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                    October 3, 2006

Defending Wolves, Offending Justice and Truth

by Thomas A. Droleskey

One of the most courageous defenders of the Catholic Faith alive today is Mr. Stephen Brady, the founder and president of Roman Catholic Faithful, Inc. I first met Mr. Brady when I gave a lecture, "Christ in the Voting Booth," in an auditorium at MacMurray College in Jacksonville, Illinois, on July 2, 1995, for the then named Catholic Speakers Forum of Central Illinois.

We met again when I was campaigning for Patrick Joseph Buchanan's quest for the Republican Party's presidential nomination in March of the following year. Indeed, Mr. Brady had asked for permission to speak about the formation of Roman Catholic Faithful, Inc., prior to my address, which request I could not grant because I was representing the Buchanan campaign as a volunteer speaker and did not have permission use the campaign event for the promotion of Mr. Brady's most worthy cause. In His ineffable Providence, however, God saw to it that we would come to work together closely in the matter of the theologically and morally corrupt Bishop of Springfield, Daniel Leo Ryan, who presided over a regime of theological revolution, liturgical abuse and personal decadence from 1983 to 1999.

Mr. Brady, who owns Leo's Pizza in Petersburg, Illinois, had made his first efforts to defend truth when opposing the Petersburg School Board's use of explicit instruction in matters pertaining to the Sixth and Ninth Commandments. Mr. Brady was particularly concerned that some of the teachers and/or board members who were instructing students in these matters were "extraordinary ministers of the Eucharist"  or other parishioners in the Novus Ordo Missae at Saint Peter's Church in Petersburg. Mr. Brady received no satisfaction whatsoever from Bishop Ryan or the chancery office in Springfield when he registered complaints about the matter. Here is the description of the origins of Roman Catholic Faith as found on its website (The Roman Catholic Faithful):

In 1994, Stephen Brady of Petersburg, IL began protesting the fact some Eucharistic ministers and others in his local parish were responsible, either as teachers in the public school or as members of the school board, for instructing his children in the use of condoms. Despite many requests, neither the pastor of St. Peter's nor the bishop of the Springfield diocese would meet personally with Stephen to discuss his concerns. It was relayed to Stephen, however, that "... there are many interpretations of the Church's position on birth control."(??!!) He could not accept this response and continued his protest. Stephen's business is being boycotted and he and his family are being threatened and harassed -- but he keeps up his fight for Truth.

Stephen took his story to the media, hoping that others would join him in pressing for the teachings of the Church be followed in this area. Many did! The number of Catholics from all over the diocese who attended RCF's first meeting in March 1996 was astounding, as was the outpouring of support from people who were unable to attend. Diocesan folks attended, made notes, expressed their views -- and took attendance. A 2-tape set of audio cassettes, the Plan of Action, and the Agenda from this meeting are available from RCF for $15.00.

The Wanderer gave wonderful coverage to the RCF and exposed some of the serious abuses occurring in the Springfield diocese. Questions began to pour in from laity and ecclesiastics in the U.S. and other countries seeking to start similar groups. As a result, it was decided to expand RCF to the national (and probably the international) level.

Note that Mr. Brady was attempting to defend the perennial teaching of the Catholic Church and to point out that no Catholic in good standing can instruct anyone in the use of devices that are always and in all circumstances immoral. Mr. Brady was attempting to point out that no Catholic can engage in such "instruction" and remain a Catholic in good standing, no less serve as an "extraordinary minister" in the liturgical abuse par excellence, the Novus Ordo Missae. This is not a matter of debate. This is not a matter upon which there are a variety of "different" opinions. This is a matter of immutable truth.

Acting through his representatives and enablers, Bishop Daniel Ryan made it clear that there are "many interpretations of the Church's position on birth control." This is not a "pastoral" approach taken with respect to an issue of objective morality. No one is a true pastor of souls unless he pastors them according to the Mind of Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, Who forbids any and all use of pills and devices to frustrate the conception of children as the natural end of conjugal intimacy.

A pastor, that is, a shepherd, is supposed to tend his flock unto eternity, which means that he must correct the sheep who go astray and remind them that they could find themselves on the smooth road that leads to the wide gate of eternal damnation if they promote the very thing, sin, that caused Our Lord to suffer during His Passion and Death and that wounds the Church Militant on earth today. Bishop Daniel Ryan proved himself to be an enemy of the truths of Our Lord by permitting, at least by implication, Catholics to participate in the promotion of sin and sinful devices while remaining Catholics in canonical "good standing" who were deemed to be fit enough to touch with their own non-consecrated hands what is presumed to be the the Holy Eucharist in the conciliar church.

