Jorge Misrepresents the Prophet Jonas as a Champion of Illegal Immigration

Time permits only a brief commentary on Jorge Mario Bergoglio’s truly blasphemous efforts yesterday, Wednesday, February 17, 2016, Ember Wednesday in Lent, to turn the Prophet Jonas’s preaching to the city of Ninive as a symbolic of the plight of illegal immigrants who are pouring into the United States of America from various points in Central America (Honduras, El Salvador, Guatemala) and from Mexico itself. The Argentine Apostate is shameless in ceaseless efforts to give his own Modernist “spin” to the entirety of Sacred Scripture and Sacred Tradition. By so doing, of course, he shows himself to be nothing other than a Protestant, which means that he is a rationalist who projects onto the words of Sacred Scripture whatever he is he wants them to mean.

This is what Bergoglio said in his “homily” in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico, just the Rio Grande River from El Paso, Texas, during his Protestant and Judeo-Masonic Novus Ordo liturgical extravaganza that featured, among other things, those in attendance singing a song in his honor as he left the stage in the recessional. The song repeated his supposed “papal” name in Spanish, Francisco, repeatedly. It was truly a revoltin’ development (thank you, William Bendix, who was a devout Catholic and is buried in San Fernando Mission Cemetery in San Fernando, California).

Oh, I got distracted.

You want to see what Bergoglio said yesterday?

Do you?


All right.

You asked for it:

In the second century Saint Irenaeus wrote that the glory of God is the life of man. It is an expression which continues to echo in the heart of the Church. The glory of the Father is the life of his sons and daughters. There is no greater glory for a father than to see his children blossom, no greater satisfaction than to see his children grow up, developing and flourishing. The first reading that we have just heard points to this. The great city of Nineveh, was self-destructing as a result of oppression and dishonour, violence and injustice. The grand capital’s days were numbered because the violence within it could not continue. Then the Lord appeared and stirred Jonah’s heart: the Father called and sent forth his messenger. Jonah was summoned to receive a mission. “Go”, he is told, because in “forty days Nineveh shall be overthrown” (Jon 3:4). Go and help them to understand that by the way they treat each other, ordering and organizing themselves, they are only creating death and destruction, suffering and oppression. Make them see this is no way to live, neither for the king nor his subjects, nor for farm fields nor for the cattle. Go and tell them that they have become used to this degrading way of life and have lost their sensitivity to pain. Go and tell them that injustice has infected their way of seeing the world. “Therefore, go Jonah!”. God sent him to testify to what was happening, he sent him to wake up a people intoxicated with themselves.

In this text we find ourselves before the mystery of divine mercy. Mercy, which always rejects wickedness, takes the human person in great earnest. Mercy always appeals to the latent and numbed goodness within each person. Far from bringing destruction, as we so often desire or want to bring about ourselves, mercy seeks to transform each situation from within. Herein lies the mystery of divine mercy. It seeks and invites us to conversion, it invites us to repentance; it invites us to see the damage being done at every level. Mercy always pierces evil in order to transform it.

The king listened to Jonah, the inhabitants of the city responded and penance was decreed. God’s mercy has entered the heart, revealing and showing wherein our certainty and hope lie: there is always the possibility of change, we still have time to transform what is destroying us as a people, what is demeaning our humanity. Mercy encourages us to look to the present, and to trust what is healthy and good beating in every heart. God’s mercy is our shield and our strength.

Jonah helped them to see, helped them to become aware. Following this, his call found men and women capable of repenting, and capable of weeping. To weep over injustice, to cry over corruption, to cry over oppression. These are tears that lead to transformation, that soften the heart; they are the tears that purify our gaze and enable us to see the cycle of sin into which very often we have sunk. They are tears that can sensitize our gaze and our attitude hardened and especially dormant in the face of another’s suffering. They are the tears that can break us, capable of opening us to conversion.

This word echoes forcefully today among us; this word is the voice crying out in the wilderness, inviting us to conversion. In this Year of Mercy, with you here, I beg for God’s mercy; with you I wish to plead for the gift of tears, the gift of conversion.

Here in Ciudad Juárez, as in other border areas, there are thousands of immigrants from Central America and other countries, not forgetting the many Mexicans who also seek to pass over “to the other side”. Each step, a journey laden with grave injustices: the enslaved, the imprisoned and extorted; so many of these brothers and sisters of ours are the consequence of a trade in human beings.

