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                 July 25, 2009

Sick From Head To Toe

by Thomas A Droleskey

Sick from head to toe. That is how I felt when I looked at the notebook computer I was using on Ash Wednesday, February 12, 1997, in a private home in Springfield, Illinois, as I started to write the following story, Roman Catholic Faithful Accuses Bishop Ryan of Harassment, for The Wanderer about the public accusations that Mr. Stephen G. Brady, the President and founder of Roman Catholic Faithful, Inc., made against the doctrinally and morally corrupt conciliar "bishop" of Springfield, Illinois, Daniel Leo Ryan, a product of the doctrinally and morally corrupt diocese of Joliet, Illinois. I was sick from head to toe.

Obviously, I believed at the time that I was writing about a true bishop, a true Successor of the Apostles. I was filled with dread at the task of having to write about a matter so pernicious and gross, having to weigh what I considered to be the necessity of making a sordid matter public (and the scandal that it would cause) against the known fact that the conciliar Congregation for Bishops in Rome had been given all of the documentation prior to the press conference that Mr. Brady held on Tuesday, February 11, 1997, at the Springfield Hilton hotel without any indication being given by the presbyter (now a auxiliary "bishop" in the structures of the counterfeit church of conciliarism) in that congregation that any action at all would be forthcoming against Daniel Leo Ryan. I was nevertheless still sick from head to toe.

Apart from the sordid nature of the subject about which I was writing and the sadness that filled my heart as son of the Church who believed that the man I considered to be the Vicar of Christ on earth, Karol Wojtyla/John Paul II, was indifferent to the moral corruption of some of his "bishops," I was saddened by the way in which Mr. Brady, a pizza maker from Petersburg, Illinois, was stonewalled by the officials in the chancery office of the Diocese of Springfield in Illinois. This passage from that February 20, 1997, article in The Wanderer speaks for itself as an eerie foreshadowing of the cascade of denials that would come from one chancery office after another in the ensuing five years until the systematic cover-up of perverted priest and presbyters--and the systematic stonewalling and intimidation of ordinary Catholics who had been victimized, both spiritually and physically, by those priests and presbyters--came into full public view with the disclosures involving Bernard "Cardinal" Law's presiding over nearly two decades of protecting spiritual, moral and physical predators among the ranks of his clergy:

[Springfield diocesan communications director Kathleen] Sass said that her reaction to the press conference was that "this is very sad. Very sad and very distressing that relations between Mr. Brady and his bishop have deteriorated to this point. I am aware that Mr. Brady has had disagreements with the diocese and with Bishop Ryan but it is saddening that it has deteriorated to this point. Bishop Ryan has received the letter, of course. The allegations are totally untrue." She said that the diocese would welcome a full investigation into these charges, saying that "Bishop Ryan has been very open in sharing all the information he has received from Mr. Brady on this matter with the Congregation for Bishops, with the Vatican nuncio, and with the administrator of the Chicago Archdiocese."

Attorney and RCF board member James Bendell wrote a letter to Archbishop Cacciavillan on the same day as the press conference, Feb. 11th. Noting that he was "disappointed (but not surprised) to hear you have decided to 'close the file' on the matter concerning the misconduct of Bishop Ryan," Bendell went on to remark that Cacciavillan had not even had the courtesy to acknowledge an earlier letter that he had sent to the Nunciature. As a result of the nuncio's action in this case, Bendell wrote that:

"1) Your file on Bishop Ryan may be closed, but ours is open.

"2) For years, faithful Catholics throughout this country have patiently submitted information to your office concerning serious deviations from Catholic teaching and practice permitted and in some cases encouraged by some of the bishops in this country. Your office has done little or nothing in response. Meanwhile, the state of Catholicism continues to deteriorate in this nation.

"3) We are no longer going to wait for you to act. We lay people are the ones that have to watch our children fed error in many Catholic schools and proceed on to colleges and universities that falsely claim the name of 'Catholic' We lay people are the parents whose sons are molested by pedophiles in an atmosphere often tolerant of homosexually active priests. We lay people are the ones who drop the money in the collection plate that is used to pay for speakers and programs that deny the fundamental truths of our faith. . . . We will make sure our efforts are consistent with Canon Law. . . . The orthodox laity of this country will no longer sit back and watch the foundations of our faith eroded. We hope you will join us in this effort." (Roman Catholic Faithful Accuses Bishop Ryan of Harassment)


Leaving aside my belief at the time that officials of what I now realize to be a false church were indeed representatives of the Catholic Church, a belief that is held yet by the leaders of Roman Catholic Faithful, Inc.,  I found Mrs. Sass's reflexive defense of "Bishop" Daniel Leo Ryan to have been a case of the "lady doth protest a bit too much." "Those words are going to come back to bite her," I told myself at the time.