A reporter named Tom More (no, that was not me; I do not use pseudonyms, thank you) did some of the initial reporting for The Wanderer in 1996 on this and related matters, including the fact that Bishop Ryan permitted articles in his own diocesan newspaper that put into question the Received Teaching of the Divine Redeemer, including the nonadmissability of women to the priesthood. Bishop Ryan countered by writing an article that shot at the messenger, namely, denouncing the oldest national Catholic weekly newspaper as a journal that had "little circulation" and was "too conservative." This prompted me to write a rebuttal, "So Much Worry for So Little Circulation," that ran in The Wanderer in July of 1996. Sadly, that would not be the last time that I would have to write about Bishop Ryan in the pages of The Wanderer.

Those initial stories in The Wanderer prompted two priests to contact Mr. Brady with stories of how they had been molested by Bishop Ryan. Unafraid of the consequences for himself and his family, Mr. Brady sought the advice of a priest, the late Father Peter Mascari, who urged him to write a letter to Ryan to demand his resignation. That letter was sent in November of 1996. There was no response. Indeed, a letter sent by these two priests to the Papal Nuncio at the time, Archbishop Agostino Cacciavillan, were sent back to Ryan himself without any further investigation. Representatives at the Apostolic Nunciature on Massachusetts Avenue in Washington, D.C., refused to comment to me when I made inquiries of them for The Wanderer at the end of November, 1996.

Efforts were made in early- 1997 by Mr. Brady and the publisher-editor of The Wanderer, Mr. Alphonse J. Matt, Jr., to reach an American priest in the Congregation for the Bishops in the Vatican. When the Vatican refused to act on the documentation provided Dario Cardinal Castrillon Hoyos, then the Prefect of the Congregation for the Clergy, by Father John A. Hardon, S.J., and one of the two priests who had been molested, who was later transferred to another diocese with Rome's approval so as to get him away from Ryan, who had threatened to punish him, Mr. Brady went public with his charges against Bishop Ryan in a press conference at the Springfield Hilton in March of 1997. I covered that press conference for The Wanderer and wrote a story about it after interviewing the priest who had been taken to Rome with Father Hardon. It was one of the most sickening and disgusting and disturbing things that I had to do in my entire professional career.

The full story of how the Vatican continued to protect Bishop Ryan even after more witnesses emerged in his case is recounted in pages 812-821 of Mrs. Randy Engel's The Rite of Sodomy.

What I would like to focus on at this point, however, is the fact that a reporter from the Springfield Journal-Register attended Mr. Brady's March, 1997, and January, 1998, press conferences detailing charges against Bishop Ryan. Although the reporter for the Springfield Journal-Register did interview a male prostitute by the name of Frank Bergen in the Jacksonville, Illinois, Correctional Facility, no investigative report was forthcoming in the pages of that newspaper. All of the charges that Mr. Brady leveled against Daniel Ryan, a predator of bodies and, more importantly, a predator of souls, were true. This has now been confirmed, although without any credit being given to Mr. Brady, by a report issued by Ryan's successor, Bishop George Lucas, earlier this year. The report, however, prompted The Roman Catholic Faithful, Inc., to ask why Lucas "allowed predatory homosexuals to remain in positions of authority" in the theological, liturgical and moral cesspool known as the Diocese of Springfield in Illinois. A very good question.

The fact that Mr. Brady and Roman Catholic Faithful, Inc., have been proved correct time and time and time again means nothing to the officials of the conciliar church, nor does it mean anything to those in the secular world who are just as guilty as the conciliar officials have been for covering up and refusing to expose the corruption that Mr. Brady helped to bring to light. Indeed, the secular media, which howled and howled about the conciliar church's cover-up of the crisis of perverted priests when papers of the Archdiocese of Boston were made public during a lawsuit brought against it by victims of perverted priests in early-2002, were missing-in-action throughout the 1990s when The Wanderer was reporting on these matters rather regularly. The secular media engaged in a blackout of these stories then as it is censoring Mrs. Engel's powerfully documented The Rite of Sodomy at present.

