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                       July 19, 2006

Disordered Theology

by Thomas A. Droleskey

There is not a scintilla of the sensus Catholicus in most of what emanates from conciliarist, Modernist Rome. Even the efforts of conciliarists to oppose various moral evils are couched in conciliarspeak, eschewing any and all language that could be identified with the authentic patrimony of the Catholic Church. Efforts to oppose the slaughter of preborn children in their mothers' wombs and to oppose "disordered lifestyles" are founded in a desire to assist "humanity," not in a desire to save souls. There is not one reference to the possibility that those who are involved in objectively Mortal Sins stand even the remotest possibility of losing their souls for all eternity in Hell if they persist in a state of final impenitence when they draw their dying breaths. No, the emphasis of the conciliarists in opposing various moral evils is to stress the impact on "humanity" (reminiscent of newscaster Herbert Morrison's wailing at the sight of the exploded Hindenberg dirigible crashing near Lakehurst, New Jersey, on May 6, 1937, "Oh, the humanity!") and "human dignity."

Consider the report, carried by Zenit on July 16, 2006, that announced the theme of the World Day of Peace, January 1, 2007:

VATICAN CITY, JULY 16, 2006 (Zenit.org).- The theme of Benedict XVI's message for the 40th World Peace Day, which will be observed on Jan. 1, 2007, is "The Human Person: Heart of Peace."

In a brief communiqué made public on Thursday, the Vatican press office announced the essence of the reflection chosen by the Holy Father for the occasion.

The theme "expresses the conviction that respect for the dignity of the human person is an essential condition for peace within the human family," explained the communiqué.

Human dignity "is the stamp imprinted by God on man, created in his image and likeness (Genesis 1:26-27); it is the sign of the common destiny of humanity and the foundation of love of God and of one's neighbor."

"Only through an awareness of the transcendent dignity of each man and woman can the human family follow the path that leads to peace and to communion with God," said the note. In fact, Benedict XVI states in his encyclical "Deus Caritas Est" that "love of neighbor is a path that leads to the encounter with God" (n.16).

"Today, perhaps more persuasively and with more effective means than in the past, human dignity is threatened by aberrant ideologies, assailed by the misguided use of science and technology, and contradicted by widespread incongruent lifestyles," it observed.

The note referred explicitly to "ideologies that find their inspiration in nihilism or fanaticism -- material or religious," which "seek to deny or to impose supposed truths upon reality, upon man and upon God."

The note stressed that "often science and technology -- especially biomedicine -- rather than serving the common good of humanity, are instrumental in serving an egotistical vision of progress and wellbeing."

Finally, "propaganda and the growing acceptance of disordered lifestyles contrary to human dignity are weakening the hearts and minds of people to the point of extinguishing the desire for ordered and peaceful coexistence," it noted.

"All this represents a threat to humanity, because peace is in danger when human dignity is not respected and when social coexistence does not seek the common good," it specified.

To these "challenges of the present time," the Church, whose mission it is to announce "the Gospel of Life, the central position of mankind in the universe and God's love for humanity" "responds with a Christian anthropology based on three pillars."

These pillars are "human dignity, sociality and activity in the world, oriented in accordance with the order stamped by God on the universe (Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church, 37) and with a view to an integral and solidary humanism that tends towards the development of all of man and of all men (Pope Paul VI, Populorum Progressio)."

The Vatican press office's communiqué concluded by affirming that "any offense to the person is a threat to peace; any threat to peace is an offense to the truth of the person: 'The human person is the heart of peace.'

"Human dignity, sociality and activity in the world" are the three pillars of " Christian anthropology?" Were the Apostles concerned about this bogus, quasi-Marxist view of "Christian anthropology?" Or we they trying to do only what Our Lord had commanded them to do before He Ascended to the Father's right hand in glory: to convert people to the Catholic Church so that their souls could be saved by cooperating with the graces won for them by the shedding of every single drop of  His own Most Precious Blood on the wood of the Holy Cross? Raymond Danton and Maximilian Robespierre would have been pleased with Paolo Sixto's view of the world, which was anything but Catholic.

The conciliarist abandonment of the conversion of souls to the true Church as the only foundation of personal and social order is staggering. It is numbing. It is tragic. What is worse is the fact that this "humanistic" approach to the evils in the world more or less reaffirms the view of Benedict XVI's mentor, Hans Urs von Balthasar, that we can indeed "dare to hope" that all men are saved, thereby freeing us to concentrate on "human problems" that can never be ameliorated in the slightest unless people convert to the Faith and try to persist in a state of Sanctifying Grace by cooperating with the sacraments Our Lord entrusted to the Catholic Church.