And they did.

Although it took two and one-half years for the authorities in the conciliar Vatican to accept Ryan's early resignation for "health reasons" and another thirty-eight months after that for Ryan, who had been maintained in "canonical" "good standing" in the conciliar structures after his resignation by his successor, George Lucas, installed just yesterday, July 24, 2009, as the new conciliar "archbishop" of Omaha, Nebraska, to be suspended from all "ministerial" activities, Mrs. Sass has never once apologized to Stephen G. Brady for the courage that he exhibited in making public Ryan's corruption after he had done his due diligence behind the scenes prior to his press conference of February 11, 1997.

This is a series of questions, replete with a prefatory paragraph, that I addressed to Mrs. Sass shortly after Ryan was "suspended" following an investigation, headed by the conciliar archbishop of Chicago, Francis "Cardinal" George, who admitted to Stephen Brady in early-1998 that the conciliar hierarchy in the United States of America had known about Ryan's misconduct for years, came to the "conclusion" that Ryan was guilty as he had been charged by Steve Brady on February 11, 1997:

Kathleen Sass, who is still the Director of Communications for the Diocese of Springfield, despite the role she played in seeking to denounce and discredit Roman Catholic Faithful while protecting an unrepentant pervert, has refused to respond to e-mails to her on February 24, 2003, and to two attempts to reach her via telephone. Starting with my introduction, these are the questions Mrs. Sass has refused to answer:

"It was just a little over six years ago that you related to me Bishop Daniel Ryan's categorical denial of the charges that had been made against him by Stephen G. Brady in a press conference in Springfield in February of 1997. In light of the fact that you are no longer repeating this denial publicly following the independent committee that investigated Bishop Ryan, I have the following questions to ask of you for a news story I am doing on the Bishop Ryan matter and how it was handled by the personnel of the Diocese of Springfield:

"1. Do you now admit that Stephen G. Brady and Roman Catholic Faithful, Inc., were correct to make their charges against Bishop Ryan public following the latter's refusal to acknowledge their veracity and the failure of ecclesiastical officials in 1997 to fully investigate those charges?

"2. Do you not personally owe Mr. Brady an apology for the manner in which you disparaged his efforts to expose Bishop Ryan's activities, which were still on-going in 1997 and 1998, to the public, thereby serving to help to cover-up the truth of the matter?

"3. Do you not personally owe the people of the Diocese of Springfield an apology for helping to perpetuate the episcopal reign of a man who was steeped in unrepentant immorality and who engaged in efforts to intimidate witnesses who had knowledge of that immorality?

"4. Given the credibility established by Roman Catholic Faithful, Inc., over the years, should not the Diocese of Springfield give public credit to the work done by Stephen Brady to help expose the corruption extant in the Diocese of Springfield and elsewhere?

"5. Could not the extent and nature of the scandals that have been reported by the secular media in the last two years have been attenuated if chancery officials had taken seriously the work of Roman Catholic Faithful, Inc., and the reports that were published in The Wanderer?

"6. Is there not a connection between the doctrinal heterodoxy rife within the Diocese of Springfield (support for women's ordination, contraception, divorce and remarriage without a valid decree of nullity, rampant liturgical abuses) and the immoral leadership of Bishop Ryan, who permitted articles that placed in question the absolute received teaching of the Divine Redeemer?

"7. Given the fact that the American bishops have been said to adopt a "zero tolerance" policy for priests accused of sexual molestation, why did Bishop George Lucas permit his predecessor, Bishop Daniel Ryan, to function openly and publicly, especially with the young. Bishop Ryan continued to function openly even after the independent committee began its investigations, which was at least five years after the initial allegations were made by Roman Catholic Faithful (and after the late Father John Hardon had taken one of Bishop Ryan's victims to Rome, where officials found the allegations so credible that they found a safe haven for the priest)? Why did Bishop Lucas not take measures to prevent Bishop Ryan from having contact with the young?

"8. Why did not Bishop Ryan utter one word of criticism about the pro-abortion Senator Richard Durbin? Your office criticized Roman Catholic Faithful for simply informing Catholics about the corruption of their bishop. Neither your office or Bishop Ryan have seen fit to criticize a man who believes in the mystical destruction of Our Lord in the persons of unborn children in their mothers' wombs. Why?

"9. Do you not owe an apology to the victims of Bishop Ryan for serving unapologetically as his spin-doctor while individuals came forth to put their names on the record?