We cannot deny the humanitarian crisis which in recent years has meant the migration of thousands of people, whether by train or highway or on foot, crossing hundreds of kilometres through mountains, deserts and inhospitable zones. The human tragedy that is forced migration is a global phenomenon today. This crisis, which can be measured in numbers and statistics, we want instead to measure with names, stories, families. They are the brothers and sisters of those excluded as a result of poverty and violence, drug trafficking and criminal organizations. Being faced with so many legal vacuums, they get caught up in a web that ensnares and always destroys the poorest. Not only do they suffer poverty but they must also endure these forms of violence. Injustice is radicalized in the young; they are “cannon fodder”, persecuted and threatened when they try to flee the spiral of violence and the hell of drugs. Then there are the many women unjustly robbed of their lives.

Let us together ask our God for the gift of conversion, the gift of tears, let us ask him to give us open hearts like the Ninevites, open to his call heard in the suffering faces of countless men and women. No more death! No more exploitation! There is still time to change, there is still a way out and a chance, time to implore the mercy of God.

Just as in Jonas’ time, so too today may we commit ourselves to conversion; may we be signs lighting the way and announcing salvation. I know of the work of countless civil organizations working to support the rights of migrants. I know too of the committed work of so many men and women religious, priests and lay people in accompanying migrants and in defending life. They are on the front lines, often risking their own lives. By their very lives they are prophets of mercy; they are the beating heart and the accompanying feet of the Church that opens its arms and sustains.

This time for conversion, this time for salvation, is the time for mercy. And so, let us say together in response to the suffering on so many faces: In your compassion and mercy, Lord, have pity on us ... cleanse us from our sins and create in us a pure heart, a new spirit (cf. Ps 50). (http://wJorge Mario Bergoglio Blasphemes the Prophet Jonas-and thus God he Holy Ghost.)

In other words, Jorge Mario Bergoglio was saying that those who propose to erect walls to safeguard their nation’s borders so as to assure an orderly process of migration in the interests of national security and public health and safety are analogous to the citizens of Ninive, who were, to paraphrase the false “pope,” “self-referential” and thus “close in on themselves.”

This is a total distortion and thus a gross misrepresentation of why God had sent Jonas to warn the people of Ninive about the impending destruction of their city if they did not convert.

The king and the people of Ninive were guilty, among other things, of the very same sins of the flesh that Bergoglio treats with some lightness, if not outright jocularity, in the name of his false concept of “mercy.”

None other than Saint Jerome himself wrote the following commentary on the Verse Five of the Third Chapter of the Book of the Prophet Jonas:

5 ¶So the people of Nineveh believed God, and proclaimed a fast, and put on sackcloth, from the greatest of them even to the least of them.  LXX: similar.  Nineveh believed but Israel did not believe; the foreskin believed, but circumcision remained without faith.  First of all the men of Nineveh believed who had arrived at the age of Christ[1]: they announced a fast and dressed in sackcloth, from the greatest to the smallest of them.  This regime and clothing is very worthy of penitence, so that those who had offended God through their indulgence or lust appeased him by condemning all that they had previously offended with.  Sackcloth and fasting are the weapons of penitence, the rescue of sinners.  First of all fasting, then sackcloth; first of all what is not seen, then what is visible; the one is always shown to God, the other sometimes to man. And if it were necessary to remove one from the two then I would rather keep fasting without sackcloth than have sackcloth without fasting.  Elder men give the example which pertains to youths: for no one is without sin; and if his life only lasted one day, the years of his life would still be counted[2].  For if the stars are not pure before God, they are still more so than a worm or putrefaction, and those who are held by the sin of Adam, the great offender.  Note here too the order, which is well written: God commands the prophet, the prophet proclaims to the city.  First of all the men believe, announce fasting, and then everyone puts on sackcloth.  The men do not announce the putting on of sackcloth, but only the fasting.  All the same, with reason, those to whom penitence has been proscribed wear sackcloth and fast so that empty stomach and mourning clothes give the Lord more of an opportunity to remit. (See Saint Jerome on the Book of the Prophet Jonas.)

