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               August 10, 2010

Ho Hum Yet Again

by Thomas A. Droleskey

As I noted a few weeks ago, there does come a time when one comes to understand that he has written quite enough about absurdity.

Revolutions Have Consequences, part two, listed any number of articles written in the past few months that have addressed Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI’s multiple defections from the Catholic Faith. Others have done far, far better work than I have in assessing these defections–and those of conciliarism in general. The body of work is there for those who want to accept it. I really don’t know how much more can be added, and I am writing this not only because I am physically tired from the physical maladies of recent months but because there is no conciliar stone that has been been turned over repeatedly and examined with care.

Although numerous articles on this site have examined the currently reigning conciliar “pontiff’s” defections from the Faith, I find it astounding so that so few people can recognize Ratzinger/Benedict’s “hermeneutic of continuity and discontinuity” for what it is, that is, nothing other than a his philosophically absurd and dogmatically condemned view of the nature of dogmatic truth that is premised upon the belief that dogmatic pronouncements mad by Holy Mother Church’s true dogmatic councils and various papal pronouncements were the product of the subjective historical circumstances in which they were made and can thus be re-evaluated and understood in different ways at different times thereafter. This is utter blasphemy against the Third Person of the Most Blessed Trinity, God the Holy Ghost, Who directed the work of each of our true councils and of our true popes. God cannot contradict Himself. We cannot accept the Syllabus of Errors, for example, and accept Joseph “Cardinal” Ratzinger’s description of the work of the “Second” Vatican Council as a “counter-syllabus.” It is one or the other. Anything else is absurdity or rank intellectual dishonesty.

Thus it is, my few and very far between readers, that there is no need to make extensive comment on the fact that Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI has calmly accepted altar girls and has treated them as having taken their “rightful” place alongside boys in the sanctuaries or, as the case may be, stages in conciliar churches for the staging of the Protestant and Masonic Novus Ordo service. It does not matter him that the sanctuary of authentic Catholic church building is a place during Mass that is the preserve of the priest, who is a male as is Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, the Chief Priest and Victim of every genuine, valid offering of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass., which is why those assist him by serving as the deacon, sub deacon or acolyte must be male as they are the extension of the hands of the priest, who is an alter Christus. It is really that simple.

This matters not to Ratzinger/Benedict. Indeed, this is a trivial matter in comparison to how this false “pope” has offended God repeatedly and brazenly in public by personally esteeming the symbols of false religions with his own priestly hands and by referring to false places of worship as “sacred” and as he ha treated non-Catholic clergy, both men and women, to have a mission from God to serve souls And, quite of course, this is to say nothing about how Ratzinger/Benedict has praised the nonexistent ability of false religions to fight “the dictatorship” of relativism in the world when each of those false religions is hideous in the sight of God and is of its very false nature relativistic as it rejects the truth that they Catholic Church is the one and only true Church founded by God Himself. What’s the big deal about altar girls and liturgical hootenannies” when one can offend God so grievously by violating the First and Second Commandments so openly?

Who cares that Holy Mother Church has in her wisdom over the centuries sought to recruit young boys to serve at altar because of their virgin purity and as a means to interest them by their service at the altar into becoming priests of God themselves? Who cares that young boys do not want to associate with young girls, having a natural psychological aversion to doing so that God has implanted in them to protect their innocence and purity, which is why those who promote explicit instruction in matters pertaining to the Sixth and Ninth Commandments want to beak down the natural resistance of boys and girls to matters that God does not want them to know until later in life? Who cares that altar girls now outnumber altar boys worldwide in the structures of the counterfeit church of conciliarism?

Not Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI, that’s for sure. The same man who thinks nothing of blaspheming God openly and of promoting one condemned proposition after another. What’s the big deal? Things change, right? Or maybe they don’t.

Yes, the chaos within the counterfeit church of conciliarism is such the Vatican’s semi-official and entirely crazy newspaper, L’Osservatore Romano, can praise the conciliar “bishop” of Madison, Wisconsin, Robert Morlino, for putting an end to altar girls in his diocese while at the same time the “pope” of the conciliar church can praise both boys and girls for serving at the altar. Ah, yes, the joys of a world of madness that comes not from God but from Hell itself.

Here is a report of Ratzinger/Benedict’s address to “altar servers” on Wednesday, August 4, 2010

According to an old Italian saying, only cani e americani move in Rome in August - dogs and Americans. The sweltering heat, however, did not deter an estimated 50,000 altar boys and girls, mostly but not exclusively German, from descending on the city this week for a massive rally with Pope Benedict XVI.

The gathering was billed as an "International Pilgrimage of Altar Servers," part of an event organized every five years by a group called Coetus Internationalis Ministrantium.

"You are not only creating a festive environment in the square, but you are also filling my heart with joy," Benedict told the youthful crowd in German. He went on to briefly explain the history of Saint Tarcisio, who was an altar server himself.

Two things about the event seem worthy of note.

First, for the first time this year, the female altar servers in attendance outnumbered the males. According to organizers, the balance was roughly 60-40 in favor of females. The official Vatican newspaper, L'Osservatore Romano, pointed to the turnout as a symbol of "the massive entry in recent decades of girls and young women into a role once reserved exclusively to males."