"10. Would you continue to act again in the same manner as you did in the Bishop Ryan case if a similar situation were to arise? Or would you take the allegations made by Roman Catholic Faithful, Inc., more seriously?" (See Seven Years Later.)


The defiance of conciliar officials in the case of Daniel Leo Ryan, a defiance that lasted for nearly six long years, was, sadly, typical of the defiance demonstrate by conciliar officials in chancery officials all across the United States of America and Ireland and by conciliar officials in the Vatican itself, starting with Joseph "Cardinal" Ratzinger, who was appointed in 2001 to be Wojtyla/John Paul II's hatchet man for burying these scandals until they erupted in full public view less than a year thereafter.

Stephen Brady and the many other Catholics who presented their documentation of the gross misconduct to conciliar "bishops" and priests and presbyters did not engage in rumor mongering. They did not circulate e-mails accusing men they believed to be true bishops and true priests of sins against nature on the basis of speculation or on the basis of appearance, recognizing that speculation about the behavior of others based on supposition and appearance constitutes the sin of calumny that is forbidden by the precepts of the Eighth Commandment. No one is free to speculate about the moral behavior of others unless he has proof of that behavior and until and unless he has gone to the persons in question to ask them directly, whereupon they are to be silent if those confronted make a denial of the accusation and there is no proof to the contrary to contradict that denial. This is a basic part of the Eighth Commandment, and it is shameful to accuse people of moral misconduct, no less men presumed to be true bishops and true priests, on the basis of supposition and appearance and innuendo.

Stephen Brady and the many other Catholics who presented their documentation of the gross misconduct of conciliar 'bishops" and priests and presbyters had facts. Facts. Not innuendo. Not appearances. Not suppositions. Facts. They were stonewalled by chancery officials. They were stonewalled and betrayed by the "Apostolic Nuncio" in Washington, District of Columbia. They were stonewalled and lied to by officials in the conciliar Vatican.

One of those conciliar officials, the current Secretary of State of the State of Vatican City, Tarcisio "Cardinal" Bertone, had the audacity to state in Nashville, Tennessee, in August of 2007 that the conciliar "bishops" in the United States of America had handled the scandals caused by perverted "bishops" and "priests" and presbyters that has cost Catholics attached to conciliar structures over $2 billion of their donations with "dignity." This prompted me to write the following at the time:


These comments are beneath contempt, representing the height of arrogance and absolute, rank insensitivity for the harm that has been visited upon countless thousands upon thousands of souls by the corrupt and malicious behavior of the American "bishops" and their chancery factotums and their attorneys and the representatives of their insurance companies, each of whom lied to the victims of the sordid behavior of various "bishops" and priests and then sought to intimidate them into silence when these victims refused to accept these lies. The claim that the "Church in the US" has "responded with dignity" to the scandals that have exploded into full public view is a contemptible lie. There is no other word to describe such an outrageous distortion of the truth.

Responded with dignity? Go tell that to Frank Bergen, a one-time male prostitute who was used by the corrupt former "bishop" of the Diocese of Springfield in Illinois, Daniel Leo Ryan, a product of the corrupt machine of perversity that emanated from the Archdiocese of Detroit and ran through his own home diocese, Joliet, Illinois, a bastion of feminism and heterodoxy and one liturgical outrage after another under the sordid "episcopal" reign of the now retired Joseph Imesch, a product of the Archdiocese of Detroit. Imesch was consecrated by the progenitor of the revolutionary "Call to Action" movement, John Cardinal Dearden, Archbishop of Detroit from 1958 to 1990, and co-consecrated by that notorious supporter of the Homosexual Collective, "Bishop" Thomas Gumbleton, Dearden's prized protege.

Ryan's corruption was brought to light by Mr. Stephen G. Brady, the courageous founder of Roman Catholic Faithful, Inc., in early-1997 after private efforts to demand Ryan's resignation remained unanswered. Frank Bergen was one of Ryan's many victims, two of which included conciliar "priests," one of whom was taken to Rome in 1998 by the late Father John A. Hardon, S.J. and presented his case personally before Dario Cardinal Castrillon Hoyos, then the Prefect of the Conciliar Congregation for the Clergy. No one in the conciliar hierarchy cared for Frank Bergen's immortal soul as he spent time in prison in Jacksonville, Illinois, where I interviewed him in early-1998.