Although there are a plethora of papal encyclical letters that contradict the conciliarist approach to social problems, perhaps it would be wise at this present moment to note how the Apostle of Charity, Saint Vincent de Paul, whose feast day this is, sought to serve the poor. Saint Vincent de Paul, the founder of the Congregation of the Mission and the Daughters of Charity, sought to serve the poor for supernatural, not humanistic, reasons. Dom Prosper Gueranger, O.S.B., noted this in The Liturgical Year:

At a time when men rejected the Gospel while striving to retain its benefits, certain wise men attributed Vincent's charity to philosophy. Nowadays they go further still, and in order logically to deny the author of the works they deny the works themselves. But if any there be who still hold the former opinion, let them listen to his own words, and then judge of his principles: 'What is done for charity's sake is done for God. It is not enough for us that we love God ourselves; our neighbour must also love him; neither can we love our neighbour as ourselves unless we procure for him the good we are bound to desire for ourselves--viz., divine love, which units us to our Sovereign Good. We must love our neighbour as the image of God and the object of His love, and must try to make men love their Creator in return, and love one another also with the mutual charity for the love of God, who so loved them as to deliver His own Son to death for them. But let us, I beg of you, look upon this Divine Saviour as a perfect pattern of the charity we must bear to our neighbor.'

The theophilanthropy of a century ago had no more right than had an atheist or a deist philosophy to rank Vincent, as it did, among the great men of its Calendar. Not nature, nor the pretended divinities of false science, but the God of Christians,the God who became Man to save us by taking our miseries upon Himself, was the sole inspirer of the greatest modern benefactor of the human race, whose favourite saying was: 'Nothing pleases me except in Jesus Christ.' He observed the right order of charity, striving for the reign of the Divine Master, first in his own soul, then in others; and, far from acting alone, he would rather have remained hidden for ever in the face of the Lord, and have left but an unknown name behind him.

Saint Vincent de Paul's Congregation of Mission founded seminaries to train priests to serve the poor for supernatural motives. The Congregation of the Mission founded colleges and universities to train Catholics in the perennial truths of the Faith, not to be sappy social-workers who believed that the provision of the Corporal Works of Mercy could be detached from the performance of the Spiritual Works of Mercy. Although there were Modernists aplenty at Saint John's University in Jamaica, Queens, New York, during my undergraduate studies there in the early 1970s, there were also more than a handful of truly believing priests who had the completely Catholic spirit of Saint Vincent de Paul, not the conciliarist view of how the Church is to act in the "modern world." I pray for the souls of these good sons of Saint Vincent de Paul daily.

Yesterday's, saint, Camillus de Lellis, also teaches us about the serving the sick and the dying for supernatural reasons, making sure that those who are near death would die well, that is, in that state of Sanctifying Grace one never sees Benedict XVI make a single, solitary reference to in any of his allocutions. Well, after all, Benedict is a man who is relatively unconcerned about the fact that some Catholics only assist at Mass on Sundays occasionally. He is the "pope of love, not correction." Unfortunately, he is the pope of a disordered love founded on the disordered, Hegelian theology of Hans Urs von Balthasar and other of the "new thinkers" whose theology was condemned by Pope Pius XII in Humani Generis (1950). Far from his mind is the description of Saint Camillus de Lellis found in The Liturgical Year:

Admirable is the harmony of nature and grace; the latter so honours the material part of our being that she will not draw the soul without it to the light and to heaven. For in the unfathomable mystery of sanctification, the senses do not merely serve as a passage; they themselves experience the power of the sacraments, like the higher faculties of which they are the channels; and the sanctified soul finds the humble companion of her pilgrimage already associated with her in the dignity of divine adoption, which will cause the glorification of our bodies after the resurrection. Hence the care given to the very body of our neighbour is raised to the nobleness of holy charity; for being inspired by this charity, such acts partake of the love wherewith our heavenly Father surrounds even the members of His beloved children.

I was sick, and ye visited Me, our Lord will say on the last day, showing that even the infirmities of our fallen state in this land of exile, the bodies of those whom He deigns to call His brethren, share in the dignity belonging by right to the eternal, only-begotten Son of the Father. the Holy Spirit, too, whose office it is to recall to the Church all the words of the Saviour, has certainly not forgotten this one; the seed, falling into the good earth of chosen souls, has produced a hundredfold the fruits of grace and heroic self-devotion. Camillus of Lellis received it lovingly, and the mustard-seed became a great tree offering its shade to the birds of the air. The Order of Regular Clerks, Servants of the Sick, or of Happy Death, deserves the gratitude of mankind; as a sign of heaven's approbation, angels have more than once been seen assisting its members at the bedside of the dying.