The preaching of Jonas had nothing to do with refusing to show “mercy” to those who are encouraged and enabled to break the just laws of another nation by fleeing from corrupt regimes in their nations without respecting and complying with those laws. Bergoglio’s contention in this regard is a pure projection onto Sacred Scripture a meaning that is not there.

The people of Ninive gave up their lives of indulgence and lust and were willing to do repentance for their sins by fasting and wearing sackcloth. The counterfeit church of conciliarism believes that outward signs of penance, such as those that were observed by Catholics universally until the end of the “Second” Vatican Council belongs to “another age in the history of the Church”:

The same awareness of the present state of the world also influenced the use of texts from very ancient tradition. It seemed that this cherished treasure would not be harmed if some phrases were changed so that the style of language would be more in accord with the language of modern theology and would faithfully reflect the actual state of the Church's discipline. Thus there have been changes of some expressions bearing on the evaluation and use of the good things of the earth and of allusions to a particular form of outward penance belonging to another age in the history of the Church. (Paragraph Fifteen, General Instruction to the Roman Missal, 1997.)

There must be a new language for a new religion and its false liturgical rites.

Moreover, the conversion of the king and the citizens of Ninive is a prophecy of the conversion of the Gentiles and the reprobation of the Jews after Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, Whose three days in the tomb after His Crucifixion on Good Friday was prefigured by Jonas having spent three days in the belly of a whale, had Resurrected from the dead on Easter Sunday, Ascended to His Co-Equal and Co-Eternal God the Father’s right hand in Heaven forty days thereafter, and the beginning of the missionary work of the Apostles following the descent of the Third Person of the Most Blessed Trinity, God the Holy Ghost, upon them (and Our Lady and the other disciples gathered in the Cenacle). Our Lord permitted this preaching to be conducted among the Jews for a thirty-seven year period prior to using the pagan Romans to disperse them across the face of the earth as a punishment for their hardness of heart and to make them a means of perpetual chastisement of those who belong to his Catholic Church.

Father George Haydock commented on the conversion of the Ninvites as a prophetic prefiguring of the conversion of the Gentiles, who responded to the preaching of the Gospel, and the reprobation of the Jews who responded with blasphemies and persecutions:

Ver. 1. Troubled. His concern was lest he should pass for a false prophet; or rather lest God's word, by this occasion might come to be slighted and disbelieved. (Challoner) --- He conjectured that God would spare the penitent Ninivites, and feared lest prophecies should be deemed uncertain. But this doubt is solved by observing that some are conditional, (chap. iii. 4., and Jeremias xviii. 8.) as it proved here. When the people relapsed, they were afterwards destroyed, Nahum i., &c. (Worthington) (Chap. iii. 10.) --- The conversion of Ninive was an earnest of that of the Gentiles. (Calmet) --- This being so intimately connected with the reprobation of the Jews, (Haydock) the prophet was grieved at the misery of the latter, (St. Jerome) which our Saviour and St. Paul bewailed. (Father George Haydock Commentary on Jonas 4:1.)

Senor Jorge does not like to hear anything about the reprobation of the Jews. Indeed, he believes that the only ones who are reprobated are believing Catholics who are too “self-referential” and who do such silly, outdated things as believe everything that Holy Mother Church has taught from time immemorial with certainty and thus without a shadow of any doubt. He also believes that those who do respect false gods and bow down before them have no place in Heaven, showing himself to be ignorant of the fact that Our Lord caused a tempest in the sea to rock the ship that carried Jonas (and from which he would be cast into the sea to be swallowed whole in the belly of a whale) because of the idolatry of those onboard the ship who saw Jonas as reproach to their sins. As know, though, Jorge loves to show signs of respect and admiration of false religions and their symbols. So did his predecessor, Joseph Alois Ratzinger/Benedict XVI.