Stephen Brady was stonewalled by the conciliar hierarchy in the United States, denounced in the most vicious terms by Ryan's paid flack, Mrs. Kathleen Sass, who has never once offered a public apology for her bitter denunciations of Mr. Brady's statement of the actual truth about her corrupt, perverted former employer, and he was stonewalled by officials in the conciliar Vatican, which did not take any action against Ryan for over two one-half years, doing so only after a lawsuit had been filed (which lawsuit would have required depositions to be taken under oath). And it took over three years after that for the Diocese of Springfield to actually admit what Stephen G. Brady had been documenting since his first communication with Daniel Ryan in November of 1996: that this unrepentant pervert, who has never once apologized for his wanton behavior, was indeed guilty as charged.

Responded with dignity? Go tell that to the the scores of people in the Archdiocese of Boston who were browbeaten as one perverted priest after another, some of whom had been ordained before 1968 and were thus true priests, was protected by Bernard Cardinal Law and Thomas Daily and William F. Murphy and Robert Banks and Richard Lennon and John McCormack, including Father Paul Shanley, a co-founder of an organization whose title is so repugnant that it will not be mentioned here.

Responded with dignity? Go tell that to the scores of people in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles and the Diocese of Orange who were stonewalled for years by Roger Mahony and Tod Brown, neither of whom are noted to be, shall we say, friends of the authentic Tradition of the Catholic Church.

Responded with dignity? Go tell that to the scores of people molested and then victimized by the legal teams of the Dioceses of Spokane and Tucson and San Diego and Davenport, each of which went into bankruptcy so as to avoid the deposition process.

Responded with dignity? Go tell that to the victims of Father Rudy Kos in the Diocese of Dallas.

Responded with dignity? Go tell that to the way in which the late John Cardinal O'Connor and other conciliar "bishops" transferred perverted priests to the service of the Military Ordinariate in order to get them out of the way of legal jeopardy, playing the old "shell game" as they enabled men steeped unrepentantly in the ravages of one of the four sins that cry out to Heaven for vengeance?

Responded with dignity? Go tell that to the way in which the conciliar Vatican, which has its own nest of perverts, to be sure, protected and promoted "bishops" who were themselves perverted and about whose perversion its officials had been informed most fully (Daniel Ryan, Thomas Dupre, Patrick Ziemann, Keith Symons, Andrew O'Connell, Rembert Weakland, Kendrick Williams, among others).

Those who have turned the situation into a means of making profit? Excuse me? What other recourse did victims have except to take the conciliar "bishops" to court after years of seeking redress through their corrupt chancery offices caused them to be victimized and humiliated yet again and again and again? A means of profit? What price can be put on the harm done to souls by "bishops" and "priests" who reject articles contained in the Deposit of Faith and who subject the children in the educational institutions under their control to the insidious harm of explicit classroom instruction in matters pertaining to the Sixth and the Ninth Commandments?

Tarcisio Bertone's attempt to defend the actions of the reprobate conciliar "bishops" in the United States of America by claiming that other "institutions" have had similar problems is amazingly bold. We are not judged when we die on the basis of how good or bad we were in life in comparison to others. We are judged solely on the objective state of our souls at the moment of our deaths. The state of the souls of others is completely irrelevant to the responsibility we bear for our own sins, each of which must be confessed to and absolved by a true priest in the Sacred Tribunal of Penance so as to be the beneficiaries of the treasures of the infinite, inestimable riches of the Mercies of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus in this life and at the hour of our deaths, at which hour we pray that Our Lady, the Queen and the Mother of Mercy, will be interceding for us with our Divine Judge. We are responsible for our own sinful actions and can never seek to minimize their gravity by claiming others are just as--if not more--guilty than ourselves.

Moreover, Bertone's rhetorical question about whether other organizations "have provided financial compensation for the victims…have they taken care of the victims and those who have been guilty" represents the same sort of hubris as that contained in the apocryphal story of the man who killed his parents and then claimed for mercy from a judge because he was an orphan. With a very few exceptions, usually involving efforts to preempt lawsuits and the public disclosure of the next of perversity in the ranks of the conciliar structures, almost every instance of a Catholic diocese currently in conciliar captivity paying out any amount of money to any victim of its perverted "bishops" and "priests" has been the result of public pressure brought by news stories in the secular media and by threat, if not the actual filing, of lawsuits and the discovery process and the resultant disclosures therefrom. The Archdioceses of Boston and Los Angeles stonewalled victims and their families for years, trying every legal machination possible. Bertone's assertion in this regard is repulsive.