The hypocrisy of the secular media knows no limits. The Springfield Journal-Register published an editorial, pasted below, on September 30, 2006, that blasted Stephen G. Brady as a man who ignores the "faith's tenets." Was Stephen Brady correct all along about Daniel Ryan? Has Mrs. Kathie Sass, Ryan's Director of Communications, who denied vehemently all of the charges against Ryan when they were made public in 1997, ever apologized to Mr. Brady for calling him "misguided" and for calling the charges he made "unfounded?" Oh, no, just a little over a month following the tragic death of his son Daniel in a automobile accident, the Springfield Journal-Register must enlist the services of a  man who termed the theologically and morally corrupt Ryan as a bishop who was "truly pastoral" to denounce one of the great heroes of the Catholic Church of our day, Stephen G. Brady.

Here is the incredible piece of hubris written by a fellow by the name of Timothy Parsons-Heather:

Catholic critic ignores faith's tenets

By Timothy Parsons-Heather

Published Saturday, September 30, 2006

Everyone is by now familiar with Petersburg resident Stephen Brady, whose watchdog group intends to keep tabs on the moral conduct of priests and other diocesan leaders in the Roman Catholic Diocese of Springfield.

Brady claims to be so dedicated to Catholicism that he will do practically anything, including persecuting the Church, to expose alleged corruption. There is no doubt that Brady is probably a likeable person, but his garbled message makes it difficult to discern where his true loyalties lie.

Although Jesus' Crucifixion is now 1,973 years old, its relevance should inform us in making decisions about our faith. Unfortunately for Brady, his message of protecting the Church's orthodoxy is lost in his antagonistic pessimism and negativity, while appearing at times to deteriorate into an unsanctioned, inordinate diatribe against spiritual contrition, civility, dignity and discretion.

The first target of Brady's pseudo-Quixotic tactics was the Petersburg public school board with which he clashed over its teaching of sex education, but now includes every Catholic cardinal and bishop in the United States. What did he expect, that the Porta schools would require the reading of Christ's Passion in social studies class?

In a 2003 interview with a reporter from another Springfield newspaper, Brady said, "We are in the business of destroying lives, but lives that need destroying." Is this the voice of a practicing Roman Catholic Christian? Even one of his allies, a Catholic lawyer, admitted in that same article that Brady, "... has no natural ability to identify or interpret the facts." Yet, Brady is president of an organization whose main objective is to sit in judgment of Springfield's Church leaders.

So-called "rogue" priests appear to be the crux of Brady's complaints, and whether they engage in homosexual lifestyles. Catholics know that practicing homosexuality is a profound depravity and grave disorder that runs contrary to natural law and the sacred Scriptures. Brady is right to point that out, but he closes the door on the possibility of repentance, reorientation, absolution and reconciliation.

In other words, according to Brady, once a person is accused of impurity, they must be destroyed because they are no longer capable of serving in God's vineyard. If only he would read the Catechism he espouses, he would see that, "Those who approach the Sacrament of Penance obtain pardon from God's mercy for the offenses committed against him, and are at the same time reconciled with the Church which they have wounded by their sins." In effect, they are forgiven by God and given a new beginning.

Brady says he is looking for "a good priest and a good parish, (but) there isn't one." This sounds like someone who has already made up his mind that Catholicism will never meet his religious needs, and has become an enemy of the Church hierarchy.

He even criticized Pope John Paul II for the conduct of the Springfield Diocese, and said, "We will not go away until the bishops go away." What he fails to remember is that the Church does not snap its fingers and create priests. They are culled from an American secularism that glorifies neo-culturalism, sex liberation, pluralism and moral relativism.

Understanding Catholicism is more than parsing degrees of sinfulness, sacrifice, suffering and absolution; it consists of the struggle to comprehend the plight of the human condition. Like it or not, we are not a perfect people. No president, priest, theologian, educator or humanitarian has ever owned the exclusive rights to the exigencies of mortal genius. Brady should realize that we are yet an evolving species who make mistakes and fall to our weaknesses. When he gloats about his role in the downfall of former Bishop Daniel Ryan by continuing to refer to him as a "disgraced pedophile," he violates the very centerpiece of Christian co-redemption. While Ryan had his faults, he was one of the most pastoral men I ever met and one of the best homilists to walk down the nave of Springfield's Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception.