It seems as though the loss of the sensus fidei in Rome is accelerating rapidly. Jews are saved by the Mosaic Covenant, which has not been superceded by the New and Eternal Covenant instituted by Our Lord at the Last Supper and ratified by the shedding of every single drop of His Most Precious Blood on the wood of the Holy Cross. "Proselytism" of Protestants and the Orthodox is discouraged, if not forbidden altogether in the practical order of things. The civil state does not have to recognize the true Faith, Catholicism as the foundation of personal and social order. "Peace" in the world can be obtained by a "respect" for human solidarity and brotherhood, by the efforts of all "religions" to cooperate with and respect each other. These are grave departures from the Catholic Faith. These are examples of the apostasy facing us at present.

How can it be that popes and cardinals and archbishops and bishops and priests are bereft of the sensus Catholicus? There is almost no one in the conciliarist hierarchy who understands the perennial teaching of the Church. There is absolutely no one in the conciliarist hierarchy who is willing to give voice to those truths. Even the voice of some traditional bishops has been, it appears, muted in the face of this widespread abandonment of the Faith in favor of the principles and the language of the Revolution. The sheep need to hear the Faith explained and defended openly, not empty lectures about how Modernist Rome might be willing to provide a crumb to traditional Catholics in the form of "liberalized" offering of what is the baptismal birthright of every Latin Rite Catholic: the Immemorial Mass of Tradition. Catholics need to hear Catholicism from some bishop somewhere. What is emanating from Rome at present is not Catholicism. It is a thinly-veiled Masonic humanitarianism.

Pope Leo XIII pointed out the goals of Freemasonry in Italy, which are the goals of Freemasonry universally, in Custodi Di Quella Fede, December 8, 1892:

Everyone should avoid familiarity or friendship with anyone suspected of belonging to masonry or to affiliated groups. Know them by their fruits and avoid them. Every familiarity should be avoided, not only with those impious libertines who openly promote the character of the sect, but also with those who hide under the mask of universal tolerance, respect for all religions, and the craving to reconcile the maxims of the Gospel with those of the revolution. These men seek to reconcile Christ and Belial, the Church of God and the state without God.

Need anything more be said? Pope Leo XIII is describing conciliarism, is he not, which stands condemned as the reconciliation of Christ and Belial, the Church of God and the state without God.

This cannot go on much longer. Events in the world are unfolding rapidly. And while, as I have noted recently, that we must not be unduly alarmed about the events in the world, concentrating on staying in a state of Sanctifying Grace in the recognition that the worse thing in the world that can happen to us is to die in the disorder of Mortal Sin, it is perhaps the case that the Chastisement associated with several private revelations may be near-at-hand. A situation where those presenting themselves as holding the highest orders in the Church speak and act as though they were Freemasons cannot go on indefinitely. God is going to bring this to an end. He is not going to be mocked by the conciliarists and their apologists forever.

Dr. Marian T. Horvat's translation of The Admirable Life of Mother Mariana [de Jesus Torres], a two-volume set of books written by Father Manuel Sousa Pereira, has many interesting insights into our current situation. It might be well to familiarize ourselves much more fully with the message of Our Lady of Good Success, even better to propagate this message in the midst of these troubling times, both ecclesiastically and civilly. The messages given by Our Lady to Mother Mariana in the Seventeenth Century are in perfect accord with other prophecies about an apostasy being centered at the very heart of the Church. The messages are very much in accord with Pope Leo XIII's having a vision of the devil having his way with the Church for about one hundred years. Ever mindful to keep Our Lady's Fatima Message, whose actual Third Secret may indeed be quite similar to what Our Lady revealed to Mother Mariana de Jesus Torres three hundred years before, we should make our acquaintance with Our Lady of Good Success and seek to propagate devotion to her as best we can.

Yes, as we know, the answer rests in the Triumph of Our Lady's Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart. There will be no peace through the "Christian anthropology" of Giovanni Montini or Joseph Ratzinger. There will only be a period of peace after some pope fulfills Our Lady's Fatima Message and consecrates Russia to her Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart with all of the world's bishops. If anyone thinks Russia has been "converted," I direct them to world events to see that Russia has converted to nothing, no less converted to the true Faith. The errors of Russia continue to be spread.

We must continue our own daily quest for sanctification, recognizing that our "worlds," that is, our lives, could end at any time. We must flee from all contact with the contagions of conciliarism and its false religion, replete with its false language of a false love. We must assist only at the Immemorial Mass of Tradition without making any concessions to the unjust and illicit conditions imposed upon its offering by Rome in the past twenty-two years, and we must spend time in prayer before Our Lord in His Real Presence, also making sure to pray as many Rosaries as our states-in-life permit. We may not live to see the restoration of Tradition in the Church and of Christendom in the world. However, we must seek to plant some seed here and now for the glories of a restoration that, please God and His Most Blessed Mother, we may be privileged to see from eternity.