Remember, however, for all of your Motu Mass flag-wavers out there, Tarcisio Bertone has the full support of Joseph Ratzinger, who, it appears, will do nothing to remove Roger Mahony from his position of conciliar power in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, enabling him to continue his assault upon the worship of God and upon the perennial teaching He has entrusted to His Catholic Church. Like his predecessor, Karol Wojtyla, who promoted and protected the conciliar "bishops" caught up in their own perverse scandals and/or involved in the protection of priests tainted thereby despite evidence being presented to him personally over the years, Joseph Ratzinger will continue to enable those who pervert doctrine and worship. Men such as William Levada and George Niederauer have been promoted under his watch. Souls continue to be malformed in so-called "Catholic" schools. None of this matters to the conciliar revolutionaries, intent on protecting their institutional "integrity" in a manner reminiscent of the late Soviet dictator Leonid Brezhnev and his band of apparatchiks at the height of the Cold War.

Then again, why should the conciliar revolutionaries care about how souls have been abused, both physically and spiritually? They preside over the liturgical offense given to God Himself every day in the form of the Protestant and Masonic Novus Ordo service. They preside over the abomination of inter-religious "prayer meetings" that are held in full violation of the precepts of the First Commandment. They have presided over the destruction of church sanctuaries and the removal of statues in order to conform Catholic church buildings to the new theology underlining the new order of "worship." They preside over the constant dissemination of lies concerning "religious liberty" and the "separation of Church and State" and the new ecclesiology. With very few exceptions, they are inert and passive when presented with evidence of "bishops" and "priests" and consecrated religious and lay teachers denying articles contained in the Deposit of Faith, transcending even the errors of conciliarism itself. The conciliar revolutionaries demonstrate themselves over and over again to the the enemies of souls universally.


The sheep were beaten up by the men they believed to be their shepherds for merely doing what a Catholic is taught to do: to trust that their shepherds will give them a fair hearing and will act with impartiality to protect them even if it means overturning decisions made by their closest subordinates and trusted friends in the clergy that have proven be detrimental time and time and time again to the spiritual and physical safety of themselves and their children. The sheep were betrayed by their shepherds as the hard evidence that they presented was rejected, dismissed, ignored or denigrated, and as they were fed to the heartless mercenaries in law firms and insurance companies who used every form of legal intimidation imaginable to keep the sheep silent about the gross injustices to which they were subjected by men whom they believed to Successors of the Apostles and their assistants in the Holy Priesthood.

Most of the scandals that have erupted in recent years could have been abated in large measure if only the sheep were not considered to be the problem, if only trusted aides were not protected in the name of a clericalism that is just as wrong and as injurious to the Holy Faith as the Americanist/Protestant/Judeo-Masonic spirit of anticlericalism that considers it to be an American "right" to treat men who are presumed to have the charism of Holy Orders on their souls with contempt and indignity and to subject them to public criticism before they have had an opportunity to consider the facts and/or before their own words and actions became a matter of general public knowledge that require a spirited defense of the Faith undertaken for the honor and majesty and glory of God and for the good of the souls for whom Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ shed every single drop of His Most Precious Blood on the wood of the Holy Cross to redeem. Even though the conciliar revolutionaries are at war with the Holy Faith, they have certainly continued a tradition of clericalism with respect to the sheep as they consider it to be their "right" to beat up the sheep whenever those entrusted to their pastoral care present legitimate, documented concerns in a respectful manner.

This all came to mind once again in light of the recent news reports concerning efforts by the conciliar officials in the Archdiocese of Portland, Oregon, and the Diocese of Bridgeport, Connecticut, to keep confidential the records of how they handled cases of the moral corruption of the clergy in those venues. The Portland and Bridgeport cases involve two "princes" of the counterfeit church of conciliarism, William "Cardinal" Levada, Ratzinger/Benedict's hand-picked successor as the conciliar prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, who was the conciliar "archbishop" of Portland from 1986 to 1995, and Edward "Cardinal" Egan, the now retired conciliar "archbishop" of New York, who was the "bishop" of Bridgeport from 1988 to 2000. It's still the same old stonewalling as before as the sheep get beaten up and crimes against God and man get covered up ad infinitum, ad nauseam.

Additionally, a Chicago Tribune report of four days ago has provided details of a deposition given by a retired auxiliary "bishop" of the Archdiocese of Chicago, Raymond Goedert, that should make any Catholic who is truly sorry for his own many sins sick from head to toe for the needless scandals caused to the faithful by the conciliar "bishops" and their apparatchiks:

The archdiocese of Chicago has agreed to pay $3.9 million to settle six sexual abuse cases and on Tuesday released a bishop's deposition that detailed the church's failure to report the crimes and attempts to keep them secret.