We should pray that Brady reins in his own animosities against the Church for the good of the Springfield Diocese and the success of Bishop George Lucas. We are not as corrupt as Brady would have us believe; for if we are, it will take a great deal more than complaints, commissions and lawyers to get us through the pearly gates.

Timothy Parsons-Heather is president of a Springfield-based Roman Catholic Marian apostolate and is active in the ecumenical movement advanced by the late Pope John Paul II

Mr. Parsons-Heather demonstrates his profound ignorance of the perennial teaching of the Catholic Church in this totally gratuitous attack on a man, Stephen Brady, who has exposed the wolves in shepherds' clothing and defended the truths of the Faith as he has indeed fulfilled the precepts of the Faith by his fidelity to the Spiritual Works of Mercy, among which are Admonishing the Sinner and Instructing the Ignorant. Mr. Brady does not make charges rashly. Everything he states publicly is vetted by an attorney. He is advised by priests. Mr. Brady was advised by the late Father Peter Mascari long before he formed The Roman Catholic Faithful, Inc., and thus long before he made his charges against Daniel Ryan public.

Mr. Parsons-Heather misrepresents Mr. Brady's efforts with respect to the Petersburg School Board. As noted above, Mr. Brady was complaining not only about explicit instruction in matters pertaining to the Sixth and Ninth Commandments, he was complaining about Catholics who were demonstrating how to use a particular device while remaining in good standing as Catholics. Mr. Parsons-Heather should be ashamed of himself for not familiarizing himself with the facts of what prompted Mr. Brady's intervention, unless, that is, he contends that the conciliar bishops of the United States of America have endorsed concrete demonstrations of the use of this device as part of their otherwise immoral programs pertaining to classroom "instruction" in matters pertaining to the Sixth and Ninth Commandments.

You see, Mr. Parson-Heather, the truth of the matter is that no Catholic can instruct others as to how to commit sins. Here is a list of the nine ways that we can be accessories to the sins of others:

1. By counsel.

2. By command.

3. By consent.

4. By provocation.

5. By praise.

6, By concealment.

7. By partaking.

8. By silence.

9. By defense of the evil done.

Classroom instruction in matters pertaining to the Sixth and Ninth Commandments is a provocation to sin even when it does not include the sort of evils that were opposed so vigorously and so correctly by Mr. Brady. Pope Pius XI noted this in Divini Illius Magistri, December 30, 1929, placing an absolute ban on all classroom instruction in matters pertaining to the Sixth and Ninth Commandments. This ban is absolute. Even conciliar officials in Rome will admit, if you really, really press them, that it has never been overturned:

Another very grave danger is that naturalism which nowadays invades the field of education in that most delicate matter of purity of morals. Far too common is the error of those who with dangerous assurance and under an ugly term propagate a so-called sex-education, falsely imagining they can forearm youths against the dangers of sensuality by means purely natural, such as a foolhardy initiation and precautionary instruction for all indiscriminately, even in public; and, worse still, by exposing them at an early age to the occasions, in order to accustom them, so it is argued, and as it were to harden them against such dangers.

Such persons grievously err in refusing to recognize the inborn weakness of human nature, and the law of which the Apostle speaks, fighting against the law of the mind; and also in ignoring the experience of facts, from which it is clear that, particularly in young people, evil practices are the effect not so much of ignorance of intellect as of weakness of a will exposed to dangerous occasions, and unsupported by the means of grace.

In this extremely delicate matter, if, all things considered, some private instruction is found necessary and opportune, from those who hold from God the commission to teach and who have the grace of state, every precaution must be taken. Such precautions are well known in traditional Christian education, and are adequately described by Antoniano cited above, when he says:

Such is our misery and inclination to sin, that often in the very things considered to be remedies against sin, we find occasions for and inducements to sin itself. Hence it is of the highest importance that a good father, while discussing with his son a matter so delicate, should be well on his guard and not descend to details, nor refer to the various ways in which this infernal hydra destroys with its poison so large a portion of the world; otherwise it may happen that instead of extinguishing this fire, he unwittingly stirs or kindles it in the simple and tender heart of the child. Speaking generally, during the period of childhood it suffices to employ those remedies which produce the double effect of opening the door to the virtue of purity and closing the door upon vice.