Saint Jerome himself explained the first verse in chapter four of the Book of Jonas as follows:

IV. 1 ¶But it displeased Jonah exceedingly and he was very angry. [And he prayed unto the LORD, and said]  LXX: 'Jonah was saddened by a great sadness, and he was confounded.  And he prayed to the Lord, and he said'.  Seeing the crowd of gentiles enter[1], and that fulfils what is written in Deuteronomy: "they annoyed me with these gods who are not gods, so I will annoy them with a people that is not one; I shall anger them like a foolish nation"[2].  He despairs of Israel's safety and is hit by a great suffering which breaks out in words.  He shows the signs of his suffering and more or less says this: 'I have been the only one of the prophets chosen to announce my people's ruin to them through the safety of others.'  Thus he is not sad that the crowd of gentiles should be saved, as some people believe, but it is the destruction of Israel.  Moreover our Lord wept for Jerusalem and refused to take bread away from the children to give to the dogs[3].  And the apostles preach firstly to Israel, and Paul wishes to be anathema for his brothers who are Israelites[4] and have adoption, glory, alliance, promises and law, and from whom the patriarchs come, and from them too according to the flesh came Christ.[5]  But suffering in vain, which is interpreted as the word Jonah, he is smitten by suffering, and 'the spirit is sad until death'[6].  For lest the people of the Jews should die, he has suffered as much as he was in power.  The name of the sufferer also is appropriate to the story, since it signifies the toil of the prophet, weighed down by the miseries of his journey and the shipwreck(See Saint Jerome on the Book of the Prophet Jonas.)

I think that readers should see pretty clearly that Jorge Mario Bergoglio engaged in another of his epic feats of blasphemy by attempting to portray the Book of Jonas as having anything to do with justifying illegal immigration. Jorge Mario Bergoglio does not believe that those who are steeped in lives of impurity and indecency need to convert and to do penance. No, as noted before, the only people who are in need of “conversion” are those who resist and reject the doctrinal, moral, liturgical and pastoral revolutions of conciliarism. Also in need of conversion, he believes, are those in public life who are possessed of the stupid idea that nations have a right founded in the Natural Law to safeguard the integrity of their borders.

To be sure, the plight of those who are suffering from cruel and corrupt regimes in Central America—and for the corruption and poverty that are rife in so many parts of Mexico—is genuine. Granted. It is truly astounding that Bergoglio speaks in generalities about problems in Central America without naming the governments responsible. It is easier to blame the "yanqis" for being "without mercy" than it is to deal with the proximate root causes of a wave of illegal immigraiton that has been welcomed and enabled by Republican presidential administrations at the behest of the United States Chamber of Commerce and by Democratic presidential administations as a means to alter the demographics of the United States of America and thus keep themselves in power for decades to come as to continue the work of "transforming" this country to look more like "the rest of world."

No matter the suffering of those who are seeking to cross over into the United States of America illegally, the plight of those who believe themselves forced to flee from their native lands, however, has nothing to do with the Book of Jonas, which has everything to do with the conversion of sinners from their ways of lust and indulgence and of the necessity for Holy Mother Church to seek out the lost sheep of the flock by preaching repentance as the precondition to becoming beneficiaries of the ineffable mercy of the Divine Redeemer, Christ the King, Who offered Himself up once on the wood of the Holy Cross in atonement for ours sins, an act of propitiation that is perpetuated in an unbloody manner when a true priest offers the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.

My advice, for whatever it is worth to those few people who read this website any longer, is this: pay no attention to the man who calls himself “Pope Francis,” who is truly a chastisement visited upon us by God to chastise us for our own sins and our own infidelities.

May we, consecrated to Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ through the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary, continue to pray our Rosaries this Lent to console the good God for the crimes of our age and, of course, to make reparation for our sins that have contributed far more than we are willing to admit to the worsening of the problems in the Church Militant in this time of apostasy and betrayal as well is in the world-at-large.

Keep praying. Keep sacrificing. Keep fulfilling Our Lady's Fatima Message in your own lives.

Isn't it time to pray a Rosary right now?

Immaculate Heart of Mary, triumph soon!

Viva Cristo Rey! Vivat Christus Rex!

Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us.

Saint Joseph, pray for us.

Saints Peter and Paul, pray for us.

Saint John the Baptist, pray for us.

Saint John the Evangelist, pray for us.

Saint Michael the Archangel, pray for us.

Saint Gabriel the Archangel, pray for us.

Saint Raphael the Archangel, pray for us.

Saints Joachim and Anne, pray for us.

Saints Caspar, Melchior, and Balthasar, pray for us.

Saint Simeon, pray for us.

Saint Marie-Bernard Soubirous, pray for us.