The 180-page deposition provides a rare glimpse of "how clerical culture operated in the past," said Jeffrey R. Anderson, an attorney for the victims. Retired Auxiliary Bishop Raymond Goedert, the second-highest-ranking bishop in the Chicago archdiocese, testified that most of the priests he confronted with sexual abuse charges admitted them.

"I knew the civil law considered it a crime," Goedert said in his deposition, adding that he felt church law required him to treat matters confidentially. "I simply would not talk about [the cases] to anyone except those who had a right to know because of their position in the diocese."

Goedert's deposition demonstrates the "energy spent on keeping the scandal contained," said Marc Pearlman, another attorney for the victims.

"What emerges here is that the interests of the institution come first, then the man, the perpetrator of crime," Pearlman said. "And somewhere in the distance [are] the victims of the crime. Their priorities are in the wrong order". . . .

The deposition shows how "deeply ingrained secrecy" is in this archdiocese, Barbara Dorris, the outreach director of the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests, said in a statement.

"That confidentiality allowed the archdiocese to move serial predators from parish to parish without congregations' knowledge about child-abuse allegations," she said.

Anderson did, however, note the increased participation of the archdiocese. "Things are changing," he said. "Yet they are not where they should be."

Under the terms of the mediation, other information and files will be made public at a later date.

The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Chicago paid more than $15.8 million in legal settlements related to sexual abuse last year, amounting to $80.2 million in claims from June 2001 to June 2008. (Failure to report abuse in Chicago archdiocese described)


Some might retort that the systematic cover-up of the moral depravity of so many conciliar "bishops" and "priests" and "presbyters" is not unique to the counterfeit church of conciliarism, that the cover-ups began decades ago under true bishops of the Catholic Church. True enough. Fallen human nature is what it is. Even men with the charism of true Holy Orders on their immortal souls might seek to protect their subordinates out of a misplaced sense of loyalty and/or a desire to make it known that whistle blowers or "loud mouths" won't get anywhere by going "public" with their accusations.

Then again, of course, scandals that need not have become public are now known very widely precisely because the sheep were beaten up and intimidated from the very start, precisely because they were never given a fair hearing, precisely because the shepherds in whom they placed their trust were weak and sought to protect their reputations before dealing punitively with malefactors under their authority and direction. And this is to say nothing of the fact that there has been the systematic recruitment and protection of men steeped in unrepentant sins of perversity against the Sixth and Ninth Commandments into the conciliar presbyterate and that many men steeped in perversity have been promoted by the conciliar Vatican to the conciliar "episcopate."

This culture of moral corruption in the counterfeit church of conciliarism has been characterized by a contempt for the sheep. Chancery officials listened to complaints impassively or contemptuously, having no desire whatsoever to do anything other than to keep scandals secret as the sheep were told to sign "confidentiality" agreements in exchange for a small payoff.

I know this not only from my years of writing on these horrible matters for The Wanderer but from my work as the communications director of the Diocese of Fargo from September of 1988 to August of 1989, having come across one such "confidentiality" agreement by pure happenstance as I left the draft of an article on the desk of the then conciliar "bishop" of Fargo, the late James S. Sullivan. Yes, I glanced at the letter. It was short and to the point: a certain sum of money was being paid out for silence about abuse admitted by one of the diocese's arch-ecumenists. We will only know on the Last Day at the General Judgment of the Living and the Dead how many such letters were issued by conciliar officials to purchase silence as malefactors were protected and/or promoted time and time again.

It is not for nothing that the former Governor of the State of Oklahoma, Frank Keating, who was appointed by the conciliar "bishops" of the United States of America to investigate their own criminal cover-ups of the criminal acts of their clergy, used the term mobsters associated with La Cosa Nostra to refer to the "bishops" and their criminal activities in June of 2003, a few days before he resigned in protest after himself being stonewalled by the very people who had hired him to investigate their activities:

To resist grand jury subpoenas, to suppress the names of offending clerics, to deny, to obfuscate, to explain away; that is the model of a criminal organization, not my church. (USATODAY.com - Keating blasts bishops as he departs from post)


There certainly has been a culture of moral corruption fostered and institutionalized in the counterfeit church of conciliarism that mirrors the doctrinal and liturgical corruption that has robbed God of the honor and glory that are His due and has robbed most Catholics in the world of the true Sacraments and of a true understanding of the Deposit of Faith, also robbing the world a firm commitment to the restoration of the Social Reign of Christ the King as the fruit of the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. And just as the sheep have been intimidated and browbeaten by "bishops" and chancery officials when they have reported instances of moral corruption of the clergy, so has it been the case that the sheep have been intimidated and browbeaten and sometimes denounced by name from the pulpit and in various parish bulletins for daring to bring their doctrinal and/or liturgical concerns to their putative shepherds. The whole thing sickens one from head to toe.