Vivat Christus Rex!

Our Lady of Good Success, pray for us.

Saint Joseph, pray for us.

Saints Peter and Paul, pray for us.

Saint John the Baptist, pray for us.

Saint Michael the Archangel, pray for us.

Saint Gabriel the Archangel, pray for us.

Saint Raphael the Archangel, pray for us.

Saint Simon Stock, pray for us.

Saint Camillus de Lellis, pray for us.

Saint Vincent de Paul, pray for us.

Saint Symphorosa and her seven sons, pray for us.

Saint Augustine, pray for us.

Saint Thomas Aquinas, pray for us.

Saint Vincent Ferrer, pray for us.

Saint Sebastian, pray for us.

Saint Tarcisius, pray for us.

Saint Lucy, pray for us.

Saint Agnes, pray for us.

Saint Agatha, pray for us.

Saint Bridget of Sweden, pray for us.

Saint Catherine of Sweden, pray for us.

Saint Philomena, pray for us.

Saint John of the Cross, pray for us.

Saint John Bosco, pray for us.

Saint John Mary Vianney, pray for us.

Saint Teresa of Avila, pray for us.

Saint Therese Lisieux, pray for us.

Saint Bernadette Soubirous, pray for us.

Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich, pray for us.

Blessed Pauline Jaricot, pray for us.

Blessed Francisco, pray for us.

Blessed Jacinta, pray for us.

Sister Lucia, pray for us.


The Longer Version of the Saint Michael the Archangel Prayer, composed by Pope Leo XIII, 1888

O glorious Archangel Saint Michael, Prince of the heavenly host, be our defense in the terrible warfare which we carry on against principalities and powers, against the rulers of this world of darkness, spirits of evil.  Come to the aid of man, whom God created immortal, made in His own image and likeness, and redeemed at a great price from the tyranny of the devil.  Fight this day the battle of our Lord, together with  the holy angels, as already thou hast fought the leader of the proud angels, Lucifer, and his apostate host, who were powerless to resist thee, nor was there place for them any longer in heaven.  That cruel, that ancient serpent, who is called the devil or Satan who seduces the whole world, was cast into the abyss with his angels.  Behold this primeval enemy and slayer of men has taken courage.  Transformed into an angel of light, he wanders about with all the multitude of wicked spirits, invading the earth in order to blot out the Name of God and of His Christ, to seize upon, slay, and cast into eternal perdition, souls destined for the crown of eternal glory.  That wicked dragon pours out. as a most impure flood, the venom of his malice on men of depraved mind and corrupt heart, the spirit of lying, of impiety, of blasphemy, and the pestilent breath of impurity, and of every vice and iniquity.  These most crafty enemies have filled and inebriated with gall and bitterness the Church, the spouse of the Immaculate Lamb, and have laid impious hands on Her most sacred possessions. In the Holy Place itself, where has been set up the See of the most holy Peter and the Chair of Truth for the light of the world, they have raised the throne of their abominable impiety with the iniquitous design that when the Pastor has been struck the sheep may be scattered.  Arise then, O invincible Prince, bring help against the attacks of the lost spirits to the people of God, and give them the victory.  They venerate thee as their protector and patron; in thee holy Church glories as her defense against the malicious powers of hell; to thee has God entrusted the souls of men to be established in heavenly beatitude.  Oh, pray to the God of peace that He may put Satan under our feet, so far conquered that he may no longer be able to hold men in captivity and harm the Church.  Offer our prayers in the sight of the Most High, so that they may quickly conciliate the mercies of the Lord; and beating down the dragon, the ancient serpent, who is the devil and Satan, do thou again make him captive in the abyss, that he may no longer seduce the nations.  Amen.

Verse: Behold the Cross of the Lord; be scattered ye hostile powers.

Response: The Lion of the Tribe of Juda has conquered the root of David.

Verse: Let Thy mercies be upon us, O Lord.

Response: As we have hoped in Thee.

Verse: O Lord hear my prayer.

Response: And let my cry come unto Thee.

Verse: Let us pray.  O God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, we call upon Thy holy Name, and as suppliants, we implore Thy clemency, that by the intercession of Mary, ever Virgin, immaculate and our Mother, and of the glorious Archangel Saint Michael, Thou wouldst deign to help us against Satan and all other unclean spirits, who wander about the world for the injury of the human race and the ruin of our souls. 

Response:  Amen.  











© Copyright 2006, Thomas A. Droleskey. All rights reserved.