to participate merrily in neo-barbaric practices that were eradicated in Europe in during the First Millennium and in most parts of the Americas in the second half of the Second Millennium by the missionary work of the Catholic Church.
The lie of contraception and “family planning” led to increases in the rates of marital infidelity, the abandonment of spouses and children, the proliferation children with stepmothers and stepfathers and and step-siblings, leaving many children rootless and without any sense of being loved unto eternity that each person craves for whether or not he realizes it.
The lie of contraception led steadily to the acceptance of eugenic sterilization and then sterilization for any reasons and, ultimately, to the acceptance of surgical baby-killing on demand.
The lie of contraception led steadily to the voluntary limitation of family size for no good reason according to the ethos of what became known as “natural family planning” (see Fifty Years After Humane Vitae).
The lies of contraception and explicit instruction in matters pertaining to the Sixth and Ninth Commandments broke down the natural psychological resistance of children to matters that are age inappropriate, robbing them of their innocence and purity, turning them into hedonists as they have grown older, leading eventually to the widespread acceptance of the sins that destroyed the cities of Sodom and Gomorrha with fire and brimstone.
The lies that were told by Fathers Annibale Bugnini, C.M., and Ferdinando Antontelli, O.F.M., in the 1950s gave us unprecedented and most radical changes in the Holy Week ceremonies that started to accustom Catholics to ceaseless change as an ordinary feature of the liturgical life of the Catholic Church, climaxing in the Trojan Horse that was the Protestant and Judeo-Masonic Novus Ordo liturgical abomination that, no matter how many times the conciliarists to “fix it,” will always be an instrument of innovation and experimentation as it was designed to be precisely that from the moment Bugnini and Antonelli began their plans for the "Mass of the Future."
Thus it is that the lie of "brain death" has accustomed most people, Catholics and non-Catholics alike, into accepting uncritically the representations made by a medical industry that endorses the violation of the Sovereignty of God over the sanctity and fecundity of marriage and of the violation of the surgical dismemberment of the innocent preborn and that is in league with the pharmaceutical industry to use us a walking guinea pigs for drugs designed to keep us dependent on them as the "high priests and priestesses" of "modern medicine."
When did the lie of "brain death" originate?
At the beginning:
[1] Now the serpent was more subtle than any of the beasts of the earth which the Lord God had made. And he said to the woman: Why hath God commanded you, that you should not eat of every tree of paradise? [2] And the woman answered him, saying: Of the fruit of the trees that are in paradise we do eat: [3] But of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of paradise, God hath commanded us that we should not eat; and that we should not touch it, lest perhaps we die. [4] And the serpent said to the woman: No, you shall not die the death. [5] For God doth know that in what day soever you shall eat thereof, your eyes shall be opened: and you shall be as Gods, knowing good and evil. (Genesis 3: 1-5.)
It is very easy to be deceived.
It is very easy to be deceived by the lie of how “special” we are, of how we are “not like others.”
It is very easy to be deceived by others and to let human respect get in the way of a firm defense of the truth when necessity compels such a defense lest souls be imperiled.
It is very easy to be deceived by the prevailing trends in what passes for popular culture, to give unto the "high priests and high priestesses" of banking, commerce, industry, education, law, entertainment, social science, politics, law, government, news and information and medicine the status of near-infallibility as even Catholics have been convinced to live as naturalists without regard for anything supernatural whatsoever.
Do not believe the false prophets. Do not follow the priests and presbyters who have swallowed the falsehoods of the false prophets of the medical industry hook, line and sinkers. Suffer for the truth without compromise as consecrated slaves of Christ the King through the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary, our Immaculate Queen, no matter what you might have to suffer in this passing, mortal vale of tears.
Never sign up to be an “organ donor.”
Tell your family members that they must never sign up to be "organ donors"--or, if they have, to rescind the "permission" that they have given to be unwitting accomplices and accessories in their own execution by means of being dissected alive.
Do not delay. Do not follow their false prophets in the world or the priests/presbyters who proselytize in their behalf.
We must pray to Our Lady to keep us from being so deceived, especially by the lies that we tell to ourselves, which is why we must be assiduous in praying as many Rosaries each day as our state-in-life permits.
We must always raise the standard of Christ the King as we exhort one and all to recognize that Our King, Who awaits in tabernacles for our acts of love and thanksgiving and reparation and petition, must reign over each man and each nation and that His Most Blessed Mother, Mary our Immaculate Queen, is to be honored publicly by each man and each nation, including by the government of the United States of America, in order to know what it is to be blessed abundantly by the true God of Divine Revelation. May each Rosary we pray this day and every day help to plant seeds for this as we seek to serve Christ the King through the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary our Immaculate Queen, who do not view any living human being as a ready product for dismemberment in the name of the lie “providing the gift of life.”
A blessed Feast of the Holy Name of Jesus and of the Epiphany of Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
Holy Name of Jesus, save us!
Viva Cristo Rey! Vivat Christus Rex!
Immaculate Heart of Mary, triumph soon.
Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us!
Saint Joseph, Patron of Departing Souls, pray for us.
Saints Peter and Paul, pray for us.
Saint John the Baptist, pray for us.
Saint John the Evangelist, pray for us.
Saint Michael the Archangel, pray for us.
Saint Gabriel the Archangel, pray for us.
Saint Raphael the Archangel, pray for us.
Saints Joachim and Anne, pray for us.
Saints Caspar, Melchior and Balthazar, pray for us.