To be sure, there have been scandals among the ranks of those who recognize that heretics cannot hold ecclesiastical office legitimately, including the recent arrest of Bishop Dennis McCormack, who was ordained by a Duarte Costa line bishop, Patrick Taylor, now a sedeplenist, in 1997 and consecrated as a bishop by one Ryan St. Anne in 2007, on terrible charges of abusing a teenaged child of one of his old parishioners. The horror of this kind of scandal cannot be minimized.

The charges against Bishop McCormack, whose lineage of priestly ordination and episcopal consecration speaks to the dangers posed by the vacancy in the papal seat (see Untrained and Un-Tridentine: Holy Orders and the Canonically Unfit), will be proved or disproved in a court of law, where Bishop McCormack is presumed to be innocent until proven guilty, although press reports in Newsday indicate that there is a video recording of the crime. It would, however, be the height of intellectual dishonesty for any traditional Catholic who rejects the legitimacy of the conciliar "pontiffs" to minimize the scandal caused by Bishop McCormack's arrest as to do so would be to full into the same trap of the conciliarists, who have played "favorites" at the expense of truth and justice for many decades now.

Each of us is a sinner. Each of us has much for which to make reparation. I have very much for which to make reparation. Each of us should be sick from head to toe over our own sins, recognizing how they caused Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ to suffer once in time during His Passion and Death and how they wound the Church Militant here on earth at the present time, weeping also for how our sins have pierced the Immaculate Heart of Mary through and through with Seven Swords of Sorrow. We must be earnest about making reparation for our sins so as to help our true bishops and our true priests who make no concessions to conciliarism to govern their flocks with the sort of care that has been denied to the sheep in the counterfeit church of conciliarism and as they, our true bishops and priests, seek to work collaboratively--and not competitively or in the belief that God has made them the sole guardians of the Faith in this time of apostasy and betrayal--with others who also understand that Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI is an enemy of Our Lord and of the souls for whom He shed every single drop of His Most Precious Blood on the wood of the Holy Cross.

As I wrote nine days ago in In A Nutshell:

No, once you figure out that the Catholic Church cannot give us defective liturgies or ambiguous dogmatic statements or "papal" pronouncements that contradict her perennial teaching, the rest is pretty easy.

It is also easy, however,. for one to "go back," to run yelling and screaming away from chapels in the Catholic catacombs during this time of apostasy and betrayal that are served by true bishops and/or true priests who make no concessions to conciliarism to the nonexistent legitimacy of its false shepherds. The devil wants to work overtime to keep people away from safe havens where no concessions are made to the false church and its spiritual robber barons, which is why he will use the confusion caused the vacancy in the papal seat to scandalize and demoralize the sheep who are seeking a refuge from the apostasies and sacrileges and blasphemies and contradictions extant in the counterfeit church of conciliarism and/or who are seeking a refuge from the false and most confusing ecclesiology of the Society of Saint Pius X itself.

Where else can we go? Back to the clown "Mass"? Back to the Motu world where priests and presbyters cannot defend the honor and glory and majesty of God as they are blasphemed repeatedly, publicly and brazenly by the false "pontiff," Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI? Back to the Society of Saint Pius X and its belief that the authority of the Catholic Church can give us defective liturgical rites and doctrines that must be "clarified" by its representatives in "negotiations" with representatives of the man they believe is a true and legitimate Successor of Saint Peter on earth? Where else can we go?

While each person must come to recognize the true state of the Church Militant on earth for himself and then to seek refuge as best he can in the Catholic catacombs, the safest course of action is to avoid all contact with the counterfeit church of conciliarism and its false shepherds. No, there is perfection nowhere. Nowhere means nowhere. There are problems everywhere. Everywhere means everywhere.

Alas, where else can we go? None of us is perfect, are we? None of us is without his or her set of faults and failings. We cannot let whatever difficulties and conflicts and controversies, some of which will be examined in an upcoming article, exist within and among chapels administered by true bishops and priests who make no concessions to conciliarism or it s false shepherds cause us to lose sight of the fact that Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI is the latest in a line of antipopes who are enemies of the Social Reign of Christ the King and thus of eternal good of souls for whom He shed every single drop of His Most Precious Blood on the wood of the Holy Cross.