People do not need "theft instruction" to avoid sins against the Seventh Commandment. They do not need "murder instruction" to avoid sins against the Fifth Commandment. They do not need "blasphemy instruction" to avoid sins against the Second Commandment. Children do not need "sex instruction" to avoid sins against the Sixth and Ninth Commandments. They need to learn to love God from the tenderest ages and to cooperate with the graces He won for them on Calvary by the shedding of every single drop of His Most Precious Blood to keep His Commandments.

Is it easy? Of course not. Fallen human nature and the attacks of the devil make it quite difficult to observe the Commandments when we do not cooperate with grace and are not attentive to the interior life of prayer and are not assiduous in avoiding the near occasions of sin. Yes, God forgives us in the Sacrament of Penance if we confess each and every single one of our Mortal Sins and we have a firm purpose of amendment to reform our lives. Nevertheless, we must still do penance and live penitentially to undo the effects of sins on our souls. This may take a lifetime to accomplish, which is why we must always be conscious of our need to take upon ourselves extra penance and extra acts of mortification to give to God through Our Lady's Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart as her consecrated slaves.

Mr. Stephen Brady's work against the perverted behavior of priests transcends the matter of isolated falls from grace. No, Mr. Brady's work has involved helping to expose the diabolical grip that perverse sins against the Sixth and Ninth Commandment place upon the souls of those who commit these sins, making it almost impossible for these men to be placed once again in any situation that would be the near occasion of sin for them. Saint Peter Damian pointed this out in his Book of Gomorrah, chronicled in Mrs. Engel's The Rite of Sodomy. Pope Saint Pius V called for clerics who persist in such moral offenses to be put to death by the civil state. Mr. Brady is merely calling for the removal of bishops and priests from their positions of authority so that they can pose no harm, either spiritually or morally, to others and to themselves.

Indeed, Mr. Parsons-Heather seems to be living in a world of denial, one in which the reality of the vast network of homosexual predator bishops and priests does not exist or can be explained away. However, the vast network documented by Mrs. Engel in The Rite of Sodomy  does not indeed exist. It continues to be protected by the secular media and denied by people such as Mr. Parsons--Heather. Mr. Stephen G. Brady and those who work with him are merely attempting to defend the good of souls as they seek to effect the ouster of the wolves in shepherds' clothing. The crisis facing the conciliar church's continued recruitment, protection and promotion of men steeped in moral depravity is not a matter of isolated falls from grace. It is a matter of a systematic and sustained cultivation of an ethos amenable to such depravity, which some of us contend is just part and parcel of the larger war against the integrity of doctrine and worship represented by conciliarism itself.

Granted, I have come to believe that the conciliar shepherds are menaces to the Faith because they embrace conciliarism, a counterfeit religion that embraces novelties that have been condemned repeatedly by the conciliar church. Mr. Brady does not share this view, as far as I know. He, among others, believes that he must continue to work to expose particular harms posed to souls by these false shepherds in order to help the faithful to flee from the hirelings and to take shelter with true shepherds who are totally faithful to the Deposit of Faith that Our Lord has entrusted entirely to His true Church. It is a tall order, especially when reflexive defenders of bishops and of the conciliar popes refuse to accept the plain evidence that the Homosexual Collective is busy at work in the conciliar structures and when Vatican officials, such as the former Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger, outlined how to cover-up the crimes of priest perverts, according to a report on a BBC program, Panorama, which featured the following quote from the program's host, a man who had been molested by a priest when he was fourteen years of age:

"What gets me is that it's the same story every time and every place. Bishops appoint priests who they know have abused children in the past to new parishes and new communities and more abuse happens."

Does Mr. Parsons-Heather want to contend that this victim of a perverted priest and the conciliar hierarchy's cover-up of his crime is imagining a corrupt system of protecting and rewarding the perverts as bodies and souls are put into jeopardy on a continuing basis around the world?

Mr. Brady has issued a brief response to the Parsons-Heather commentary. It is direct and to the point:

I would like to respond to one statement made by Timothy Parsons-Heather in his editorial in today's paper. This one quote by Tim should offend any rational thinking person and destroys Tim's credibility.

At the end of his article Tim states: 'While Ryan had his faults, he was one of the most pastoral men I ever met and one of the best homilists to walk down the nave of Springfield's Cathedral...'