That's striking given that in some quarters, the very idea of altar girls remains controversial.

The practice has been banned in a handful of dioceses around the world, usually by bishops or pastors who worry that it might seed confusion about church teaching on the reservation of priestly ordination to men. (In related fashion, some argue that because altar service functions as a kind of "feeder system" for vocations to the priesthood, it should be exclusively for boys.)

In 2003, the use of altar girls was briefly part of a draft Vatican document on liturgical "abuses," though that document was softened after strong internal criticism.

In that context, the celebratory tone in Rome this week about altar girls would seem to signal clear Vatican support for the practice.

Second, Vatican sources seemed eager to bill the gathering of tens of thousands of devoted young Catholics with Pope Benedict XVI as a kind of counter-point to the sexual abuse scandals of recent months. (See Altar Server Jamboree in Saint Peter's Square, which is found on the website of the ultra-revolutionary National Catholic Reporter; see also The Rise of the Altar Girls, which is found on the website of the "conservative" magazine, First Things.)


A little bit of this and a little bit of that. It's all right for "Bishop" Robert Morlino of the Diocese of Madison, Wisconsin, to prohibit altar girls at the travesty that is the Protestant and Masonic Novus Ordo worship service. It's all all right for the conciliar "pope" to praise "boys and girls" who serve at the altar. What a farce. Why is there any need to comment further on this self-contradictory farce as the great "restorer of Tradition," the "long suffering" "pope" of "doctrinal orthodoxy has to try to move "gently" while seeking to please the many factions that are said to be to the "left" or the "right" of his own Menshevik ("moderate revolutionary") self. Oh, have you noticed that altar girls are now serving in some places at the offerings (whether simulated or real is known to God alone in a lot cases) of the modernized version of the Immemorial Mass of Tradition, oh, excuse me again, I mean to say the "extraordinary form of the 'one' Roman Rite"? Boy, if only the "pope" knew, huh? If only the "pope" knew.

Look, I come with particular expertise on this matter as my last great stand in the conciliar structures as a conservative/indulterer was made in 1993 and 1994 over the issue of altar girls. I worked with very prominent "conservative" priests in the conciliar structures, including my dear friend, the late Father John A. Hardon, S.J., who specifically assigned me the task of tracking down Mother Teresa, who was, despite what I now realize were her own multiple defections from the Faith as an ecumaniac and indifferentist par excellence, adamantly opposed to conciliarism, in March of 1994, to implore her at Father Hardon's request to telephone the "suffering 'pope'" who was surrounded by bad men and had his hands tied, "Pope" John Paul II, to put a stop to altar girls. A report that had been given me by another prominent Jesuit, who shall remain unnamed, in December of 1993, was that Mother Teresa had been promised by the "pope" himself that there would never be altar girls during his "pontificate."

As I believe that I have related in the past, I tracked down Mother Teresa in Hong Kong after telephoning convents of the Missionaries of Charity in the United States of America and Communist Vietnam. She listened intently to what I told her, responding by saying, "This will be a disaster for the Church. They will be pushing for women priests next." She agreed to call Karol Wojtyla/John Paul II, reaching his omnipotent secretary, the then Monsignor Stanislaw Dziwisz, now the conciliar "cardinal" archbishop of Krakow, Poland, being told that the decision had been made. I was told by Father Hardon that Mother Teresa was flabbergasted by the turnaround. Boy, if only that "pope" had known, huh?

Yes, I wrote an open letter to "Pope John Paul II" that was published in The Wanderer, asking the man I believed at the time to be the Vicar of Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ on earth why he had rewarded the dissenters. This was a dumb question as I did not accept that he was one of the greatest fomenters of the conciliar revolution. I realize this now, which is why I can say "ho hum yet again" to the new rounds of fury about altar girls.

Well, I am very tired. We have the final report of the CT scan, which recommends one more test to be done. No, I am not going to get that additional test, agreeing with my gastroenterologist that the colonoscopy should be moved up. For the present moment, I am going to sleep. I did want to get this brief, totally inconsequential article published. I ask you for your continued prayers.

Remember, this is the month of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. May we take seriously Our Lady's Fatima Message, especially now by continuing to participate in Bishop McKenna's 2010 Rosary Crusade and by offering up all of the sufferings of the moment--whether ecclesiastical, civil or personal--to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus through the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary in reparation for our sins and those of the world and, of course, for the conversion of our conciliar revolutionaries and their lapdogs and apparatchiks and flacks and henchmen and henchwomen to the true Faith, outside of which there is no salvation and without which there can be no true social order.

Viva Cristo Rey! Vivat Christus Rex!

Isn't it time to pray a Rosary now?

Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us!


Saint Joseph, Patron of Departing Souls, pray for us.

Saints Peter and Paul, pray for us.

Saint John the Baptist, pray for us.

Saint John the Evangelist, pray for us.

Saint Michael the Archangel, pray for us.

Saint Gabriel the Archangel, pray for us.

Saint Raphael the Archangel, pray for us.

Saints Joachim and Anne, pray for us.

Saints Caspar, Melchior, and Balthasar, pray for us.

Saint Lawrence the Deacon, pray for us.

See also: A Litany of Saints


© Copyright 2010, Thomas A. Droleskey. All rights reserved.