Once again, in a nutshell, my friends, once you figure out that the Catholic Church cannot give us defective liturgical rites or ambiguous dogmatic statements or "papal" pronouncements that contradict her perennial teaching, the rest is easy. True, there will be crosses ahead as battles on important issues are fought, sometimes secretly, sometimes openly, among our true bishops and priests.

There will be times when we simply shake our heads in amazement at the lack of Charity exhibited by priests and members of the laity alike. In the end, however, we must try to cleave to the safe havens where our children will not be confused by a false ecclesiology and where, despite all of the problems and differences and conflicts, God is given the glory and honor that are His due through the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

It is enough for us in the laity to concentrate on the sanctification and salvation of our own immortal souls. The devil knows that most of us are not going to sin against the Faith. He will try most mightily, however, to cause us to sin against Charity and to be steeped in anger against those who do not see things as we do concerning the true state of the Church or concerning various theological conclusions over which differences exist among our true bishops and true priests. We are not going to resolve those differences by our anger or our screeds. We can, however, helped to effect a greater unity and spirit of cooperation among our true bishops and priests if we pray and fast and make many sacrifices in reparation for our sins and those of the whole world, offering whatever merit we might earn to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus through the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary, making sure to pray as many Rosaries each day as our states-in-life permit.

We must, therefore, cleave to the true Catholic voices in the catacombs where no concessions are made to conciliarism or to the legitimacy of the ravenous wolves masquerading as ecclesiastical officials of the Catholic Church. We must pray and make many sacrifices for our true bishops and our true priests as they protect our souls and attempt to guide us home to Heaven as we offer up our own penances and mortifications to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus through the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary for them. The Catholic Church safeguards souls unto eternity, not jeopardizes their salvation by exculpating scandals and by promoting sacrilegious abominations and propositions condemned by pope after pope prior to the false reign of Angelo Roncalli and his successive antipopes or by browbeating the sheep when they present their concerns privately with due respect and filial piety for their shepherds as they seek to have serious issues taken seriously and addressed with remedial action lest malefactors be emboldened in a course of action detrimental to ecclesial peace and thus to the good of souls.

Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ has undergone His Passion and Death mystically through His Mystical Bride, the Church Militant on earth. As noted in Bookended From Birth to Birth, the late Father Vincent Bowes, O.C.D., believed that Our Lord has been placed, mystically, in the Tomb after being scourged by the false doctrines of the "Second" Vatican Council, crowned with thorns when Giovanni Montini called the United Nations mankind's "hope" for world peace, crucified when the Novus Ordo was promulgated and thus the Blessed Sacrament killed, remaining on the Cross mystically until a Vatican official, Joseph Ratzinger himself, said that Jews and Protestants and the Orthodox do not need to convert to the Catholic Church, experiencing His mystical death thereafter.

We have the opportunity, therefore, to keep Our Lady company outside of her Divine Son's mystical tomb, praying to Him through her Most Holy Rosary that the Resurrection of the Mystical Body of Christ will occur sooner rather than later as we continue to live penitentially so as to help to make reparation for our sins and those of the whole world by cooperating with the graces for us on the Holy Cross and that flow into our hearts and souls through the loving hands of Our Lady, the Mediatrix of All Graces.

And may Saint Christopher, the Christ-bearer, help to carry us home to Heaven as the totally consecrated slaves of the One Whom he bore both physically and spiritually through the Immaculate Heart of Mary. May Saint Christopher help us to travel well on the rocky road that leads to the narrow Gate of Life Himself, Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, for Whom Saint James the Greater, the brother of Saint John the Evangelist, gave up his very life.

With complete and total trust in the Immaculate Heart of Mary as we rely upon the tender Mercies of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, may our own fidelity to the Catholic Faith help more and more of our fellow Catholics, as well as non-Catholics, to seek out the true Faith in the catacombs and to reject the anti-Incarnational errors of Modernity in the world and the Modernist ethos abroad in the counterfeit church of conciliarism.

Isn't it time to pray a set of mysteries of Our Lady's Most Holy Rosary?


Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us now and the hour of our death Amen

Vivat Christus Rex!

Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us


Saint Joseph, pray for us

Saints Peter and Paul, pray for us

Saint John the Baptist, pray for us

Saint Michael the Archangel, pray for us

Saint Gabriel the Archangel, pray for us

Saint Raphael the Archangel, pray for us

Saints Joachim and Anne, pray for us.

Saints Caspar, Melchior, and Balthasar, pray for us.

Saint James the Greater, pray for us.

Saint Christopher, pray for us.

See also: A Litany of Saints



© Copyright 2009, Thomas A Droleskey All rights reserved