Does Mr. Heather have any idea what the word pastoral means in reference to a bishop's leadership? Here is what Bishop Lucas said of Bishop Ryan's 'pastoral' leadership in his August 2, 2006 report:

'...the probe revealed former Bishop Daniel Ryan engaged in improper sexual conduct and used his office to conceal his activities. The investigation found a culture of secrecy fostered under Bishop Ryan's leadership which discouraged faithful priests from coming forward with information about misconduct. The actions of Bishop Ryan no doubt were harmful and seriously eroded the trust of parishioners and the community at large..."

The 'improper sexual conduct' referred to in the report is so offensive that this paper would never (rightfully so) print the details. To suggest Ryan is 'one of the most pastoral men' Heather ever met suggests Heather hangs out in the wrong crowd.

Tim jumped on this band wagon a little too late to be believable. Where was his voice when children were being abused and families destroyed by certain clergy from this diocese?

Indeed. Mr. Heathers-Parson evidently does not realize that true defenders of the Faith, including a bishop such as Saint Athanasius and a priest such as Saint Jerome, denounced ecclesiastical officials who were in the grips of the devil by means of heresy. He does not seem to realize that Saint Peter Damian and Pope Leo IX denounced clerics steeped in the crimes that have been documented by Mr. Brady and The Roman Catholic Faithful, Inc. Mr. Heathers-Parson refuses to see that the problem of perverted bishops and priests is part of the much larger problem of the apostasy of conciliarism, including the ecumenism that has reaffirmed souls in false religions and to which Mr. Heathers-Parson is evidently so devoted.

The new religion of conciliarism is founded in the novel belief that "outward acts of penance" belong "to a different age in the church" (see Paragraph 15, General Instruction to the Roman Missal). Such a belief leads deludes fallen man into believing that an unrepentant persistence in a life of Mortal Sin can be reconciled with being a Catholic in good standing. This is what many, although certainly not all, in the conciliar hierarchy believes. This is what has led to the decline in the use of the confessional in the conciliar structures and to the rise of the acceptance of theological and moral relativism in the lives of most Catholics. Indeed, such relativism was encouraged by the "pastoral witness" and personal behavior of one Daniel Leo Ryan throughout his priesthood. That he was enabled for so long by so many members of the conciliar hierarchy is a testament to how bereft these wolves in shepherds' clothing are of the sensus Catholicus, which must first seek the eternal good of the souls of the faithful.

Mr. Parsons-Heather's commentary defends these wolves while it offends justice and truth. The Springfield Journal-Register has once again showed itself to be incapable of recognizing Mr. Stephen G. Brady's valiant and courageous efforts to protect souls from spiritual and physical predators. Mr. Brady knows, I am sure, that his reward for his valor and courage will be in Heaven, where his work in defense of the Faith will be recognized for one and all to see on the Last Day at the General Judgment of the Living and the Dead. In the meantime, of course, Mr. Brady will continue to place himself and his work under the protection of Our Lady, to whom he and his wife and children are so tenderly devoted.

As I wrote a few weeks ago, everything gets revealed on the Last Day. The business of dealing with the problems wrought by conciliarism is no path to popularity or financial gain. No one--and I mean no one--I know takes any glee whatsoever in having to deal with these problems. As Saint Jerome, who used strong, expressive language in his letters that some considered "harsh" and "bitter," noted however, "To the enemies of the Church I am an enemy." Indeed. Despite our own sins and failings, we must try to defend the Faith when it is under attack and to seek, out of true love for the souls of those propagating the novelties of conciliarism and/or protecting those steeped in perversity, to call to correction those whose Modernist bent has deprived them of the Catholic Faith.

Let us say three Hail Marys for Mr. and Mrs. Stephen G. Brady, remembering also to keep the repose of their late son, Daniel Alan Brady, in our prayers every day.

Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us.

Saint Joseph, pray for us.

Saints Peter and Paul, pray for us.

Saint John the Baptist, pray for us.

Saint Michael the Archangel, pray for us.

Saint Gabriel the Archangel, pray for us.

Saint Raphael the Archangel, pray for us.

Saint Jerome, pray for us.

Saint Therese Lisieux, pray for us.

Saint Wenceslaus, pray for us.

Saint Francis of Assisi, for us.

Saint John Mary Vianney, pray for us.

Saint Vincent de Paul, pray for us.

Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque, pray for us.

Saint Isaac Jogues, pray for us.

Saint Rene Goupil, pray for us.

Saint John Lalonde, pray for us.

Saint Gregory Lalamont, pray for us.

Saint Noel Chabanel, pray for us.

Saint Charles Garnier, pray for us.

Saint Anthony Daniel, pray for us.

Saint John DeBrebeuf, pray for us.

Saint Athanasius, pray for us.

Saint Alphonsus de Liguori, pray for us.

Saint Dominic, pray for us.

Saint Basil, pray for us.

Saint Augustine, pray for us.

Saint Thomas Aquinas, pray for us.

Saint Vincent Ferrer, pray for us.

Saint Sebastian, pray for us.

Saint Tarcisius, pray for us.

Saint Lucy, pray for us.

Saint Agnes, pray for us.

Saint Agatha, pray for us.

Saint Bridget of Sweden, pray for us.

Saint Philomena, pray for us.

Saint John of the Cross, pray for us.

Saint John Bosco, pray for us.

Saint Teresa of Avila, pray for us.

Saint Bernadette Soubirous, pray for us.

Pope Saint Pius X, pray for us

Pope Saint Pius V, pray for us.

Saint Lawrence Justinian, pray for us.

Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich, pray for us.

Blessed Pauline Jaricot, pray for us.

Blessed Miguel Augustin Pro, pray for us.

Blessed Francisco, pray for us.

Blessed Jacinta, pray for us.


The Longer Version of the Saint Michael the Archangel Prayer, composed by Pope Leo XIII, 1888

O glorious Archangel Saint Michael, Prince of the heavenly host, be our defense in the terrible warfare which we carry on against principalities and powers, against the rulers of this world of darkness, spirits of evil.  Come to the aid of man, whom God created immortal, made in His own image and likeness, and redeemed at a great price from the tyranny of the devil.  Fight this day the battle of our Lord, together with  the holy angels, as already thou hast fought the leader of the proud angels, Lucifer, and his apostate host, who were powerless to resist thee, nor was there place for them any longer in heaven.  That cruel, that ancient serpent, who is called the devil or Satan who seduces the whole world, was cast into the abyss with his angels.  Behold this primeval enemy and slayer of men has taken courage.  Transformed into an angel of light, he wanders about with all the multitude of wicked spirits, invading the earth in order to blot out the Name of God and of His Christ, to seize upon, slay, and cast into eternal perdition, souls destined for the crown of eternal glory.  That wicked dragon pours out. as a most impure flood, the venom of his malice on men of depraved mind and corrupt heart, the spirit of lying, of impiety, of blasphemy, and the pestilent breath of impurity, and of every vice and iniquity.  These most crafty enemies have filled and inebriated with gall and bitterness the Church, the spouse of the Immaculate Lamb, and have laid impious hands on Her most sacred possessions. In the Holy Place itself, where has been set up the See of the most holy Peter and the Chair of Truth for the light of the world, they have raised the throne of their abominable impiety with the iniquitous design that when the Pastor has been struck the sheep may be scattered.  Arise then, O invincible Prince, bring help against the attacks of the lost spirits to the people of God, and give them the victory.  They venerate thee as their protector and patron; in thee holy Church glories as her defense against the malicious powers of hell; to thee has God entrusted the souls of men to be established in heavenly beatitude.  Oh, pray to the God of peace that He may put Satan under our feet, so far conquered that he may no longer be able to hold men in captivity and harm the Church.  Offer our prayers in the sight of the Most High, so that they may quickly conciliate the mercies of the Lord; and beating down the dragon, the ancient serpent, who is the devil and Satan, do thou again make him captive in the abyss, that he may no longer seduce the nations.  Amen.

Verse: Behold the Cross of the Lord; be scattered ye hostile powers.

Response: The Lion of the Tribe of Juda has conquered the root of David.

Verse: Let Thy mercies be upon us, O Lord.

Response: As we have hoped in Thee.

Verse: O Lord hear my prayer.

Response: And let my cry come unto Thee.

Verse: Let us pray.  O God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, we call upon Thy holy Name, and as suppliants, we implore Thy clemency, that by the intercession of Mary, ever Virgin, immaculate and our Mother, and of the glorious Archangel Saint Michael, Thou wouldst deign to help us against Satan and all other unclean spirits, who wander about the world for the injury of the human race and the ruin of our souls. 

Response:  Amen.  











© Copyright 2006, Thomas A. Droleskey. All rights reserved.